
Chapter 745 Chaos

Chapter 745 Chaos
In the past few years, there has been an uproar in the cultivation world of Zhongzhou. Since Tianyunmen was incorporated into Qianlingzong, it has been opposed by various forces for a while.On the bright side, both the Tiandao Sect and the Hehuan Sect in the north sent Yuanying monks to the Qianling Sect to inquire.

After the final discussion between the three factions, Qian Lingyuan also made a concession and allowed the monks of the two factions to go to the Tianyun Bieyuan on Zhanxing Mountain every hundred years to ask Tianyunzi for divination.

As for the rest of the medium-sized forces, they don't get such good treatment. If they want to find Tian Yunzi, they have to pass the Qianlingzong level first.At least no one would be so stupid as to rush to Zhanxing Mountain to break into the gate of Tianyun Hospital.

You must know that Qianlingzong released at least a group of dark hall disciples to isolate the area around Zhanxing Mountain for five hundred miles, and there are also Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the town all year round.

In this way, a medium-sized sect like the Lihuo Sect could no longer try to ask for divination. At least Lu Jinyuan would not be ashamed to ask Qian Lingyuan after considering the relationship between the two sects.

And two years later, when Yi Tian tried to go to Xingxing Mountain again, after he had just escaped the blockade of the Qianlingzong dark hall, he noticed that there were two auras of Nascent Soul stage monks near Qingtian Pavilion.These two people are both at the early stage of Yuanying, so Yi Tian knew in his heart that they must be Tian Yunzi and Shi Qianwei without guessing.

Thinking of Shi Lingfeng's matter made me feel dizzy for a while, so I didn't want to face Shi Qianwei for the time being, saving the woman from mentioning this matter and taking advantage of the opportunity.Yi Tian simply turned around and secretly sent out of the range of Xingxing Mountain again.

Although he had Tianjizi's divination words in his hand, he couldn't understand the truth for a while. After thinking about it, a thought suddenly flashed in Yi Tian's mind. Since Tianjizi said that he and Lu Jinyuan must not If there is any fight, it's better to tell the other party this prophecy, so that everyone is a descendant of Lihuo and works together, it's better than catching the blind all by yourself.

After thinking about it, he chose a direction and flew towards Yongdu City, which is under the control of Lihuozong in the south of Zhongzhou.

A few days later, when Yi Tian looked at Yongdu City from a distance in the sky, he was stunned for a while. A protective barrier had been opened outside Yongdu City, which was [-] miles away, and there were two escaped roads in the sky, one red and one white. The light is in a fierce fight.

Judging only by the intensity of spiritual pressure, it can be concluded that these two people are Nascent Soul stage monks, but if they dare to fight so blatantly on the basis of Zhongzhou Lihuozong, the other party must have come prepared.

And not far from the two of them, there seemed to be a Nascent Soul cultivator who was watching the battle. It was not obvious which side he belonged to.

When Yi Tian saw this, he frowned and slowly hid his figure in the sky, then suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and sneaked closer.After a while, he came to a distance of [-] li from the two of them and stopped to take a look. The two of them knew each other. The red light was Hu Yiyuan from Lihuo Sect, while the white light was from Tianli Sect. Helian Hongbo.

As for Yun Mengyao from Cihang Jingzhai who was also watching from a distance, it seemed that she had no plans to make a move at this time, but Helian Hongbo had the upper hand and suppressed Hu Yiyuan for a while.

Although the battles between Nascent Soul cultivators seldom resulted in casualties, but that was also the situation in the eyes of ordinary people. At least the opponents Yi Tian met were basically cleaned up.

As for their disputes and Yun Mengyao's intervention, I can probably guess that the deputy leader of the Zhengxing League sent people to attack Yun Mengyao before, and Lu Jinyuan had an affair with Xiahou Cangqiong in the Lihuo dark vault, and then left the Fire Sect. The relationship with the Zhengxing League will definitely be exposed by the Tianli Sect.Under such circumstances, it was expected that the two sects of monks would come to the Lihuo Sect to find fault.

It's just that when Helian Hongbo and Hu Yiyuan fought against each other, Yun Mengyao of Cihang Jingzhai was obviously sitting on the wall, after all, she still has a body of a big sect that won't take advantage of others.

Yi Tian observed quietly in the air for a while, and suddenly frowned deeply, secretly amazed in his heart.It stands to reason that Li Huo Sect's skills are not weak, and Hu Yiyuan's cultivation is only as good as that of Yuan Ying's early stage, and he is still a monk of the same rank.

Moreover, I have worked with him many times and know his depth, but Helian Hongbo of Tianli Sect is clearly superior in strength. After many fights, he repeatedly suppressed his opponent.

I have dealt with the monks of Tianli Sect a lot, and I have some understanding of their overall strength in my heart.It is understandable to say that the Xiahou Cangqiong in the mid-Yuanying period could suppress Hu Yiyuan, but the Helian Hongbo in front of him should be on the same level as the Mao Budong he met back then. Retreat after a while.

Later, after hearing a few loud bangs of 'bang bang', the two of them seemed to be evenly divided, but Hu Yiyuan's face was pale at this time, and it seemed that the mobilization of the true energy in his body was obviously not as smooth as before. If this continues It is bound to fall into a disadvantage.

It's just that he didn't intend to escape at this time, but blocked outside the defensive cover of Yongdu City. It seemed that he was preparing to run back to the city and then rely on the large defensive formation to fight Helian Hongbo.

Just thinking about it, suddenly Yi Tian felt an inexplicable unease in his heart, and later this unease turned into reality.After Na Helian Hongbo took out a blue elixir and knocked it in his mouth, his aura instantly soared to that of the middle Nascent Soul, and the fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual power also became violently shaken.

Yi Tian knew that this was a sign of a burst of spiritual power, and it was usually because the monks could not consume too much spiritual power in the elixir before the phenomenon of spiritual power released.

And the sequelae of this kind of elixir are also great. Although it can temporarily stimulate the potential, it is expensive. Afterwards, it will enter a period of weakness for quite a while, and no Jiazi can recover.

Immediately, after seeing Helian Hongbo's actions, Yun Mengyao showed a trace of seriousness on his face, frowned slightly, and quickly moved away from the battle circle of the two of them.

Seeing something bad, Hu Yiyuan knew that the opponent was determined to injure him severely, so he immediately flew towards the direction of Yongdu City with the True Flame Armor all over his body, wanting to rely on the power of the formation to defend against the enemy.

And Helian Hongbo obviously didn't want the cooked duck to fly away. After finishing his exercise, he rushed towards the opponent like an arrow from the string, and raised his spirit sword in his hand to stab Hu Yiyuan in the direction where he was running. .

After the spirit sword turned into a blue light, it disappeared into the air in a flash, and when it reappeared, it was less than ten feet away from Hu Yiyuan.

With a 'click' sound, the spirit sword did not directly hit Hu Yiyuan who was flying in front as expected, but was intercepted by a blue light that suddenly appeared in the air.

Immediately after the two spell attacks shocked all three people present, a figure slowly appeared in the air not far away and said to Hu Yiyuan: "Senior brother, don't panic, I don't think the cultivators of Tianli Sect are here. Dare to go on rampant again."

(End of this chapter)

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