
Chapter 746

Chapter 746
In the middle of the air, someone suddenly threw a horizontal bar to save Hu Yiyuan, and when he heard the words, his face beamed with joy, and he stabilized his figure and confronted Helian Hongbo.

In the distance, after Yun Mengyao's consciousness passed by, there was a bit of doubt on his face, but after a while, he slowly flew up to Yi Tian and bowed his hands and said: "Yi Daoyou hasn't seen him for many years, and his cultivation is still there." Be diligent, fellow daoist can appear here without any trace, even Mengyao didn't notice it." The atmosphere of the whole scene was relaxed after a few words.

It's just that Helian Hongbo looked at Yi Tian solemnly after the furious spiritual power on his body revealed at this time: "It's you again, why are you going to help Li Huo Zong get ahead?" After froze for a moment, he began to look at the two of them.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched and his eyes stared at Helian Hongbo for a long time before he sighed and said, "The thing I was most worried about happened, but it's a pity that Mr. Xiahou won't make a fortune by stealing chickens. Zhengtian is thinking about those crooked ways. In the end, it was calculated by others."

After hearing this, Yun Mengyao hurriedly asked: "Yi Daoyou, what happened to make you so worried?"

"You were all present at this matter back then. Do you still remember the magic baby who escaped from the flying Rakshasa during the battle of Lihuo Zong's Pill Pavilion?" Yi Tian brought up the old story again and straight to the point and shook it out.

After hearing this, Hu Yiyuan and Yun Mengyao showed horror on their faces. Fortunately, Yi Tian cut open the spirit body of the devil baby, but the upper body was still taken away by Xiahou Cangqiong's devil soul banner.

I'm afraid that after all these years, Xiahou Cangqiong should pry something useful out of the magic baby's mouth.According to Yi Tian's mind, failing to completely kill the devil baby left a huge hidden danger, and Xiahou Cangqiong is bound to reach some kind of agreement with the devil baby in his eagerness for quick success.That mere devil soul banner may not be able to really subdue the devil baby, and these upper realm powers must have a way to restore their own soul baby body, and there will be endless troubles after trying to seize the baby.

After briefly pointing out this matter, Yun Mengyao and Hu Yiyuan also began to become enemies.After all, according to Helian Hongbo's strength, it is absolutely impossible to compare Hu Yiyuan to such a degree, and in fact the only explanation that can be given is that he also took advantage of the devil baby and became its accomplice.

The three people present were all the ones who besieged the Flying Raksha back then, and this alone was enough reason to join forces against the enemy.

But Helian Hongbo who was on the opposite side saw that the situation was not good and knew that today's affairs would be difficult, so he turned around and used escapism to escape before the three of them surrounded him.

When Yi Tian saw it, he just snorted coldly, and then the figure disappeared from the spot in a flash. After three breaths, a blue light directly blocked Helian Hongbo's escape route at a faster speed.

Immediately afterwards, the Taiyuan sword that had already been ready to go was directly sacrificed, this time Yi Tian was determined to keep him, so he was merciless when he shot, and he had no scruples when performing the tricks.

In the sky, Helian Hongbo saw a cyan sword light flashing past, and his face showed a bit of ferocity. He gritted his teeth, spit out a mouthful of blood, sprayed it on his spirit sword, quickly sealed it, and then controlled it to move towards the attacking cyan sword. Light hit go.

With a sound of 'click', after the two sword lights attacked each other, the Taiyuan sword wrapped in blue light actually directly destroyed Helian Hongbo's spirit sword, and Helian Hongbo felt a tightness in his chest after losing the sense with his natal spiritual weapon instantly. , A mouthful of blood spurted out.

But the momentum of Taiyuan Sword's flying did not change at all, and then flew straight towards Helian Hongbo's position.Knowing that life and death are on the line, Helian Hongbo also began to fight for his life. He took out a blue elixir after making a seal with his hands on his chest, put it in his mouth and knocked it down, and the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the whole person increased again One section is almost the same as Yi Tian.

At this time, a strange blue light flashed in his eyes, and after that, the spiritual power around him turned blue, and then a thin layer of blue light appeared on the ten fingers of both hands.

With a sound of 'bang', he relied on the strength of both hands to forcibly catch the stabbing Taiyuan sword, but a trace of blue and red blood flowed out of his hand quickly.

There was a little disdain in Yi Tian's eyes, how could the Taiyuan sword that had been sacrificed again with the star crystal essence be able to be blocked by mere flesh and blood.Even the Flying Rakshasa's main body would have to pay a price if he wanted to hardwire it here, let alone a monk like Helian Hongbo.

After forming seals on his chest, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to lightly point to the Taiyuan Sword in the blue light and said, "Open," the blue light that was originally restrained by Helian Hongbo poured force into his chest again, Tie a pair of piercings on him.

At the same time, the green light flew past Helian Hongbo's head and pierced directly into his forehead without stopping. After hearing a scream, Helian Hongbo's body trembled a few times in the air and fell powerlessly. go down.

After the Taiyuan sword flew away from the corpse, there was a golden aura flashing on the tip of the sword, and when it flew to Yi Tian's hand, a Nascent Soul spirit body appeared.

After Yi Tian glanced at the Nascent Soul, instead of showing joy on his face, his forehead wrinkled deeper.

Yun Mengyao and Hu Yiyuan, who were watching the battle from a distance, hurried forward to check with their spiritual sense nearby, and they also showed a little horror on their faces, and at the same time they couldn't help sighing.

This Nascent Soul spirit body is no longer a complete human appearance. The hands and body of the Nascent Soul are blue and golden respectively.At a glance, one can think of the move that Helian Hongbo used just now, which is actually the appearance of demonization.

As the instigator of this incident, Xiahou Cangqiong has been silent for so many years after abducting the Flying Raksha Nascent Soul, and it will definitely be more difficult to deal with in the future.

Stretch out your hand and shake the Taiyuan Sword lightly, and the Nascent Soul on the tip of the sword was immediately shaken into spiritual energy and scattered around.

After finishing these, Yi Tian said earnestly: "The two matters are of great importance. Although Hao Ji of Hehuan Sect promised me to go to Xiahou Cangqiong to resolve this matter, based on the current situation, the other party would rather not be a member of Tianli Sect. The family business will also take the demon soul flag and stay away from other places."

Hu Yiyuan nodded in agreement and said: "Junior brother is right, the grievances and grievances of our human race are just easy to resolve, I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with the infighting caused by foreign invasion."

"The two fellow daoists are right," Yun Mengyao obviously changed his attitude after seeing you demonized Nascent Soul, and then bowed to Yi Tian: "Fellow Daoist Yi has solved my crisis many times, He has a deep connection with my Buddhist sect and can be regarded as one of our own, please make up your mind on this matter."

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian didn't refuse to talk about the strategy in his heart briefly, and asked Yun Mengyao to contact the abbot Wu Yin of Banruo Temple and others to explain the cause and effect of this matter. OK.

After Yun Mengyao said goodbye later, Hu Yiyuan stared at Yi Tian for a long time before slowly asking: "Is the matter of junior brother Tianyunmen related to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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