
Chapter 747

Chapter 747
Yi Tian and Hu Yiyuan sat facing each other in the deepest secret room in the city lord's mansion of Yongdu City, with sound-proof barriers around them.At this time, Yi Tian didn't see any joy on his face, but just looked at Hu Yiyuan in front of him lightly, and after fighting Helian Hongbo just now, he could completely see the gap between the two.

Now Yi Tian is able to sit here and respectfully call his senior brother Hu Yiyuan, but it is not a good feeling in his heart, although he thought that Yi Tian had stated before that he would not compete with Lu Jinyuan for the position of suzerain.

But this also depends on strength. With Yi Tian's current cultivation base, I am afraid that even being an elder of the sect may not be able to make Lu Jinyuan feel at ease after the Lihuo sect revives.

Thinking of the hidden danger of internal strife before the revitalization of the Lihuo Sect, Hu Yiyuan also heaved a long sigh, looking hesitant to speak.

Although it can be generally guessed that what he was thinking in his heart, Yi Tian didn't point it out. Later, he directly took out the jade slip that Tian Jizi had divination for him and handed it over, his lips slightly opened: "Senior brother, please read it first."

"Could it be," Hu Yiyuan's face showed a trace of uncertainty, his right hand was about to take the jade slip, but he retracted and said, "Is it the divination words of senior Tianjizi?"

"Exactly," Yi Tian smiled.

Hu Yiyuan straightened his expression and declined, "This matter is no small matter. Since Tianjizi agrees with Junior Brother Yi's identity as the suzerain, I have nothing to say. But this divination is related to the rise and fall of the sect, so I'm sorry that senior brother can't go beyond it."

"Oh, how did senior brother know about this?" Yi Tian asked.

"Well, I have known about the relationship between Tianyunmen and Lihuozong for a long time, and Senior Brother Lu went to meet Senior Tianjizi in his early years, but he returned without success," Hu Yiyuan replied.

The reason for this is well known to Yi Tian, ​​presumably when Lu Jinyuan asked to come to the door, Tianjizi refused on the grounds of recovering the sect's token.Judging by Hu Yiyuan's appearance, he probably guessed the reason, but this time he wanted to find someone to clarify his doubts, and he was one of the few Nascent Soul cultivators in the Lihuo Sect. own adverse effects.

After a short rest, he handed over the jade slip in his hand and said, "Senior brother Hu is too far-fetched, although my senior Tianjizi favored me and divined this last hexagram for me, what he wants to see most is us It can revive the sect's prestige in the past. I don't care about some personal gains and losses. If Brother Lu really wants to pursue it, I can hand over the sect's token to him."

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and turned over a one-foot-sized bronze mirror, and then slowly handed it to the other party.

A hint of surprise appeared on Hu Yiyuan's face, and he stretched out his hand to caress the bronze mirror, only to see two simple spiritual world characters of "Haotian" appear behind the mirror.Then he picked it up and carefully screened it, after which a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Later, he slowly handed the Haotian mirror back to Yi Tiandao: "Your brother is really lucky enough to find the suzerain's token Haotian mirror, and I also admire your mind very much for letting go of personal honor and disgrace for the sake of the sect. If Senior Brother Lu had half the knowledge of Li Fire Sect as you do, he would have already become a first-class sect second only to the three major sects."

"Brother, won't you hand over the suzerain's token to Senior Brother Lu for me?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"After thinking about it, it's a pity that Brother Lu didn't have that life," Hu Yiyuan sighed, "You know, Brother Lu, the Haotian Mirror was smashed by Luo Que during the battle 2000 years ago, and the outer edge was taken away. From now on, only the Liangyi beamsplitter in the core remains."

Yi Tian nodded in acquiescence, and then heard Hu Yiyuan continue: "If you want to activate the Liangyi spectroscope, you must practice the sect's kung fu to the extreme of the elementary level. As for using the Haotian mirror, you must practice it as the suzerain. Only Nanming Lihuo, who was passed down directly, will do. Brother Lu and I have nothing to do with this, so it's useless to stay in the Haotian Mirror."

It turned out that they had already understood the truth of this, and Hu Yiyuan was artificial because Lu Jinyuan didn't even have the ability to activate the Haotian Mirror, so it was useless to keep this thing by his side.

After reaching out to put away the Haotian Mirror, Yi Tian passed the jade slip in his hand and said: "In this case, the younger brother will keep the suzerain's token for the time being. It's just that Senior Brother Hu is asking for help to solve the confusion from Senior Tianjizi's words. With my own strength, I can't understand its true meaning for the time being."

Seeing Yi Tian's sincere expression, Hu Yiyuan hesitated for a while, and then took the jade slip with one hand and said: "The suzerain has orders, and I shall obey them."

"Senior brother Hu, I never thought of that, brother," Yi Tian hurriedly distinguished when he heard that his title had changed.

I saw Hu Yiyuan reaching out his hand to signal to be safe and not to be impatient, and then arched his hands towards Yi Tianding and saluted: "Since my junior brother can restore the suzerain's token, he must be able to practice Nanming Lihuo. The suzerain belongs to you, and you can't wait." I have to resign. Do you want to see the disintegration of the Li Huo Sect continue?"

Yi Tian also felt helpless to be chased away by others, but seeing Hu Yiyuan's appearance, if he didn't agree to this matter today, it would be impossible for him to be kind.Nodding his head, he said with a straight face: "Forgive me, Senior Brother Hu, I can be the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, but I am still a little worried that Senior Brother Lu will have a grudge."

"That day, how did senior Jizi evaluate the relationship between you, suzerain, and Senior Brother Lu?" Hu Yiyuan asked without reason.

"Senior brother Lu and I will not turn against each other, and there are not many opportunities for our trajectories to intersect," Yi Tian replied truthfully.

Hu Yiyuan sighed as if he had let go of the burden in his heart, but later he said with some joy on his face: "Don't worry, the suzerain, since Senior Tianjizi has made such an assertion, let's let go and act. They are all contributing to the revitalization of the sect. I may not have much time to meet you in the future. I can keep your identity a secret for the time being, but if you are in trouble with the fire sect, you will also show up to help in time."

"That's for sure, for sure," Yi Tian said hastily: "Please Brother Hu, please see what this proverb refers to?"

Only then did Hu Yiyuan reach out to take the jade slip, and after opening it, his eyes fell on the inscription, his face also revealed a little thoughtful expression, but he repeated "the end of the sky and the sea" in his mouth.

Long Jiu suddenly reached out and took out a map of encounters and opened it, only to see that the topography of Tianlan Continent was clearly depicted on it, except for Zhongzhou, Dong'ao, Xihuang, Nanjiang, and Beiyuan were quite a few.

Moreover, there is a large archipelago sea area outside the southern border sea area, and Yi Tian can tell that it is the area of ​​Wanli Sea after a closer look.Immediately after looking in detail from Wanlihai, his eyes soon fell on the outer sea of ​​Moyuhai.I remembered in my heart that I seemed to have found the ancestral land of Yunxiao Pavilion there, and I didn't continue to explore it after that.

Speaking of which is really the end of Tianjihai, thinking of this, he directly described his encounter with Hu Yiyuan, and at the end it mentioned that it seems that he can go there again to find out.

On the contrary, Hu Yiyuan didn't answer directly after hearing this, but showed some serious consideration on his face.He said later: "No, it is definitely not the right way to enter from the Demon Sea. It should be the outer high-level formation. The right way should be here."

Yi Tian saw Hu Yiyuan speaking decisively and pointing his finger straight to a certain point in the middle of the map. Seeing that the location turned out to be the Zixiao Palace, the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect, Yi Tian asked, "Why do you see it?"

"Just relying on Patriarch Lihuo to dominate this world for thousands of years."

(End of this chapter)

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