
Chapter 748 Entrance

Chapter 748 Entrance
After getting along with Hu Yiyuan in Yongdu City for a while, Yi Tian also collected a batch of supplies, and then the two discussed the future development plan of the sect.

Yi Tian did not shy away from explaining in detail all the forces he had made friends with after arriving in Zhongzhou, except for the matter of Qianlingzong, he explained everything to Hu Yiyuan.And leave a token, in case Li Huozong needs to go directly to the door to move rescuers in the future.

And Hu Yiyuan also promised to keep Yi Tian's identity a secret for the time being, as for Lu Jinyuan, he will try to deal with it.Regardless of the most important thing at the moment is how to decipher the "end of the sky and the sea" referred to in this prophecy. Although I don't know where it points to, but I feel that the only way to find it is to go to the Zixiao Palace in Lihuozudi. most promising.

Apart from that place, I really don't know where else on Tianlan Continent can hide Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, two great powers from the upper realm.

Yi Tian also feels the same about this, but if he wants to go deep into the ancestral land, he must break through the surrounding barriers.Fortunately, Yi Tian found out how to break into the Qi Pavilion in his relics after cleaning up the Blood Demon King. Although it is not very troublesome, it is worthwhile as long as it takes a little effort.

After bidding farewell to Hu Yiyuan, Yi Tian embarked on the journey alone again, this time the target was the forbidden place of Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion in the west of Zhongzhou Continent.

Although the method of breaking into the ban was found in the memory fragments of the Blood Refining Demon Lord, the breaking-in location was the same every time.You must know that there is a land boundary of about a thousand miles within this ban, and it will take some time to find that breakthrough around the ban.

Moreover, these large sects are also very ghostly, and often set up some secret sentries around the restriction to monitor whether there are any monks who dare to sneak into the restriction at the risk of the world.

However, Yi Tian admired the fortune of the blood demon ancestor very much in his heart. He has been in several times and has not been caught yet. It is conceivable that his breakthrough should be very secret.

Half a month later, Yi Tian flew to a distance of a hundred miles away from the prohibition of the ancestral land of Qige in the west, and he could see the white halo of the prohibition from a long distance in the air.

With a little bit of spiritual sense, I scanned the boundaries within the forbidden extension, and it was not difficult to find that there were several secret sentry monitoring points here in twos and threes.

It's a pity that the people left behind by these large sects to monitor are no more than those in the late foundation establishment period. Even if they set out to break the ban by themselves, as long as they don't make any loud noises, they won't attract their attention.

Yi Tian followed the direction mentioned in the memory fragments of the Blood Refining Demon Monarch and soon landed on a mountain more than ten miles away from the restriction.Then he swept his consciousness across the mountainside and found the entrance to the hidden cave he left behind.

Opening the cave door on the stone wall on the mountainside during the day may attract the attention of others, and the blood refiner basically only sneaks in at midnight.

Although Yi Tian was not afraid of trouble, he didn't want to cause trouble for no reason, so he used an invisibility formula and found a place to rest near the entrance of the cave.

Yi Tian opened his eyes when the sky turned and the night wind blew up, and then he scanned the surrounding area with a radius of hundreds of miles with his spiritual thoughts.Then I looked up at the moonlight, and it happened that tonight, under the dark and windy weather, I waited until the moon hid in the clouds, then walked to the cave gate on the mountainside, and slowly recited the spell.After ten breaths, only a 'click' sound was heard. The stone wall on the mountainside moved slightly three feet to reveal the stone gate behind.

When Yi Tian saw it, he was overjoyed and submerged in it, and then saw the stone wall behind him moved back to its original position again.When he came to the cave, he found that there was only one road in front of him, so he walked along the road and took out the sundial Luo Geng to point out the direction.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, I saw the end of the road, but there was nothing in the cave except for the bare stone wall in front of me and the moss and weeds around it.

After going through the memory of the blood refiner Demon King in his mind, he found that this is where he broke into every time. Looking at the surrounding environment and the appearance in the memory fragments, it can be matched, but there is nothing except the strange stone wall in front of him. Other differences.

Yi Tian swept the stone wall up and down in front of him several times with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find anything unusual.Looking back, I recalled the memory fragments of the blood refiner in my mind for a long time before I sighed and secretly said, "Could it be a matter of time, if this place can go in and out unscrupulously on weekdays, why does the blood refiner go to the Zodiac Mountain Qingtian Pavilion is asking Tian Yunzi for help."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian just sat down slowly in front of the stone wall and recalled every time the blood refining old devil went to Qingtian Pavilion to find Tian Yunzi for divination, and later found that these time points were roughly less than two In a year's time, he will be able to break into the ban.As for why he would go in at such a perfect time every hundred years, Yi Tian was puzzled.

There is no sun and moon in this hole, and the time outside is still passing as usual. In order to remind himself, Yi Tian simply took out the sundial Luo Geng and the hourglass and put them aside as signs.

Then he took out a few jade slips and checked all the astronomical phenomena that had appeared in the Zhongzhou Continent for hundreds of years.Shaoqing's brows gradually relaxed. According to these astronomical logs, it is recorded that every time the Blood Refining Demon Monarch goes to Tian Yunzi for divination, there will be a Tiangou eclipse of the moon within two years. If this is connected, this may be the opportunity to enter the ban Bar.

I wondered in my heart, could this be the day when the channel was opened?Immediately, Yi Tian showed some expectations. He picked up the jade slips and looked at the time points of these lunar eclipses, only to find that a total lunar eclipse will only occur once every hundred years. Things are coming to an end.

It's just that I don't know what kind of phenomenon will appear during the total lunar eclipse once every hundred years, but since I can find some clues, I might find some clues if I look down here.Then he reached out and took out a copy of Tianlan Continent's calendar jade slip and sundial Luo Geng, and then stretched out his index finger to write down the time points of these lunar eclipses on the ground to deduce the date of the next lunar eclipse.

An hour later, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face. It seemed that he was right. The lunar eclipse must be related to the weakening of the restriction, but he didn't know what would happen to the stone wall in front of him.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yi Tian closed his eyes again and sat up quietly. This time there are still a few months before the total lunar eclipse, so why not take this opportunity to prepare well.

Several months passed in a flash, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cave, did not move at all, knowing that one night a moonlight shone from the gap on the top of the mountain and directly projected onto the stone wall in front of him.At this time, a wave of spiritual power suddenly appeared, and then a light and shadow appeared on the stone wall, but above the light and shadow was a faint halo covering the situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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