
Chapter 749 Competition

Chapter 749 Competition
On the night of the full moon, a blue ray of light flashed across the dark night sky, and it was difficult to detect it with the naked eye.Usually, only Nascent Soul cultivators can achieve such an escape speed.

From the direction in which the blue ray of light was galloping all the way, it can be easily judged that it is flying towards the west of Zhongzhou from the forbidden place of Huozong Pill Pavilion.Not long after arriving at Duanguang, he passed by the mountain where Yi Tian was, and passed by without the slightest sign of stopping.

It's just that the blue light flew over three hundred miles and landed on a small hillside. The light faded to reveal a monk in black robe. The face of the next monk is exactly Xiahou Cangqiong of Tianli Sect.

It's just that this time is different from the past, his face is slightly blue.The hands in the depths are also different from ordinary people, the surface of the skin on the hands has a layer of oily luster with a faint blue glow, just like the flying Rakshasa back then.

At this time, he took out a small pitch-black banner and held it in his hand, muttering, "Get up." A black mist flew out of the demon soul banner and circled in the air for a week before condensing into the appearance of a demon baby.

If Yi Tian saw the appearance of this flying Raksha's devil baby here, he would be shocked. Now the body of this devil baby has begun to recover after work. Except for the part below the knees, the whole body of the baby is missing. They were all patched back, and even the right hand that had been cut off grew back.

The Flying Rakshasa's magic baby spirit body did not show much fear after condensing, he just turned around to look at the surrounding environment and said lightly: "This is here, you carefully look for hidden caves."

After hearing this, Xiahou Cangqiong showed a little joy on his face, and then scattered his spiritual consciousness to investigate in detail within a radius of a hundred miles.

Not long after, a gleam of joy appeared on his face and he said: "I found it, it's in a mountain not far to the west."

Feitian Luosha said anxiously: "We must hurry up and take advantage of the once-in-a-hundred-year eclipse of the moon to temporarily open the forbidden entrance."

Xiahou Cangqiong said impatiently: "Pay attention to your tone, don't forget that I am your master now, how could you have recovered to your current state without my magic to support your magic baby."

The Flying Raksha closed his mouth knowingly, turned his head and glanced around and began to be vigilant, but the inadvertent sternness in his eyes was fleeting.

A moment later, Xiahou Cangqiong successfully found the hidden cave. After entering the cave, he quickly reached the bottom of the cave along the passage. At this time, there was also a bare stone wall in front of him, and there was nothing else.

Xiahou Cangqiong was holding back his anger and wanted to question the devil baby, only to hear Feitian Luosha speak first: "This is it, when the moonlight in the middle of the night shines through the cracks in the mountain stream and shines on the stone wall, the hidden nodes of the formation will be revealed." will show up."

As soon as the words were spoken, a tiny beam of light slowly extended from the gap at the top of the cave and projected on the stone wall impartially.Xiahou Cangqiong saw a one-foot-sized pattern node slowly appearing in the originally smooth stone wall in front of him, and then asked in a deep voice, "What should we do next?"

"Wait," Feitian Luosha said decisively: "Only when the dog eclipses the moon will there be a slight pattern gap on this node. We have to take advantage of that opportunity to open the node to sneak into it."

"I hope that what you said will come true. You must know that our direct transactions are not conducted on the basis of equality. I can take your life anytime and anywhere," Xiahou Cangqiong said in a threatening tone.

Feitian Luosha hid the disgust in his heart after a short pause, and replied calmly: "I know, but you have to meet my conditions, or I won't reveal it even if I die. Other secrets. And you don't want to use the method of soul searching to probe the information in my mind. I, the Flying Rakshasa family, already have secret techniques to prevent soul searching spells. It's no wonder that I was hit hard by the backlash and caused heavy injuries. "

Faced with Feitian Luosha's unyielding attitude, Xiahou Cangqiong's face just trembled slightly, and he said in disdain: "I see, we each take what we need," he stopped talking and turned his eyes to the formation in front of him. above the grain nodes.

At the same time, in the cave [-] miles away, Yi Tian also looked solemnly at the pattern nodes appearing on the stone wall in front of him, with a look of anticipation on his face.

According to my own calculations, tonight's lunar eclipse will start from the end of Zishi until it reaches the total eclipse in Choushi, and it will end at the beginning of Yinshi three quarters later.

Although the whole process will last for nearly an hour and a half, the time I can do it is less than half a moment, that is, a short period of time before and after the total eclipse. I believe that by then the pattern nodes in front of me will have unexpected changes.

After concentrating his breath, he took all the silver needles in his hands and began to wait patiently, but his eyelids still twitched from time to time, which made him feel lingering fear.

Just now, there was a Taoist light passing by in the sky, and he opened his divine sense without hesitation.If it wasn't for him to hold back his breath, he might be spotted immediately.

It's just that I'm a little nervous right now, it's obvious that Nadao Escape Light is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it happened to pass by here at this time, which made Yi Tian feel lingering fear.

Fortunately, after arriving at Dunguang, he just stopped for a while and then flew towards the west. Yi Tian would have exposed his identity, so he dared not stretch out his spiritual sense to investigate the situation for the time being, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Shaoqing saw a trace of black aura faintly appearing on the edge of the pattern node in front of him, and this aura continued to grow and slowly extended to the entire node.Yi Tian thought to himself, "The lunar eclipse has begun, I don't know what changes will happen to this pattern." '

Just as he was thinking, the pattern nodes in front of him began to show signs of instability, and as the black aura spread rapidly, the pattern nodes gradually became unstable.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly raised the silver needle in his hand to find the weak point of the formation pattern node, and then stabbed it with one blow, and the formation pattern trembled violently in an instant.

After the second silver needle pierced the pattern, it was finally stabilized, and the black aura became stronger and stronger later on, and Yi Tian knew that this was a sign that the lunar eclipse was about to reach its peak.

After the entire array node changed color, only a 'click' sound was heard, and a one-foot-sized gap was opened in the middle of the array node.After Yi Tian saw it, he immediately cast his escape technique and directly drilled into the big formation in this one-foot gap.

(End of this chapter)

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