
Chapter 751 Equipment Pavilion 2 Scout

Chapter 751

Facing the chess game set up by Yu Yaoqing, Yi Tian just glanced at it, then stepped into the chess game helplessly and began to break the game. This chess game only occupies an area of ​​more than ten feet, and each chess piece is as tall as one person. The statue, standing there is lifelike and looks like a real person.

But when Yi Tian stepped onto the chessboard, there was a slight vibration on the ground, and then a whirlwind started to envelop the chess game. Yi Tian was blinded by the sudden whirlwind, so he had to sacrifice his luck Put up the protective cover to wrap yourself first. .

After ten breaths, when the whirlwind slowly stopped, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in a military fortress on the edge of the battlefield. The plain ten miles ahead was full of gold and iron horses. in a stuck state.

He looked down and saw that he was wearing a red military uniform, a helmet on his head, and a secret report in his hand.There are more than a dozen people with the same appearance standing together, but both of them are wearing masks.

In front of him, a big black-faced man with a beard all over his face was sitting upright, with a ghost mask on his face, and the word 'handsome' could be clearly seen on the top of it.

There is a row of generals standing around, all of them are covered in uniform red armor, in addition to the different body shapes, there are also formatted words on the top of the head mask.Yi Tian looked at all the 'official elephants, chariots, horses and cannons', and then took off the helmet on his head, but there was only the word 'soldier' ​​written on it.

Needless to say, this must be the power of the formation and I am caught in a chess game, but this time it seems to be a role-playing appearance, but I don't know what tasks the person I play needs to complete.

Only after listening to the general in the barracks whispering with the people around him, he turned his gaze to Yi Tian and the others and said, "The former Lihuo army has lost contact with the main force for several days, and this time we will send several groups of scouts to contact the former army. To convey the military information, after you have obtained the secret order quickly, you need to remember to go around the path and cross the opponent's blockade area to send the order to the former army commander Yu Yaoqing."

After hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly had a look of contempt on his face. It seemed that this master uncle really regarded himself as the former army commander, and he didn't even shy away from his name.

After putting away the secret order in his hand, Yi Tian turned around and followed a group of scouts out of the barracks, and then everyone else chose to flatter and spread out in several ways towards the edge of the battlefield ahead.

Yi Tian glanced at the war horses that the scouts were sitting on. They looked real, but they lacked the spirituality of creatures. Needless to say, these were puppet horses made by Yu Yaoqing.

To be honest, I don't have the ability to think of these puppets galloping on the battlefield on horses.After a little bit of luck, Yi Tian showed a look of anger on his face. This master uncle actually restricted the casting of spells in the formation.

It was extremely difficult to mobilize the true essence in the body, and the spells that were sacrificed were suppressed enough. After a few tries, even the simplest fireball technique failed, but it was only as powerful as the late stage of refining equipment.

Fortunately, the physical skills I have practiced can be of great use in such an environment. After inspection, I found that the Buddhist sect's coronal golden sun secret technique can still be used, and then I sacrificed my body skills and summoned the red flame horse, and then sent Tell him briefly about your situation.

A moment later, after explaining the goal of this mission, Yi Tian turned around and jumped on his back and said: "Let's go, avoid the interception in these formations and rush into the front camp as soon as possible," Chi Yanju said. After hearing this, he just raised his head and yelled to the sky a few times, then spread his legs and rushed forward.

Sitting down and riding a sixth-level spiritual pet is really extraordinary, and coupled with Yunxiao Yu's third form, it is equivalent to putting Chi Yanju on a set of armor, so rampant on the battlefield like entering no one's land.

But soon Yi Tian's brows began to wrinkle. The puppet generals and soldiers in many places on the formation seemed to have noticed the unexpected guest, and then a loud horn sounded, and the dense crowd rushed towards Come where you are.

No matter how powerful Chi Yanju is as a sixth-level monster, Yi Tian is still very clear about the reason why ants kill elephants more.Before the black army could encircle him, he pinched the horse's belly with his legs and grabbed the reins with his hands, turned around and hurriedly fled to the rear.

Yi Tian, ​​who retreated from the battlefield after a while, found an open space to rest, and visually observed that to complete the task, it is not enough to forcefully break through.But if he wanted to break the formation, he had to send the order in his hand to Yu Yaoqing, so he had to pass the hurdle before him.

Looking up at the black puppet army in the distance, Yi Tian showed a trace of disdain on his face, and at the same time carefully sized up the route to go again.

Obviously, black's puppet army is controlled by the formation and will only intercept certain areas where the scouts are advancing, and when he runs out of these areas, black will shrink his troops and stick to these places again.

Although I have something to do with the game, but this time I obviously stepped into the chess set laid by Yu Yaoqing. What is different from the past is that it may be very difficult to find the eye to break the line. I am still stuck in it. It's best to follow the line of thought of the setters step by step.

After thinking about it, he said to the Chi Yanju under his crotch: "Let's take a detour to see, the skills in the chess formation here are restricted, and we can only rely on physical skills to break through."

Chi Yanju just snorted twice and replied impatiently: "You really are getting more and more fearful as you get older, but you are the master and you can do whatever you want." After speaking, he followed the direction of Yi Tian's finger run quickly.

After a while, the two spared the battlefield space controlled by the black army, and passed into a valley channel from the edge.

This gorge is located between two precipitous rocky mountains, but it is only tens of feet wide, but you can't see the end from the front to the back.The rugged mountain road also restricted Yi Tian's speed.

Sitting on horseback for a short time, after turning a few bends in the valley, a tragic mirror image immediately came into view, and carefully looked at the more than a dozen destroyed red soldiers on the boundary in the distance.What upset Yi Tian the most was that these soldiers were dressed as scouts just like himself, and they still had the secret volume of the order around their waists.

With a 'beep', the arrow flew into the air and suddenly exploded. A group of soldiers suddenly appeared on the hillsides on both sides. Judging by the dark armor on their bodies and the black bow in their hands, it was obvious that they were the black ambushes waiting here. .

Yi Tian's first reaction was to be ambushed, and the best strategy was to retreat directly and find a way out.However, when the spiritual sense probed back a little, it turned out that the back road was cut off. Obviously, this is the right road, and according to the instructions of the formation, it must be forced to go through.

At this time, if you stay in place for a moment, you will lose one point of confidence. Instead of facing thousands of troops on the battlefield, it can be regarded as a very preferential treatment. Yi Tian gritted his teeth and slapped the red flame horse under his crotch. One clip rushed straight towards the canyon road.

(End of this chapter)

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