
Chapter 752 Qi Pavilion 3 Crossing the River

Chapter 752
On both sides of the dangerous road in the canyon, two teams of archers in black armor lined up and rained arrows crazily towards Yi Tian, ​​who was thirty feet away below.For a while, there was only a sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping", and most of those arrows missed, but there were also a few more than a dozen that hit Yi Tian's body.

These arrows can actually penetrate the protective cover and nail directly to the armor.Yi Tian's face showed a bit of strangeness, and he pulled out an arrow stuck on his side shoulder and swept it with his divine sense, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

My great uncle really knows how to play. In addition to restricting cultivation, the big formation he set up actually uses magic-breaking arrows.These arrows look black and shiny, but after they are broken, they are made of ordinary fine steel inside, but the outside is coated with a layer of medium and then engraved with the inscription of breaking the law.

Fortunately, the golden yang movement technique that he used early in the morning protected his whole body. These magic-breaking arrows could penetrate his protective shield but could not hurt himself.As for the red flame horse sitting down, it was covered by a pair of armor, with a mask on its face, only two eyes were exposed. Those arrows hit the armor and made a "jingling" sound.

Regardless of so much, Yi Tian pulled up the rein and ran towards the exit of the valley quickly, and after a short while, his eyes lit up, and he found that he had come to a panting river.

He took out the map in his hand and looked it up. He was only a short distance away from the station of Yu Yaoqing's former army. He only needed to cross the river and then pass through a forest to get there.

I saw that the river in front of me was only about ten feet deep, but it was about ten miles wide. Riding on the red flame horse, I could wade across the river.It's just that Chi Yanju is naturally afraid of water, so it's not that simple to rely on it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian jumped down from behind him, and then pinched the formula to put him back into the spirit beast bag, and summoned the fat dog again.

After three breaths, a blue and red aura flew out of the beast-controlling sac, circled around the body and landed on the ground, looking like a 'fat dog'.

After looking at his size, he was about as tall as a pony, but Yi Tian felt that he couldn't cross the river on him, but his talent could help him a lot.

Then he said to Fat Dog, "Follow me to cross the river, this time it's up to you."

Fat Dog lay down on the ground with a listless look and replied, "What are you doing? Where is this place? Why do I feel that the spiritual power around me is a little different."

"That's in the formation. My technique is suppressed by the formation and I can't use it. Now I have to rely on your help," Yi Tian replied.

"Then you can give me some benefits, the second child has already transformed, it's not because you are biased," Fat Dog said with a displeased face.

Choked by his words, Yi Tian managed to force a smile on his face and said, "Help me cross the river, and I'll give you a Transfiguration Tribulation Pill when it's done."

"That's for me," Fat Dog said disdainfully, "Is there anything else, such as high-level animal breeding pills or sixth-level medicinal materials."

Now Yi Tian showed some displeasure on his face, and then he stretched out his hand to activate the Beast Control Art, and immediately a divine sense pressure was cast on Fat Dog, which directly shocked him.Then he suddenly stood up and said, "How can I stand by and watch the master in trouble? I will take care of the small matter of crossing the river. Don't worry."

"This is the best," Yi Tian snorted coldly, took out a five-inch assault boat and placed it by the river, then sacrificed it while chanting.After ten breaths, a small boat about three feet in size appeared in front of him.

After jumping into the boat with Fat Dog, Yi Tian controlled the mechanisms in the main cabin and started slowly moving towards the opposite bank.

Halfway through the journey, the fat dog who was sitting on the deck suddenly jumped up alertly and barked a few times.After hearing the news, Yi Tian hurried out of it and asked, "What's the matter?"

Fat Dog looked solemnly at the upper reaches of the river in the distance, and said with a serious look on his face: "I feel that the water element in the surrounding spiritual power fluctuations is abnormally active, and usually this kind of situation indicates that there will be disadvantages. Situation law body."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian suddenly heard a "bang" noise in his ears, and when he looked back, he saw a layer of white water line rushing towards him at the upper reaches of the river a few miles away.Gently cast the pupil technique and blurted out immediately after seeing it: "Damn it's a flood, Yu Yaoqing is going to play me to death."

Immediately rushing back to the cabin, both hands quickly injected spiritual power into the control equipment in order to increase the speed to the maximum. After three breaths, the assault boat galloped towards the opposite bank of the river at the fastest speed.

But even so, when the boat arrived at a distance of about [-] feet from the opposite bank, the upstream flood had already arrived. Yi Tian glanced over his face and was startled. The waves of the flood were more than three feet high. It will be destroyed by it.

Up to now, Yi Tian can't care so much. He directly activated the protective cover on the assault boat, and saw a white light instantly activated and covered the whole boat.

The raging flood instantly covered the assault boat head-on, and Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the cabin, felt the boat was hit violently, and he almost staggered and lost his footing in the main control room.

Not caring about so much, he started to control the assault boat again with both hands, trying to stabilize the hull, and at the same time shouted: "Fat dog, where are you going to die, don't hesitate to help."

As soon as the words fell, I felt that the impact of the flood seemed to have diminished, and the corner of the mouth was happy when the divine sense came out of the cabin. At this time, a blue halo spread around the fat dog standing on the bow deck, and it was activated directly. The halo of ice comes.

The effect of this innate supernatural power has been greatly enhanced compared to before. I saw that the flood that was covering the head gradually became slower and slower under the effect of the halo of ice, and then rolled up three feet high waves and solidified in mid-air to become a huge one. The ice cave, and then other floods flowed along the ice and over the assault boat.

Taking advantage of the fat dog blocking the flood peak, Yi Tian hastily urged the assault boat to rush towards the opposite bank. The spiritual power consumed by driving the distance of only a hundred feet was greater than the previous journey, but fortunately, he also saved it along the way. With enough spiritual power to deal with these emergencies.

Half an hour later, the assault boat finally arrived at the opposite bank without any danger. After Yi Tian jumped onto the bank to put away the assault boat, he found that the river had already returned to a calm state, and it was impossible to see that there was still water on the river just now. The traces of Hongfeng passing by.

As for Fat Dog, he took a leisurely walk on the shore, showing a hint of complacency in his eyes, and Yi Tian took out a bottle of high-level animal cultivation pill and threw it to him without saying a word.

After a few instructions, he cast the spell again to send the fat dog back to the animal control bag, and then changed into the red flame horse, and he had to rely on him for the next journey.

(End of this chapter)

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