
Chapter 753 Jige 4 Interception

Chapter 753
Taking out a map from the scout's luggage, Yi Tian rode on the horse, but after sweeping it with his divine sense, he frowned deeply.This map is also quite detailed, but it is marked with a big red cross at the place where Yu Yaoqing's thousands of troops are stationed.

Yi Tian can't guess what this means, but it seems that the decision is definitely not a good thing, maybe there will be another test in the end.Recalling that there must have been some twists and turns in the previous breakthroughs, it seems to be no exception now, but I can't use spells now, who knows how to deal with it.

After riding on horseback for a short time, he entered the range of the last dense forest. Looking around, he seemed to be the first scout to arrive, and there was no sign of a fight yet.

After riding for a while, he only heard the sound of gongs and drums shaking in the depths of the dense forest in front of him. Yi Tian raised his brows. Isn't this a clear opportunity for himself, and entering the barracks just in time can be regarded as fulfilling the entrustment of the red coach.

After slowing down, he quietly climbed up the hillside and looked down. His face was shocked, and he saw that the Red Army's camp, which stretched for several miles, was being flanked by the black army.And there is a five-foot-high flagpole erected in the camp of the Red Army, on which a large flag with the word "Yu" is slowly fluttering in the wind.

Sitting under the flagpole is a young Confucian general in his 30s, writing instructions with both hands, and there are many messengers waiting on both sides. After receiving the tokens, he hurried to the barracks to give the command of the general .

And among the more than ten barracks near the big camp, groups of soldiers were pouring out, seemingly endlessly.

When Yi Tian saw it, he began to worry about it. It must be that the well-designed formation was continuously replenished with soldiers, so Yu Yaoqing was able to stick to it again.

Looking back at the route he had traveled, his face twitched immediately. After leaving the woods, there was no place to hide, and he had to rush into the front camp in one breath.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian was also nagging Yu Yaoqing for a while, thinking that if he came here and didn't blog again, would he really plan to continue working well?

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and patted Chi Yanju under his crotch and said, "Let's go, let's go directly to the formation, but this level is not acceptable."

"It's been prepared a long time ago, and I also want to see how powerful these formation puppets are," Chi Yanju said disdainfully.

"The formations laid down by the former Qi Pavilion's chief seat must not be underestimated, let's take it easy," Yi Tianyu said earnestly.

A moment later, I saw a fiery red whirlwind rushing down from the hillside, and after ten breaths, it rushed directly from behind the black army, and circled towards the edge of the battlefield where the two armies clashed.

This wave of operations quickly attracted the attention of the soldiers who were fighting on the battlefield, and soon saw the black army dispatch a troop of cavalry to intercept Yi Tian's marching direction.

Seeing the ten opponents riding black puppet horses spread out to encircle him, Yi Tian clamped the horse's belly under his feet and pulled up the reins to control the red flame horse to run towards the gap.

A few horses seemed to be catching up, Yi Tian took out a handful of ghost face flower seeds, poured spiritual power into them, and shot them towards them one after another.

This large formation restricted his use of spells, but the use of foreign objects to store spiritual power was still somewhat effective.The ghost face flower seed happened to be bounced into the puppets of the black army mechanism, and then it slipped in through the gap.

Immediately, the divine sense attached to it lost its target, but Yi Tian didn't care so much anymore, no matter how bad the trick is, as long as it works.

Sure enough, after ten breaths, the three puppet horses catching up behind them slowed down, and some twigs and sprouts slowly grew at the puppet's joints to restrict the entire puppet's movements.

Seeing that the tricks work, Yi Tian did the same thing without saying anything, and smoothed out the chasing soldiers one by one. After clearing, the road in front of him was opened up. Now, as long as Yiqi Juechen rushed into the camp of the front army of the red side, it would be considered as completing the task of this level up.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chi Yanju suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble, and then hurriedly stopped to run to the side, when suddenly a black figure sprang out from under the mud.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the secret path was not good. In front of him was a huge black puppet more than one foot high, holding a six-foot-long steel knife in both hands and blocking the way.

Up to now, Yi Tian has figured out that this guy is the gatekeeper he will finally face.Forgive me, as soon as he appeared, the black army around him didn't have anyone to chase and intercept him, and the soldiers on both sides also had a tacit understanding of sticking to their positions. Wei and Jin clearly never stepped into the opponent's area.

Other places on the huge battlefield sounded like the sound of fighting resounding through the sky, but they were actually just putting on a show. Only the light flashing on the blade of the steel knife in the hand of the puppet in front of him clearly indicated that this was not a joke, and the next step was to play for real. of.

After Yi Tian got off his horse, he summoned the Red Flame Horse back into the beast-controlling bag, then took out the Taiyuan Sword and laid it across in front of him, holding a few ghost-faced flower seeds in his left hand and quietly injecting spiritual power into it to prepare for the second plan.

Suddenly the puppet moved, and after taking a big step, the whole body made a 'click' sound, but the movement was unambiguous once.After a burst of sprinting, he suddenly raised the steel knife in both hands and slashed towards Yi Tian.

Concentrating the spiritual power on the two feet, although you can't use the escape technique, you can still jump with the two feet.Yi Tian hasn't fought close to anyone for more than 400 years, but with the continuous improvement of his cultivation base, he has undergone considerable exercise in all aspects of his body.

In addition, when he was in the White Horse Gang, he still relied on his own skills to make a living. Even after cultivating immortals, these moves have not fallen behind, and he will practice them from time to time.

After stabilizing the horse stance, he held the sword in front of his body with both hands, only heard the sound of "Dang", and felt that his feet were sunk and he was hit by a blow.

Slowly moving Jin Yang's movement around his body, a golden halo appeared on his skin at this time, his hands struggled to break away the opponent's steel knife, and he jumped out with a kick.

After recovering, Yi Tian hurriedly stretched out his left hand and flicked all the seeds of the ghost face flower towards the puppet.Those seeds also plunged into the puppet's body as if they had taken root from the ground, and then disappeared.

It's just that this time the situation was not as easy as imagined. I saw the opponent charged up again with a sword after clenching his hands.

After being slightly stunned, Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and raised his sword to meet again, but there was a change in the moves. He no longer accepted the move head-on, but repeatedly performed "retire, break the wind, and let go" , Leverage strength to fight' and other tricks to deal with the enemy.

The black puppet has an energy core supporting kinetic energy, and he is not far from competing with a dead object.After ten moves, I saw that the opponent's moves started to slow down a bit, and his movements were not as smooth as before.He secretly said yes in his heart, it seems that his ghost face flower seeds have taken effect, so as long as it takes a little more time, he can win without a fight.

Just as he was thinking about it, a red light appeared in the puppet's eyes, and then there was a 'squeak' sound, and Yi Tian suddenly felt an ominous premonition passing through his heart, and saw the puppet's whole body's spiritual power surged violently and swung the gun in his hand. The steel knife chopped down irregularly.

(End of this chapter)

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