
Chapter 755 Qi Pavilion 6 Encounter

Chapter 755
I don't know how long it was delayed in the big chessboard formation. Yi Tian hurriedly accelerated the speed on the next mountain road, trying to reach the Qi Pavilion hall before his opponent.

Starting from the chessboard formation halfway up the mountain, there was no obstacle along the way, so it took Yi Tian nearly an hour to reach the main hall gate on the top of the mountain.

The main hall of Qi Pavilion, which is the important place of Lihuozong, is similar in style to the previous Dan Pavilion. After arriving at the main hall, Yi Tian didn't go in directly through the main entrance, but walked around to the side hall and slipped in through the entrance on the side.

He secretly said in his heart, "Since the enemy is clear and we are dark, it is better to take it easy so as not to be discovered. At that time, we will act according to the circumstances. If the opponent is not strong, we can directly kill it on the spot. If there are too many people, we can take the opportunity to sneak attack." '

After performing levitation, the whole body floated in mid-air more than a foot above the ground, so Yi Tian slowly entered the main hall, opened his consciousness and began to search.

There is also a three-foot portrait in the middle of the main hall of the Qi Pavilion, but there seem to be three people on it. Fortunately, when I got many opportunities before, I was lucky enough to witness the appearance of Lihuo Patriarch and Yu Yaoqing, so I recognized them at a glance. The three are their ancestor Yun Zhongzheng.

What confuses me the most is why there is the appearance of my own ancestor in this painting, but Wan Zongming and Gu Hui are not there.

After scanning the surroundings with his spiritual sense, he frowned in surprise and found that there were some pictures and texts of Li Huo Shibing engraved on the walls on both sides.After careful inspection, it turns out that the patterns on these stone walls are all included except for Zixiaozhan and Haotian Mirror.

Lihuo Patriarch's art of refining weapons has been known for a long time. He also saw all the illustrations of the Lihuo Ten Soldiers in the Sword Tomb of Tianjianmen, which are much more detailed than here.

It seems that Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of the family, is worthy of being the direct descendant of the ancestor of Lihuo. Even Yu Yaoqing, the head of the Qi Pavilion, did not have all the things in his hands. It is a pity that the ten soldiers of Lihuo have too high requirements for the selection of materials. Except for the growth-type spiritual weapon, the rest are based on the seventh-level treasure material, and the sixth-level material is just a supplementary material.

After the divine thoughts passed by, he finally stopped his gaze at the end of the mural, and saw that it was a three-foot-long knife with barbs on the back. The logo looks like the flying Rakshasa back then.

After deciphering the text description on one side, Yi Tiancai learned that this object is called the Rakshasa Blade, and it is the spiritual treasure brought by the flying Rakshasa to the lower realm.After he was captured by mistake, the Lihuo patriarch cut off the object, and the Rakshasa blade was calcined under the pure yang energy of Nanming Lihuo for seven to 49 days to expel the hostile energy in it before being handed over to Yu Yaoqing. .

Speaking of which, this thing and the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel in my hand should both belong to the category of high-level spiritual treasures, but they can be regarded as magic soldiers.

It's just that I don't know where this thing was stored in the end. After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't want to find it again, and then began to search for the hidden teleportation circle.

Just as I was looking for it, a sense of unease crossed my mind, usually such a situation would not be a good thing, so I hurriedly stepped aside to restrain my breath and hide my figure.

Not long after, the gate of the main hall was kicked open, and a Pentecostal monk walked in holding a black banner.With a glance, he recognized the other party. It was Xiahou Cangqiong of Tianli Sect, and the black banner he held in his hand was the demon soul banner that was used to collect half of the Nascent Soul of the Flying Raksha.

I saw that he seemed to be communicating with the spirit of the demon soul banner, and then his eyes swept across the whole hall and stopped on the mural of the Rakshasa blade.

Then, with a hint of joy on his face, he walked excitedly towards the mural, and after staring at it for a long time, he seemed to be having further communication with the demon soul banner.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding at the side, had a serious expression on his face at this time, and suddenly he thought about it, Xiahou Cangqiong must have been bewitched by Feitian Raksha to find this place.

He was the Nascent Soul cultivator that he felt at the entrance to the outside world before, and after entering, Xiahou Cangqiong also felt that things were done seamlessly and no one knew, so when he entered the battle, he was unscrupulous and let himself discover it.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party hadn't noticed him, Yi Tian turned his heart away, and immediately sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, turning it into a thin thread and slowly extending along the corner of the wall.

Suddenly the demon soul banner shook violently, and then Xiahou Cangqiong's expression changed sharply and he shouted: "Who dares to attack me?" Come and stand in front of you.

Seeing that the sneak attack was not successful, Yi Tian directly designed the Ling Jue for the strong attack, and manipulated the Taiyuan Sword with one finger, and used the sword energy to turn into a thin line like silk, and attacked Xiahou Cangqiong's descendants.

He only heard him yell: "Dare you, thief," and then he swung the ice crystal shield to protect his back.

The sound of 'Ziz' was loud. It was the sound of a thin strand of blue light hitting the ice crystal shield, but it could not be broken with just one blow.

While attacking, Yi Tian also exposed his whereabouts. After Xiahou Cangqiong Divine Sense swept away, his face showed a little ferocious expression: "It's you again who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Don't think that you can cover the sky with one hand. This time, old man I'd rather meet you well."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's heart froze and he turned his eyes to Xiahou's sky, and he knew that what he was holding was just those powerful demon world skills knocked out of his mouth after collecting the flying Raksha Nascent Soul.

But there wasn't much demonic energy in this world originally, and Xiahou Cangqiong had only practiced for less than a hundred years, and it would not take a while for him to recover after being seriously injured in the First World War.

After confirming this, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and directly manipulated the Taiyuan Sword with a seal of both hands and continued to attack Xiahou Sky.But after a flash of sparks, it seemed that the Taiyuan sword could not split the ice crystal shield, and at this time, Xiahou Cangqiong showed a strange blue light in his eyes, then put away the demon soul flag, stretched out his hands, and turned into a whole person The blue light came towards Yi Tian.

This move was exactly the same as when he was fighting Feitian Raksha back then. Yi Tian hurriedly cast his escape technique and rushed out of the hall from one side, followed by Lanmang, the incarnation of Xiahou Sky.And the speed seemed to be three points faster, the two of them fought hand-to-hand on the square outside the main hall, and saw two big blue hands staggered to catch each other, and the two blue lights immediately slammed down from the hands. Put on the blue protective cover.

With a sound of 'bang', Yi Tian was directly suppressed by the sudden heavy blow, and as soon as his figure fell to the ground, he took three steps back before pushing away the eroded strength.

At this time, Xiahou Cangqiong spun around in the air, locked onto Yi Tian's figure, and fell straight down, ready to chase and fight.

After a golden light appeared from Yi Tian's skin, and a dazzling light flashed from his whole body, he heard two beeps of 'bang bang', and the two of them clashed with four fists in the air, after which Yi Tian and Xiahou Cangqiong both Each of them retreated more than ten steps before they stabilized their figures.

(End of this chapter)

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