
Chapter 756 Equipment Pavilion 6 Magic Soldier

Chapter 756
Yi Tian's sneak attack failed and Xiahou Cangqiong fought back after being chased and beaten, but after the two moves, he felt suspicious and secretly marveled in his heart. He didn't expect that the opponent, who hadn't seen him for decades, could recover to such a state, and fight against himself He still had a slight upper hand, and after staring carefully, his brows slowly relaxed.

At this time, the expression on Xiahou Cangqiong's face was obviously not as relaxed as before, and he cursed: "You kid didn't expect to know the Buddha's martial arts, this time I will keep you no matter what I say, there will be endless troubles if you let you go out. "

"Your tone is bigger than your ability. You have still been virtuous, Mr. Xiahou, for the past few years. Don't think that you can stabilize me with the power of the flying Rakshasa. I think you are just using a secret method to forcibly improve your cultivation. It's all for a while. You have to suffer backlash," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Obviously at this time Xiahou Cangqiong's aura is not as long as before, and the spiritual power in his body seems to be solid but unstable.In addition to the consequences of his forcibly using the secret technique, there is also the effect of the Buddha's power contained in the Buddha's Jinyang body technique to restrain him.

From this point of view, I can wear him down as long as I have an endurance battle with him, so Yi Tian will attack directly without giving the opponent a chance to recover.

In the past, when Yi Tian Lingzhen faced the enemy, it used magic attacks and rarely used physical skills for close-range hand-to-hand combat.But this time is obviously different. Only in close combat can you hit the opponent with all the Buddha power condensed from practicing Prajna Kuzen.

But the effect is really not so obvious. After the two fight again, every punch and kick will cause violent spiritual pressure fluctuations, but the magic energy from Xiahou Cangqiong's hand has not yet penetrated into his skin, and it is dissolved by the surrounding Buddha light .And after he made a move, those golden Buddha powers could continuously break through the opponent's defensive aura, directly scorching into his skin and even his meridians.

The current Xiahou Cangqiong can no longer be called a normal person. His whole body is covered with blue skin, his meridians are bursting, and some edges and corners have grown on his head. With his red eyes, he looks six or seven. It looks more like a flying Rakshasa.

After the two fought in the air for several moves, Yi Tian gradually felt that he could hold him firmly, and he could get a lot of advantages every time he made a counterattack.After a slight smile appeared on his face, the speed at which the spiritual power under his feet transformed again increased significantly by [-]%, and then a teleport directly followed Xiahou Cangqiong and suppressed it again and again.

Apparently, Xiahou Cangqiong on the opposite side soon realized that something was wrong, and was able to temporarily suppress it after using the secret technique at the beginning, but the good times didn't last long. I didn't expect Yi Tian to withstand the attack of the secret technique, and the Buddhist sect skills around him were even the nemesis of the magic way.

After ten or so moves, Yi Tian saw Xiahou Cangqiong struggling to parry his attack, and then the spiritual power fluctuations all over his body began to change.In an instant, the veins on his arms swelled up, and his whole body returned to the domineering look before, and then the figure rushed towards him in a flash.

What followed was a rain of fist attacks. Even if Yi Tian had sharp eyesight and quick hands, he could only get tired of defending for a while when he encountered the opponent's desperate style of play.After the fists missed each other, they directly hit the protective shield around him and made a "bang bang" sound. He found that Xiahou Cangqiong wanted to fight with himself as if he was exchanging injuries for injuries. Of course, Yi Tian was unwilling to do what he wanted.

With a single thought, the wind blows under his feet and quickly retreats. Taking advantage of the gap, he unloads all the menacing punches. He is defending. Suddenly he feels the pressure in front of him loosen. After Xiahou Cangqiong got some bargains, he turned around and ran away.

Suddenly, Yi Tian was furious, his face turned ashen, and he snorted coldly a few times, and chased after him.I didn't expect Xiahou Cangqiong to play Yin. The offensive just now was just a bluff, but he was overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum of exchanging injuries for injuries.

After passing through the main hall, Yi Tian found that the Xiahou sky in front of him didn't seem to be panicking like a headless chicken, but was heading towards the top of the mountain in a gust of wind as if guided by something.

Along the way, Yi Tian opened up his spiritual sense and looked around, and found that this place was the same as the apse of the Dan Pavilion, but the ominous feeling in his heart became heavier after he stepped on the mountain road of the apse.

Not long after, Xiahou Cangqiong in front of him suddenly fell to the ground and stood in front of a ten-foot-tall stone tablet.Then he took out the demon soul banner and shook it a few times in his hand, and suddenly a blue smoke flew out of it and condensed around him into the appearance of a flying Rakshasa.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to rush forward to fight, so he stabilized his figure in the air, then took out the Taiyuan sword to sacrifice, fell to the ground in his hand, and walked forward quickly.

Suddenly, Xiahou Cangqiong stretched out his hand to push down the stele with a sudden 'boom' sound, and then a blue light suddenly appeared from below, and the Nascent Soul Spirit Body of the Flying Rakshasa hurriedly flew down to hold up the blue light.

After three breaths, Yi Tian saw a black spirit body slowly flying up with a blue light, and through the halo, one could clearly see that it was a full moon scimitar, the style was exactly the Rakshasa blade depicted on the main hall .

But Xiahou Cangqiong's face showed a burst of ecstasy when he saw it, and as soon as he reached out to take the spiritual weapon, the situation around him became entwined with spiritual power, and his aura suddenly increased a bit.

But even so, Yi Tian just shook his head when he saw it. Although it was true that his spiritual pressure fluctuated strongly, his own spiritual power seemed to be slowly absorbed by the Rakshasa Blade.

With his current appearance, even if he can control the spirit weapon, he may not be able to exert its power. It's just that the Flying Rakshasa would be so kind to let Xiahou Cangqiong control the Rakshasa Blade. Yi Tian definitely has deep doubts about this.

At this time, Xiahou Cangqiong turned around and shouted at Yi Tian: "Boy, your time of death has arrived." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and waved a blue wave of light, which cut through the air in front of him and roared towards Yi Tian. Come on.

Seeing that it was too late to dodge, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword to condense into a blue sword light, and then headed towards the light of the Rakshasa blade.

The two light waves collided violently in the air, and its power was no less than that of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.After a breath, the blue light in the air flourished again, defeated the blue light sword light, and then continued to chop towards Yi Tian's position.

With a 'bang', I saw that after Yi Tian was hit by the blue light, he was suppressed and retreated more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure, and a round of red sun-like light flashed in front of him, which was biting by the spiral fire shield blu-ray and gradually devoured it.

Standing next to him, Xiahou Cangqiong was surprised instead of happy, with an expression of disbelief on his face.The move just now was already at his limit, and he had to use all his strength to inject the true energy in his body into the Rakshasa Blade with all his might, so he could barely perform this move.

After three breaths, a look of determination appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand to pick up the Nascent Soul of the flying Rakshasa in the demon soul banner and began to absorb his spiritual power on the spot.But the Flying Rakshasa didn't show any resistance at all, instead a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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