
Chapter 757

Chapter 757
The sudden change on the scene made Yi Tian suddenly feel bad, and he felt this way before, but now it is a living proof.After defeating the blue light in front of him, he put away his spells, and then looked at Xiahou Cangqiong with a ferocious look on his face, the veins on his forehead burst, and the spiritual power of his whole body seemed to be in a state of chaos.

He hastily used his clear spirit eyes to stare at the Niwan Palace between Xiahou Cangqiong's eyebrows, and saw that more than half of the Niwan Palace had been eroded by the blue spiritual energy.And the remaining part of the golden aura also faintly reveals some blue.

He opened his mouth at this moment and shouted in a crazy voice: "You, a human cultivator, still want to control this sage, your soul-holding techniques are just child's play in front of me, if you are not greedy enough to cultivate this sage The secret method will not let me succeed so easily."

After choking a few times in his mouth, he suddenly changed his tone and returned to Xiahou Cangqiong's voice: "You demons lied to me, if that's the case, then don't take pleasure in it, you will die together."

In an instant, some weird smile appeared on his face again, and the voice of Flying Rakshasa sounded again: "Really, don't say you are dead in front of me, you don't even have a chance to die, you should obediently let go of your divine thoughts and be punished by me." Completely assimilate."

As soon as the words fell, Xiahou Cangqiong took out the demon soul banner and threw it towards Yi Tian, ​​but he shouted out of breath: "The demon soul banner is the last magic weapon that can restrain him , it’s all up to you, you must never let him harm the human race.”

Yi Tianfei went forward and reached out to catch the demon soul banner, then took out the Taiyuan sword, and made a seal with both hands again, and sacrificed the sword thread, aiming at Xiahou Cangqiong's body to surround him.

But before the sword silk touched his body, he saw a blue spiritual energy emerge directly from his dantian, forming a thick blue mist to envelop it. After the blue sword silk hit the blue mist, it immediately disappeared like a mud cow into the sea. Lost the effect.

After ten breaths, the blue smoke slowly disappeared, and then the figure of Xiahou Cangqiong appeared, but Yi Tian knew in his heart that the person standing in front of him was definitely not himself.I saw that the skin on his body revealed a blue light. Although it was far from the body of the Flying Rakshasa back then, its shape was almost the same.

Moreover, the clothes on its back were torn to reveal a pair of newborn wings. It looked exactly like the original Flying Rakshasa, but its strength hadn't recovered yet.

After observing with the eyes of Qingling, some doubts appeared on his face, and he saw that [-]% of the opponent's Niwan Palace had turned blue, but there was still [-]% gold in the top corner. The light is shining.

In other words, Flying Rakshasa did not completely seize the body, or it was an imperfect seizure.But what exactly hindered this good show of seizing the house? Although Yi Tian didn't know, judging from the angry expression on his face, he could guess that Xiahou Cangqiong was also an old monster who had lived for nearly a thousand years. Feitian Luosha must have left behind.

As for what kind of back move it looks like, it is temporarily unknown, but basically it has an inseparable relationship with the demon soul banner.I only heard Feitian Luosha yelling madly: "You bastard, you actually stripped the five-point spirit of this saint alive. It seems that you are also here to restrain me so that you will have a second hand. Wait for me to find the incomplete spirit. I must devour those remnants of yours, just wait and see."

After speaking, he turned around and stared greedily at Yi Tian, ​​his eyes were full of blood red, he stuck out his tongue and licked it before saying: "I remember that you, a human race, learned the skills of the Asura clan and practiced Qian Lingzi The skill cultivation must not be weak, and it happens that I am a little hungry after taking the house, so I will take you as an appetizer." After the figure flashed, the whole person rushed towards Yi Tian like an arrow from Li Xuan.

Knowing that he couldn't hide from Yi Tian for the time being, he didn't dare to push his hands up and put his hands together in front of his chest and said "Now," and immediately stretched out four arms under his ribs, and two heads appeared on the back of his neck.

A golden aura flashed all over his body, and the whole body emitted a dazzling golden light, and then he clenched his fists and charged towards the flying Rakshasa.After the two of them waved their fists and palms in the air, the aftermath of the spiritual pressure spread out and stirred up waves of spiritual pressure on the top of the mountain.

There was a precedent of Dugu Tianfeng using the Heavenly Demon Transformation Technique to fight against each other before, and this time Yi Tian didn't dare to ask the freshman to come up, so he used all means and didn't dare to hold back.It's just that he didn't expect that the Flying Rakshasa would be able to get acquainted with Xiahou Cangqiong's physical body so quickly after seizing the house. In addition, he had designed to trick him into practicing magic skills beforehand, which was equivalent to thinking about seizing the house in advance.

The strength that this physical body can make Feitian Rakshasa display is far greater than its main body, Yi Tian knows the reason after a little thought in his mind, one is the main body of the physical body that has been banned for more than 3000 years, and the other, although It comes from giving up, but it has been nourished and tempered for decades, so the advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance.

The Flying Rakshasa's attack is also very simple, just relying on his strong body and sharp claws makes Yi Tian frequently at a disadvantage.Moreover, the sharp claws on the opponent's hand scratched the protective cover and it was almost broken, and it felt hot when it brushed against the skin.

If I hadn't practiced Jin Yang's indestructible body, the Buddha Sect's physical defense was super strong, I'm afraid I would have been injured by the opponent long ago.

Looking back, Yi Tian hastily turned back to distance himself, but he took out the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel with a light pat on his hand, then muttered something in his mouth and began to sacrifice the spirit weapon and prepare to fight back.

The Flying Rakshasa also showed a dignified face when he saw it, but just seeing the way the surrounding spiritual power was split after the two ** sacrificed, he knew that this trick was not easy.

But for these superpowers in the upper realm, they were surprised at most, not to the point of being at a loss.With a hint of sneer on his face, he reached out and took out the Rakshasa blade.

Then he waved it slowly in front of him a few times, raised it up, and slashed down towards Yi Tian obliquely. A blue sword light came out with a momentum that was much weaker than Xiahou Cangqiong's before, but its angle The tricky Yi Tian had to take countermeasures.

After a golden light flashed from the solar wheel in his hand, it turned into a spherical defensive mask to protect Yi Tian, ​​and then there was a loud 'bang', and the entire light ball was hit and pushed back three feet Only when he was far away did he stabilize himself.

When Flying Rakshasa just wanted to continue to attack, suddenly a cyan aura magnified infinitely in his pupils. Just now Yi Tian took the initiative to fight back and manipulated the Moon Flame Wheel in his hand to hit Flying Rakshasa.

The whistling and rotating light wheel devoured all the spiritual energy around it, and then hit Feitian Luosha's body accurately, but a blue aura blocked it, and then there was a loud noise, and Feitian Luosha's figure trembled slightly. After a few blows, he was knocked back about two feet by one blow.

After the first move, the two looked like they were in the same boat, but Yi Tian knew that the more he dragged on, the worse it would be for him, and if he continued like this and waited for the opponent to gradually recover his strength, he would undoubtedly lose.

(End of this chapter)

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