
Chapter 758

Chapter 758

After fighting Feitian Rakshasa, Yi Tiancai found that there was still a big gap between his physical skills and Dugu Tianfeng's demon transformation method. The last time he fought against Feitian Rakshasa, he relied on his strength to resist Feitian Luosha's attack. Only with the joint efforts of everyone can he be killed on the spot.

However, in this one-on-one fight, Yi Tiancai has learned the opponent's strength, and the strength of these upper-world powers should not be underestimated even after they regain their homes.

Yi Tian's expression changed after taking back the moonlight wheel in his hand, and he directly took out the Five Vulcan fan. This thing has been kept in the Niwan Palace for warming since it was practiced, so today is the first time it has been shot.

With the injection of spiritual power into it, the spiritual light of the five flames on the one-foot-sized fan began to flow rapidly, and a colorful halo appeared on the hand for a while.

The Flying Raksha on the opposite side felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and even blurted out: "I want to see how much strength you, the Five Vulcan fans, have in Lihuo Laogui back then."

Yi Tian replied lightly: "I will definitely not let you down."

Feitian Luosha spat and said: "Don't use your tongue, the real fire of the five elements in your world may not be the most powerful, let me show you the power of the magic fire in the demon world." The spirit baby emerged from it, and a jet-black flame was raised from its hand to condense into a wisp.

After condensing the spells in their hands, the two sides sacrificed and struck towards the opponent's position at the same time. Yi Tian's here is a colorful fireball condensed into a fist.

And the black magic fire seemed to fly a few feet away in the air, and then it spun at a high speed and instantly became a normal size. After bursts of crackling sounds, the two real fires met each other when the black flame passed by. After the 'bang' slammed together, everything within a range of ten feet around was set on fire.

The scorching flames turned into little sparks that splashed out and hit the surrounding woods, and they were instantly ignited, and the real fire of the five elements mixed with the real fire of the demon world became indestructible, burning all the things that could be ignited around in a short time It's gone, leaving only a bare mountain top.

After one move, Yi Tian put away the five Vulcan fan and hurriedly took out a few elixirs, put them in his mouth and knocked them down, which consumes a lot of spiritual power, and looking at the opponent's appearance is definitely not so easy to pass away.

Later, after taking out the Haotian mirror, he sacrificed a ray of Nanming Lihuo, and then shone a white light to greet Feitian Luosha.He just heard him scream: "The Haotian mirror is in your hand too, the damn old ghost Lihuo lingers and imprisons me for 3000 years, it doesn't count that I leave this thing to my disciples." He also knew the consequences of being illuminated by the divine light of Haotian Mirror.

But even so, how could his movement be as fast as the divine light shot from the Haotian mirror, he was locked in less than ten breaths, and then the whole figure froze immediately.

Then I saw a blue villain appearing between his forehead and eyebrows, as if he was fixed by the divine light, but upon closer inspection, a black flame lit up all over his body and enveloped his Nascent Soul , and then saw a black fire appearing around his body, blocking all the white light emitted by the Haotian mirror.

After three breaths, there was a 'poof', and the black fireball flew up and fled down the mountain.Yi Tian saw for the first time that there was such a way to solve the problem. Although the Haotian mirror was always able to show its power in his own hands in the past, it seems that this is not the first time that Feitian Luosha has faced this spiritual weapon, so he has the ability to deal with it. Law.

When Yi Tian put away his spiritual weapon and chased him, the Flying Rakshasa had already flown far away. Fortunately, there were only two ways to go out in the land of Dange, and the other party probably returned from the same way. of.

Immediately, he put away the Haotian mirror and hurried up, if he let the flying Rakshasa go again this time, there would be endless troubles, and when he went out to find a place to absorb enough magic energy, he could reshape the Rakshasa's real body, then Tian Lan It is absolutely impossible for anyone on the continent to be able to defeat him single-handedly.

Fortunately, after the Feitian Rakshasa seized the house, his cultivation had only returned to the appearance of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and it seemed that he had not yet fully controlled Xiahou Cangqiong's physical body.

Galloping through the air, Yi Tian easily found the trace of the other party. It was because there were too many magic fire residues in the air, mixed with a pungent stench.

Just now Feitian Luosha relied on this magic fire to forcibly cut off the divine light of the Haotian Mirror before Yuanying was able to be freed.But doing so must be conditional, thinking about it, the other party will definitely not feel good at this time, and before Xiahou Cangqiong forcibly used the secret method of the Raksha clan, it will definitely cause a very heavy burden on the body. is when it is at its weakest.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian directly took out a small piece of white jade lotus root, put it in his mouth, chewed it into pieces, swallowed it, and instantly a pure spiritual power came out of it to supplement the spiritual energy consumed before.Then, under the rapid circulation of the spiritual power in the whole body, the color of the spiritual energy on his body turned into blue and red, so that the speed of the whole person suddenly doubled, and then searched along the residual smell of the magic fire in the air.

Although under this restriction, the divine sense can only be opened within a range of ten miles, but after Yi Tian accelerated his flight for a little while, the divine sense locked the opponent's position.The distance between the two was about seven or eight miles, and the speed of the other party seemed to have slowed down.

I believe that with the strength of the opponent, he can also find out his whereabouts, but the consequences of being caught again under such circumstances are self-evident.

Later, in his divine sense, he felt that the Flying Raksha's escape speed had also accelerated, which was obviously the result of using some life-saving secret technique to forcibly increase his escape speed.Yi Tian snorted coldly and said in his heart, "I let you run away from my home field, how can I gain a foothold in Zhongzhou in the future." ’ Immediately, he urged his escape speed with all his strength and rushed towards the direction where Feitian Rakshasa was escaping.

At the same time, he kept taking out the Five Vulcan Fans from his hands to slowly raise a ball of five-colored divine flames in his hands to condense them without emitting them.

The distance of seven or eight miles is short, even if it is in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Pavilion, at most it is impossible to fly at high altitude.After a short while, Yi Tian saw the back of the Flying Rakshasa from a distance, and then gathered his spiritual energy to increase his escape speed again and chase after him.

At the same time, the other party also realized that being bitten this time may be more dangerous than good luck, and it is better to turn around and bite fiercely than to run away in embarrassment.

Yi Tian slowly sacrificed his clear eyes to see Feitian Luocha's appearance clearly, only to see that he turned his head at this time with a resolute expression on his face.Immediately, the spiritual power in his body gathered again, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black flames. Later, his face was instantly aged a bit, and the skin on his body also lost its proper luster and became extremely dull.

(End of this chapter)

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