
Chapter 760

Chapter 760

It was two days later when Yi Tian returned to the Qige hall again. During this period, he not only replenished the spiritual power consumed in the previous war, but also sorted out Xiahou Cangqiong's storage ring.

Tianli Cult has searched for a lot of good things over the past few hundred years. In addition to spirit stones, there are dozens of sixth-level treasure materials and a seventh-level pregnant mother mine.After searching the anecdotes of Tianlan Continent, I found that this pregnant mother mine can be placed deep in the vein within a hundred years, and the quality of the ore produced in the original vein can be improved by one level.

Yi Tian doesn't need this thing himself, but it is of great utility to leave it to the Zongmen. If he thinks about it, he puts it away for the time being and decides how to use it after meeting the Zongmen.

As for the fact that Xiahou Cangqiong asked himself to help take care of his descendants before his fall, he also found some clues in his relics.Among them, one of the jade slips clearly contained Xiahou Yuling's shadow figure and the sect he belonged to.

It was a coincidence that Xiahou Cangqiong, as the Supreme Elder of the Tianli Sect, actually let his descendants worship under the Tiandao Sect. It seems that he is also an old fox, and what he did is self-evident.

After tidying up these things, return to the main hall of the Qi Pavilion. The most likely place to find the teleportation array leading to the ancestral hall is here.

But after he came back, after searching everywhere, he couldn't find any trace of formation, which made Yi Tian's face a little uneasy.Anyway, I am also a senior formation master and a monk who is a monk who uses weapons to enter the Tao. After searching for a long time, I have no clue.

Even so, he couldn't find any traces of the formation plate set up by Yu Yaoqing. After a while, his mood sank and he sat cross-legged on the futon of the main seat in the main hall of Qi Pavilion to meditate and rest. Taking advantage of the situation, he took out some pills to supplement consumption spiritual power.

Sitting on Yu Yaoqing's position, Yi Tian looked down at the situation below the whole point and found nothing unusual, and even stretched out his hand to gently stroke the floor around the futon, but found no signs of hidden compartments.When he was wondering, he suddenly turned his body and turned the whole futon together, and then there was a "click" sound in the middle of the ceiling above his head.

Yi Tian looked up and saw that it turned out to be a hollowed-out skylight. At this time, the sun was setting in the evening and there was no sunlight.However, Yi Tian has some doubts in his heart. The mechanism under the futon is definitely not simple, and it happens to be controlled by Yu Yaoqing himself, so its importance is self-evident.

Then there were several 'click' sounds on the walls around the main hall, and eight simple wall lamps slowly stretched out.Yi Tian frowned deeply after sweeping with his spiritual sense. These wall lamps are also part of the mechanism control, which should be a complete set with the skylight on the ceiling.

But upon closer inspection, he found nothing major, then sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and waited.

After sitting for countless hours, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes when a gust of wind blew by when the full moon rose. When he looked down from the high platform of the main seat, his eyes suddenly brightened.

The moonlight shone directly through the roof of the main hall of the Qi Pavilion and formed a projection on the floor of the main hall. After a closer look, I found that it looked like a set of simple patterns. Looking up, I saw that it was under the moonlight. After passing through the window grille of the hollow skylight on the top of the main hall, it is projected to form.

Needless to say, this is very likely to be the image part of some kind of large array pattern. I didn't expect Yu Yaoqing to build the array plate on it, but the projection has not been moved to the center for the time being. It is just an elliptical halo. Only under the direct moonlight can we clearly distinguish what kind of pattern it is.

After slowly getting up, Yi Tian volleyed up to the roof of the main hall to check the direction of these pattern light sources carefully, and then found a set of hollow pattern patterns on the window grille of the skylight, and it was through here that the moonlight formed. The array pattern.

But after three breaths, he couldn't be happy anymore. Even if he found this pattern, the pattern projected on the main hall is constantly moving with the cheapness of Moon Shadow, but he doesn't know how to activate a moving teleportation pattern.

I saw that with the passage of time, the projection of the pattern pattern on the ground was indeed moving slowly. Standing on the high platform, Yi Tian was fascinated by watching it. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he hurried to the main hall to take it out. Luo Geng began to measure the projection.

After three breaths, a little understanding appeared on his face. Now that the array pattern was found, where is the energy tank for activating the teleportation array? Could it be those wall lamps, but there was no movement at this time?

In retrospect, my great uncle was indeed so clever that he was able to figure out a way to use array pattern projection to set up the teleportation array.People who don't know this will definitely not be able to guess that the teleportation array is above the head. As for why Yu Yaoqing did this, Yi Tian is puzzled.

Looking around with his spiritual thoughts, he couldn't find a slot where the spirit stone could be placed. Seeing that the projection of the lines became more and more round with the moonlight, Yi Tiancai realized that it was almost midnight, and it was also the time when the moonlight was at its peak. .

Standing on the high platform, Yi Tian saw that the pattern had moved to the center of the main hall, and there were eight wall lamps on the east and west sides flashing a little light. He was overjoyed and shouted: "It's done."

I searched the eight wall lamps with my spiritual sense and found that the lamp oil in the oil storage tank that was originally full of lamp oil faded away rapidly, revealing eight small grooves that were just right to place the spirit stones.With a knowing smile on his face, Yi Tian wiped the storage ring and took out eight spirit stones to fill them in the eight wall lamps one by one.

The wall lamps in the main hall were lit one by one and gave off a little faint light. After a while, the eight lights gathered together and gave off a dazzling light, illuminating the whole hall as if it were daytime.

Then a beam of light was emitted from each wall lamp to shine on the ground in the center of the hall to form a circle about ten feet in size, and when the pattern projection moved to the center, it just filled the gap in the aperture.This is exactly the pattern of the activated teleportation array, and at the same time, a white light shoots out from the window on the ceiling of the main hall, as if connecting to another corresponding teleportation point.

Seeing the situation, Yi Tian hurriedly moved his figure over the array pattern, and immediately activated all the array patterns under the aura of aura around him, and the surrounding space began to become distorted.Then a white light swallowed Yi Tian's figure, and after three breaths, it turned into a white light and disappeared from the spot with a 'swoosh'.

Although he has used many long-distance teleportation arrays before, the effect is not as bad as this time. In the halo, Yi Tian felt that his body was about to be torn apart.Suddenly, a red light flew out from the storage ring, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the token of the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect.

After the token flew out, it was instantly activated to form a protective shield to protect the body, and then Yi Tiancai slowly felt that the force of space tearing around his body was reduced a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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