
Chapter 761 Ancestral Land 1 Arrival

Chapter 761
A dazzling halo of light across the night sky in the night was already very eye-catching, and the vision that appeared during the confinement of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion attracted the attention of the monks sent by the various sects to stay behind.

Immediately, the monks who were in charge of staying at various observation posts near Qi Pavilion hurriedly reported back to the sect. Although they couldn't tell where the speed of light would fly, after all, someone sneaked into the forbidden ruins in the hinterland of the Lihuo sect. Let people obtain the secret treasures left behind or practice some powerful supernatural powers, which will have another impact on the balance of the major forces in Zhongzhou.

The news spread to Zhongzhou Lihuozong and put it on Hu Yiyuan's desk. He glanced at it with his spiritual sense, then stretched out his hand and patted the communication jade slip into powder.

But he said to himself: "Junior Brother Yi, you really didn't disappoint me. I hope everything goes well for you and come back to take over the Li Fire Sect as soon as possible. You must know that Senior Brother Lu and I have worked really hard here."

The ban on the ancestral land of Li Huo Zong occupies a radius of more than 2000 miles, and it is the largest treasure in Zhongzhou in the eyes of the world.It's just that this treasure is protected by a powerful ban. For 3000 years, countless Nascent Soul monks have tried to break through this ban and hide the secrets of the Lihuo Ancestral Land inside.

It's a pity that all of them returned without success, what's more, many of them forcibly attacked the blocking formation and died on the spot under the backlash of the formation.

Since then, these Zhongzhou monks have learned to be good, and they will join forces only when the ban is weakened. Today, Yi Tian directly entered the interior with a method that no one had tried before.

After a white halo flashed in an open space outside the mountain gate of Li Huozong, a monk dressed as a ranger appeared, and it was Yi Tian who came here through the long-distance teleportation array of Qi Pavilion.

But the feeling of space tearing is really uncomfortable. Although the suzerain token was used as a transmission protection device to resist most of the stress, the tearing feeling before made people feel extremely uncomfortable, even the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul were not spared.

Even if one has practiced the Jinyang Movement Technique and his body is much stronger than ordinary people, it is still enough to be teleported all the way.

When he came back to his senses, he still felt dizzy, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the mountain gate of Li Huo Sect.There is a round stone step under his feet, and he is standing in the center of the stone step in an area that depicts the teleportation pattern.

At this moment, Yi Tiancai realized that he had arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Lihuo Sect's ancestral land was, and the node under his feet was the teleportation array.And fifty miles away is the range from the restricted border of the Fire Sect.

Back then, Patriarch Lihuo was able to deploy such a huge banning formation, not relying on a few spirit stones.The greatest possibility is that the heaven-shattering magic power of weeping ghosts and gods was used to move several main spiritual veins of Zhongzhou to serve as the foundation of the blocking formation, so that it could remain standing for thousands of years.

Walking slowly to the mountain gate and looking around, you can see a stone wall more than three feet high and five feet wide standing on the right.There are three big characters 'Li Huo Zong' in the letter, and Gu Hui's name is actually written in the signature on the lower right corner.

Although Yi Tian still has some prejudices against himself as the master uncle, more than half of the reason for the disintegration of the entire Lihuo Sect is the result of the discord between Gu Hui and his own ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, which led to the split of the four veins, but his handwriting is neat and angular. Should be a mediocre person.

On the other hand, he wondered how such a well-behaved person would disregard Patriarch Lihuo's will, and openly break with his junior brother and divide the huge family property into four.

There must be some unknown secrets. Yi Tian looked at the ancestral hall tens of miles away, but his heart was full of endless doubts. Fortunately, he was the only one who could search the ancestral hall with peace of mind.

Walking slowly on the way up the mountain, Yi Tian could only detect the situation within a range of more than ten miles after opening his divine sense.After walking for a few miles, I came to a three-way intersection. After scanning the road signs, I found that it led to Qidian, Dantang and Zixiaodian respectively.

At the moment, I was stunned. Isn't there still the ancestral land of Qi Pavilion and Pill Pavilion outside? Why is there a distinction between Qi Palace and Pill Hall here.After three breaths, Yi Tian came back to his senses, but found that he was in a phase. This place was originally the main vein of Lihuo, so it should be set up accordingly.It must be that Wan Zongming and Yu Yaoqing first practiced here and then went to the other two places by the order of the ancestors to open another branch.

Afterwards, he directly chose to ignore the two forks on the left and right, and walked towards the Zixiao Temple in the middle with big strides.After walking for a while, I just felt that the surrounding air seemed a little weird, and the spiritual pressure in the midair appeared to be distorted and fluctuating from time to time.

Speaking of which, few people have been here in 3000 years, so it should not be the case, but the further down Yi Tian felt, the more something was wrong, and he was shocked to find that the surrounding environment seemed to have changed slightly.

After walking for about an hour, there seemed to be some phantoms of monks around him, and there were more and more phantoms.Standing on the stone steps, Yi Tian took a closer look at the surrounding people who were all wearing uniform clothes, and judging from the marks on the Taoist robes, they were all outer disciples of the Li Huo Sect.

Although the influence of these people is so clear in front of him, but when he stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, it was empty, and his hand could not touch the phantom of these people.It seems that this place should be in the chaos of time and space, and more and more disciples of the Lihuo Sect gathered around him as they walked forward.

Near the end of the stone steps, there was a monk wearing the clothes of the inner sect standing there. Many disciples around him ran up to salute him, and then lined up and walked slowly along the path next to him.

Yi Tian glanced at the cultivator standing there, and saw that he was in his early thirties, with a face like a jade crown, a bun tied on his head and a Taoist crown.But he was holding a roster and a talisman pen in his hand, and each visiting outer disciple would tick the corresponding place after reporting.

This person is obviously the inner disciple in charge of Dianmao, but Yi Tian was stunned when he saw his face clearly. Isn't this his ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, although he looks a little younger than himself on the portrait of the sect , but the whole person's appearance is still [-]-[-]% similar, and there is no mistake.

Looking back, when I think about it, I have a calculation in my heart. In this way, this impact should describe the situation that the power of the upper realm has not yet fallen 3000 years ago.

Seeing the long queue of outer disciples behind him, Yi Tian simply stopped, wanting to see what kind of scene this phantom would present to him next.

After waiting for a short time, Yun Zhongzheng's phantom suddenly froze, then put away the roster and talisman pens in his hand, and led many disciples slowly towards the square outside Zixiao Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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