
Chapter 762 Ancestral Land 2 Phantom

Chapter 762
On the square outside Zixiao Palace in the ancestral land, Yi Tian saw the scene 3000 years ago through the distortion of time and space.

It seems that it should be close to the grand event of the Fire Sect, so it is arranged for these outer disciples who cannot see the Patriarch on weekdays to come to see the sky.

After walking to the square, some of the sect disciples who arrived earlier had already lined up and waited on the square.With a glance of Yi Tian's eyes, he can find that there are some outer sect disciples around him, roughly distributed in the three-party area in the middle and back of the square.

Among them, the group of disciples in the middle has about several thousand people, and the Zongmen costumes on their bodies are different from those on the left and right.If you pay attention, you can see the logos belonging to the Dan Pavilion and Qi Pavilion on the cuffs of the monks' clothing on both sides.And these disciples in the middle had two flames embroidered on their cuffs, so they should be regarded as direct disciples.

Walking forward slowly, Yi Tian saw about 800 people standing in an area in front of him after passing the three camps. The clothes they were wearing should be inner disciples of the sect.

As for his ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, he walked slowly, and the disciples in the middle hurriedly dispersed into two groups to let him pass.

Yi Tian followed behind Yun Zhongzheng, and he could truly experience the grand event of the Li Huo Sect back then.One must know that unlike the current sects of self-cultivation, the outer disciples of the Lihuo Sect must have reached the Foundation Establishment Stage, while the inner disciples who want to do so must have reached the Golden Core Stage.

Back then, the number of [-] Golden Core disciples in Lihuo Sect's inner sect was much more than the sum of all Golden Core monks on Lan Continent today.

But I don't know why the Yuanying monks in the sect have only seen four direct disciples of the ancestors.You must know that among the eight hundred Jindan disciples, there must be not a few who can break through the alchemy and become a baby, no matter how you say it, there must be at least a dozen people.

But based on the records of the sect that survived, there was indeed no clue of the Nascent Soul cultivators. Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly felt a little bad, and the reason for such a result must be very important.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw the main door of the Zixiao Palace open in the distance, and then Patriarch Li Huo led the three sitting disciples and walked out slowly.But what surprised Yi Tian was that there was actually a group of monks following behind the three major disciples, counting them carefully, there were as many as 80 people.

His face suddenly twitched a few times. If such a force were placed now, all the Nascent Soul cultivators on Tianlan Continent would not have so many.

Looking at the leader Lihuo Patriarch, he saw a goshawk perched on his shoulder, and a small figure suddenly appeared in his arms. Looking carefully, it was a white-haired mouse, but the hair on its body was no longer pink and tender. The corners of the mouth and the ends of the nose have turned grayish white.When Yi Tian saw it, he said subconsciously: "A grown-up treasure hunter."

I didn't expect Lihuo ancestor to have such a spiritual pet in his hands. Basically, the treasures produced in the entire Tianlan continent can't escape his eyes, and there are a yellow dog and a hen shadow on the left and right sides of the ancestor. Inseparable follow.

Seeing this, Yi Tian said slowly: "The prototype of the four great demon kings, I didn't expect the four of them to look like this, no wonder they would be so respectful after seeing me."

After Patriarch Lihuo and others passed by, Yi Tian easily passed through his phantom and came to the back of the crowd.

But at this moment, Lihuo Patriarch, who was walking in the front, turned his head to look at Yi Tian's position, then smiled slightly on his face, and then turned around as if nothing had happened, And when Yi Tian turned around, he seemed to have missed this scene.

At this time, Patriarch Lihuo was leading many Nascent Soul disciples to lecture with many disciples below, and all the disciples below stood obediently and looked directly at Patriarch to listen to the instruction.

After the half-pay, Patriarch Lihuo made another move, stretched out his hand and handed a token directly to Yun Zhongzheng on the left, as if he wanted to formally pass the throne to him.After Yun Zhongzheng received the token, many brothers around him stepped forward to congratulate him.

But Yitian saw that Gu Hui, who was standing on the right side of the ancestor at this time, looked a little unnatural on his face. It's no wonder that his senior brother didn't become the next suzerain, but was a younger junior than him Yun Zhongzheng has won the mantle of the ancestor.

Suddenly, Patriarch Li Huo's image trembled violently, and then the phantom images of the surrounding disciples also trembled.Suddenly, Patriarch Li Huo raised his head and looked into the sky with unbelievable eyes.

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment. He had seen this situation in many records before, and it should be the situation of Luo Que, the great power in the upper realm, and Qian Lingzi, who was in the lower realm.

He raised his head and looked at the blue sky, which suddenly became a little purple, and then a light spot appeared in the sky, and a light and shadow appeared on the ground on the square in front of the Li Huozong Ancestral Hall.

Judging from the pattern pattern, it should be the appearance of the ascension platform being activated, and then the ascension platform on the ground and the gap in the air echoed each other, and the interface channel was opened in the opposite direction. After three breaths, it expanded rapidly and was stretched to more than ten feet Width.

Inside was a pitch-black void, from which a large amount of spiritual energy poured out and was directly dropped within a hundred miles of the Huozong Ancestral Hall, and immediately the trees began to grow crazily.

There is no doubt that these rich auras are left from the upper spirit world through the interface channel of the Ascension Platform, although for Tianlan Continent, a large amount of aura can be supplemented.But at this time, no one paid attention to these things anymore, and everyone's attention was focused on the gap in the void that was opened in reverse.

In principle, the ascension channel is a one-way interface teleportation array, which can usually be used only after the void gap between the interfaces is stabilized.And the pressure between the two interfaces is also different, so even the strength of a powerful monk from the lower realm is at most suppressed in the early stage of transforming gods. If there is no continuous spiritual power replenishment, the spiritual power in the body will fade With the passage of time, it will gradually decrease, and over time, the cultivation base will also decline to the appearance of the late Nascent Soul.

At this time, there was chaos on the square, and those low-ranking monks rushed down the mountain with their heads in their hands.Under the guidance of Yun Zhongzheng, the Jindanqi monks also set up escape techniques and flew directly outside the outer mountain gate.

A moment later, the Zongmen Rumor Ceremony, which was originally a bustling scene, suddenly turned into a wild one.And the Lihuo Patriarch who was standing in the middle had an extremely stern face, and all the disciples around him also had expressions of fear, but no one dared to act rashly without the Patriarch's oral instructions.

Shaoqing saw the spot of light in the air falling rapidly and then flying towards the direction of Zixiao Palace. After three breaths, the purple light flew straight towards Yi Tian's position. A simple and simple seal appeared in the purple light, its shape and size were exactly the same as the one on his Nascent Soul's head.

(End of this chapter)

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