
Chapter 763 Ancestral Land 3 Breaking the World

Chapter 763
The phantom that happened in the sky above Lihuo Zong Zixiao Hall should be a mirror image that has survived for more than 3000 years, but Yi Tian didn't know why the monks who came before didn't find such a scene, but he was only encountered by himself.

It's useless to think too much. The surrounding scene has become chaotic enough. It wasn't until the purple light fell that it attracted everyone's attention.

The seal that appeared in the purple light was exactly the one on the top of the head of the reason in his body, and this seal seemed to have gradually become spiritual after 400 years of lurking in his body and gradually absorbing spiritual power to repair himself. Run out to join in the fun.

Looking up, Yi Tian had an incredible look on his face, and the seal in the purple light shot towards his position.

Immediately, the escapism under the feet was used in a hurry, and the whole person moved away a distance of a hundred feet in an instant, but the seal in the phantom seemed to lock its position and slightly adjusted its flying direction.

At the same time, the seal in the body suddenly flew out of the Niwan Palace and stopped at a height of one foot above the head as if it had sensed a call.

Immediately, the spiritual power fluctuated all over the scene, and it was hard to tell whether it was the seal itself or the appearance inspired by the phantom.After ten breaths, the purple light flew directly onto the main body unexpectedly, and the two overlapped together, and then a few simple characters appeared on the bottom printed surface.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing below, looked up and suddenly showed some doubts on his face. The characters on the printed surface were not the standard characters on Tianlan Continent, nor the characters from the upper spirit world that he had learned.

I ran through my mind quickly but couldn't find any clues, so I had to forcefully remember these handwriting in my heart.

After ten breaths, the seal seemed to be fused with the phantom before slowly falling down and flying back to the Niwan Palace between the forehead and eyebrows, but this time Yi Tian didn't notice that the faint words on the side of the seal had changed It became clearer, a series of words were impossible to read, but the last word could be vaguely seen as a 'sky' from the strokes.

After the seal was submerged into the body, Yi Tian found that all the disciples of Li Huo Sect were still staring blankly at the trajectory of the seal. Only the ancestor Li Huo inadvertently turned his head to himself, and then showed a knowing smile on his face .

This is the first time since I entered this phantom environment that I found signs of communication with people, but the expression of the ancestor was as expected.But just when Yi Tian wanted to take some action, suddenly there was a change in the void gap of the Ascension Platform opened in reverse above his head.

It seemed that two big hands forcibly propped the gap open from the depths of the pitch-black space, and then four giant hands stretched out from the darkness and held the ascension passage, more than doubling its size again.

Immediately, a large amount of spiritual energy in the sky poured out crazily and rushed into the Tianlan Continent unscrupulously. The first thing to bear the brunt was the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect, who was forced to pay attention to the crazy growth of the trees within a radius of [-] miles. Up, its growth momentum is three points stronger than before.

Even though this happened 3000 years ago, Yi Tian can re-experience the shock in his heart beyond words.The weeds near the Zixiao Temple are now more than five feet high, and the pears on some huanghuali trees are the size of watermelons.

Looking up, Luo Que, who had three heads and six arms in the void, poked his head out, and immediately chased after the trail of purple light below.About ten breaths later, another golden light flashed from the gap in the void for a few times before falling headlong.

Needless to say, this must be the old guy Qian Lingzi, Yi Tian cast his clear eyes and looked towards the golden light, and then his whole body was shaken, with an incredible expression on his face, he blurted out: "Why is it Qian Lingzi?" This old fellow Yuan."

After the golden light faded, Qian Lingzi's true face was revealed inside, and this was the first time Yi Tian saw his real body, as if it was carved out of the same mold as Qian Lingyuan.

I thought in my heart that there would never be such a coincidence in the world, even twin brothers would have slight deviations, and monk Nascent Soul's insight was already a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people, and he could distinguish twins clearly at a glance.

It seems that there are still many secrets hidden in Qianlingzong. At least He Weiming only told half of what he said to him before. Maybe even he himself didn't know that his junior brother Qianlingyuan, who got along day and night, was so secretive.

Turning around, I saw Lihuo patriarch waved his hand and shouted: "All disciples follow me to set up the Lihuo skynet formation, Zhongzheng, you lead Zong Ming and Yaoqing to quickly take the disciples away to the Lihuo sect to stand by and wait for help. "

This is the first time Yi Tian heard the voice in the phantom, and it was also the voice of Li Huo Patriarch.Apparently, the ancestor was arranging for his death. As for what to stand by and wait for help, it was just talking. Once Lao Zhu died, there would be some reinforcements.

Then I saw the old ancestor flying into the air with many disciples behind him under the display of spiritual power. The 81 disciples lined up at various points and sacrificed the spiritual weapons in their hands. The Lihuo Patriarch stood at the eye of the formation with the Haotian Mirror in his hand to coordinate and command.

After Luo Que descended, he couldn't find the whereabouts of the seal, and suddenly the three faces showed expressions of embarrassment and anger, and opened their mouths to spit thunderstorms towards the Skynet formation.

The thunderstorm spell with the power of chaos exploded as soon as it came into contact with the formation, shocking the Nascent Soul disciples there until they vomited blood.

After seeing this, the ancestor Lihuo stretched out his hand to pat the Haotian mirror, and then sacrificed Nanming Lihuo. In an instant, a white light shone directly on the forehead of Luo Que's head.Luo Que pulled out all of a sudden by this sudden blow, as if his body was a little out of order.

After seeing this, the Patriarch Lihuo immediately stretched out his left hand to sacrifice the Zixiao lamp with joy on his face, and blew a ray of real fire from his mouth to light it up, then pointed at Luo Que's position with the Zixiao lamp in his hand and said, "Go. "

With a sound of "coaxing", a flame flew out from the center of Zixiaozhan and flew straight forward, but Luo Que was unable to cast any spells for effective defense when he was fixed by the Haotian Mirror.

The white fire light engulfed his figure in an instant, and everyone in the Li Huo Sect showed some relaxed and freehand smiles on their faces.But before the three breaths passed, a sword light descended from the sky and hit Luo Que whose whole body was on fire.

With one blow, it was sent flying more than three feet away, and it was immediately out of the control range of the Haotian Mirror.At this moment, the white fire ball that was originally targeted suddenly moved.After the two flashes of aura, one green and one yellow, aroused several gale winds, the Nanming Lihuo on his body was blown away alive.

(End of this chapter)

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