
Chapter 764 Ancestral Land 4 Fall

Chapter 764
Although Yi Tian knew that Li Huozong's skills were powerful, he did not dare to underestimate the strength of others.You must know that these great powers are not fuel-efficient lamps. Everyone has their own specialties. It doesn't matter whether they are strong or weak, as long as they work.

Just like Luo Que's current appearance, he held the sun, moon and brilliance wheel in both hands and immediately blew away all the Nanming Lihuo around him.

After doing this, he combined his hands together to combine the two spiritual weapons into one, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood essence to splash on the spiritual weapon. Immediately, the sun, moon and brilliance wheel suddenly grew a little bigger and didn't stop Under the rotation, a huge vacuum was formed all around to blow up many buildings and trees in the world below.

For a moment, the entire sky and earth changed color, and the dark clouds billowed to cover the brilliance of the sun.It's just that Luo Que formed a spiral black hole at the center, which seemed to swallow everything.

After he gained momentum, he saw that the three heads of his Asura dharma body opened their mouths and said something, then with a wave of both hands, he directly sacrificed the black hole and hit the big sky net array laid down by Patriarch Lihuo.

Just looking at the power of this move, Yi Tian also showed a hint of fear on his face. He has also manipulated the move of Sun and Moon Tonghui many times, but its power is not comparable to what Luo Que used.His own tricks are like stars and wildfires, but Luo Que's tricks are like bright moon candlelight, and the gap is too big.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Lihuo hurriedly shouted in shock: "Change", after speaking, he sacrificed the Zixiao lamp again, sprayed a trace of blood from his mouth, and lit the lamp.Suddenly a white fire dragon sprang out from the wick of the Zixiao lamp, and then turned into a two-foot-long fire sword using the Zixiao lamp as the hilt.

After Lihuo Patriarch quickly formed a seal on his chest, the fire sword transformed into Zixiaozhan spun a few times in the air, and then aimed at the spiral black hole in the center of the sun, moon and brilliance wheel, and stabbed fiercely.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and the two spells collided in the air, sending out black and white sparks and electric force, shaking the world violently.

The black vortex seemed to smash the white flame completely, but the invisible sword body did not go out even in the spiral black hole, but gradually burned inside it, making the black vortex stay in the air and gradually slow down .

Obviously, the ancestor Lihuo had the upper hand in this duel. After ten breaths, the black vortex became smaller and smaller. With a 'poof' sound, the round wheel formed by the sun, the moon, and the glowing wheel jumped out of it and was taken away by Luo Que. went back.At this time, there was a little solemn look on his face, although he was not timid, but his expression became not as relaxed as before.

Just when Patriarch Lihuo was about to take back the Zixiao lamp, a golden sword light slashed down from above and hit the Zixiao lamp accurately. With a 'click', several gaps were split open on the Zixiao lamp. In the blink of an eye, the cracks spread all over the spirit weapon's body.And in the distance, Lihuo Patriarch suddenly suffered a backlash after his natal magic weapon was damaged, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and his face was flushed.

At this time, Luo Que from a distance took advantage of the situation and broke into the big formation of Skynet with a flash of his figure, swung the sun and moon with the brilliance wheel in his hand, and beheaded all the disciples who formed the formation.When he flew to Patriarch Lihuo, he swung the sun, moon and brilliance wheel and chopped it down head-on. Patriarch Lihuo had no choice but to forcefully raise the Haotian Mirror, and a white light shot out from it, covering Luo Que's figure .

Immediately, the huge body of Asura was fixed in the air, unable to move, but the white light didn't last long before it seemed to be exhausted, and gradually began to flicker on and off.

Looking at the source along the light source, Li Huo patriarch is spitting blood and desperately urging the Haotian mirror, but unfortunately, the spiritual power consumed by using this spiritual weapon is too huge.

The flickering mirror light shone on Luo Que's body, causing his movements to move slowly. When the divine light stopped, Luo Que's figure instantly resumed its movements.In this way, the Lihuo Patriarch retreated quickly with the Haotian Mirror in his hand, trying to lead him out of the Lihuo Sect's boundary.

It's just that after flying for a long time, the Haotian mirror in his hand became unsustainable. After Luo Que broke free from the shackles of the divine light, his whole face suddenly showed a look of fury, and the three heads suddenly changed.So far, Yi Tiancai has understood what Qin Mingyue said back then, that after mastering the transformation method of Asura, there will be three kinds of appearances, namely 'violent, bloodthirsty, and slaughter'.

And Luo Que in front of him showed all these faces at once. Originally, the three heads already looked like menacing gods, and with these three faces exposed at the same time, the whole person became like an angry demon god.

After a gray flash of light flashed by, Luo Quefei took out the sun wheel in his hand and slammed it down on Patriarch Lihuo.

A dazzling white light lit up in the sky, followed by a beeping sound, and the solar wheel in Luo Que's hand hit the Haotian Mirror directly. After three breaths, there was a crisp 'click' sound, and the center of the Haotian Mirror A tortoise crack appeared, and the crack spread out instantly to form a palm-sized circle, and then Haotian Mirror was separated from the mirror body by the mirror core in the middle of the blow.

This is the reason why the Liangyi spectroscope and the Haotian mirror were separated. After seeing it, Yi Tian shook his head and sighed secretly: "The ancestor of Lihuo was backlashed after being plotted by Qian Lingzi. Que is so powerful that he can't use his full strength, and the result is self-evident."

Immediately, he raised his head and continued to wait and see, only to see that at this time, Patriarch Li Huo was holding a two-meter spectroscope and was hit by Luo Que, and immediately vomited blood, and the wound was compounded.And few of the disciples who formed a coordinated formation around them survived.

Suddenly three lights and shadows flew forward and stopped in front of Patriarch Li Huo, upon closer inspection they turned out to be two boy-like figures holding swords.Yi Tian blurted out: "Heng Jian Ba ​​Dao is the two of them."

Immediately, Patriarch Lihuo hastily handed the Liangyi spectroscope to Heng Jian's hand, and at the same time gave him instructions in his ear. Then the two boys winked at each other, summoned four spirit pets and hurriedly turned their heads towards Galloping away from the sect, it goes without saying that these two people have now listened to the ancestor's will and sent the sect's token under the escort of the four demon kings to find the next suzerain, Yun Zhongzheng.

Luo Que, who was in the air, succeeded in a single attack, but did not continue to pursue. Instead, he put away the outer edge of the Haotian Mirror, and then stopped in the air and turned his gaze to another place. Qian Lingzi opened his mouth as if asking. What.

After a conversation, the two turned their gazes to Patriarch Lihuo again, and then unanimously cast spells in their hands and struck towards the big formation of Skynet in front of them.

The original formation was shattered by Luo Que, and the purpose of the two powerful attacks at the same time is self-evidently to eradicate the Li Fire Sect's forces.

At this time, the Lihuo Patriarch showed some determination on his face, and recalled the scarred Zixiao Zhanji in his hand, and then from the Niwan Palace, a white fire flashed, and his whole body was instantly wrapped by Nanming Lihuo. Condensed on the lampstand of Zixiaozhan to form a bright flame.

Yi Tian couldn't help but sighed a little when he saw it, the Patriarch Lihuo finally burned himself out and fell, within three breaths the flame on the Zixiao lamp locked onto the figures of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, and then split into two The two shot towards the two respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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