
Chapter 765 Ancestral Land 5 Wreck

Chapter 765
The Patriarch Lihuo exhausted his true energy and used himself as a trigger to ignite Nanming Lihuo above the Zixiao Palace in the ancestral land, and then made a final blow towards Luo Que and Qian Lingzi.But the two great masters of the upper realm were not vegetarians anymore, and their faces were not relaxed when they saw the ray of real fire floating towards them. They each took out their spiritual weapons, sacrificed them quickly, and then struck at the oncoming real fire.

After the four auras flashed, two flames erupted in the air, and the power of the magic attack aroused two violent winds, sweeping away everything in this world, and the range of thousands of miles was affected.

With Zixiao Palace as the center, the hinterland of Lihuozong's sect was swept away by the strong wind.It lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before the hurricane in the sky slowly dissipated.

Immediately, Luo Que and Qian Lingzi's appearance was revealed, but the current situation of the two of them is not good, the effect of being suppressed by the power of the interface after the lower realm gradually began to appear, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around the two of them had obviously been suppressed to The appearance of the early stage of the transformation of the gods.

Although they can use certain secret techniques to forcibly cast powerful spells, they will be backlashed by the power of the interface more strongly afterwards, so they will not use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

As for the remaining cultivators on the side of Lihuozong, they were almost all dead, except for the two boys of Hengjian Badao who left the battlefield early in the morning, there was no one in sight.

After Luo Que looked around in the air, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he stretched out his divine sense and began to search for the whereabouts of the seal.As for Qian Lingzi, he frowned. Obviously, his real strength should be weaker than Luo Que. If it wasn't for the power of this interface that suppressed both of them's cultivation at the early stage of transforming gods, Luo Que would probably be at this moment. It will turn around and kill it.

After ten breaths, Luo Que put away the three-headed and six-armed Asura figure, then chose a direction, and the figure flew away in a flash, opening his mouth and chanting a few words.

Qian Lingzi's face twitched when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, when Luo Que was no longer in sight, he slowly took out a piece of jade slip and wrote some words on it, then slowly sacrificed it and sent it directly to the In the interface channel above the head, it seems that he might be trying to communicate with the upper spirit world by himself.

Later, after looking at Li Huo Zong's ancestral land, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times in disdain, and then flew towards Luo Que's leaving direction, looking at him as if he was about to stare at him and wait for an opportunity to make a move.

Half a moment after the two of them left, there seemed to be some movement in the boundary somewhere in the ancestral land. Yi Tian turned his gaze to that place and found that it was the big brother Gu Hui who sprang out from a piece of ruins.

It's just that at this time he has lost his former look, a look of despair appeared on his face, and after a while, his whole body began to shake violently, and a black spiritual energy slowly rose from his dantian and swept his whole body Wrapped, and after ten breaths, the black air dissipated, revealing a strange appearance.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and said in astonishment: "Gu Hui has fallen into a demon."

It seems that this elder brother has been hit too hard and the sense of fear has completely released the inner demons in his heart. Now he is no longer the old Gu Hui, his eyes are full of vengeful anger and a little unwilling , It made people get goosebumps when they watched it.

A little later, the black devilish energy from the ashes was slowly absorbed into the body from the seven orifices, and the whole person returned to normal, but there was still a strange red in his eyes.

After that, he got up and galloped towards the location of Xixi Pavilion. It goes without saying that he was dazzled by revenge and wanted to reorganize the remaining forces of Lihuozong. Of course, he must do it first. The most important thing is to verify the integrity, and the most direct way is to seize power.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had a new understanding of Gu Hui in his heart. It turned out that this master uncle was also a poor person. Seeing his ancestor's tragic death, he fell into the evil way again.

I remember that Gu Hui found clues in the cave of Yihua Mountain. Back then, Gu Hui sent his disciples to Dongao to ask the patriarch to get the Liangyi spectroscope. It seems that his patriarch should have known about this change for a long time.

What happened next is so unnecessary that I don’t need to follow the past. At this time, I looked up and the gap in the interface above my head shrank rapidly, until it became a speck of light and completely disappeared into the void.

The formation pattern of the ascending platform above the square immediately stopped functioning, and then the defensive formation of the entire Lihuo Sect's ancestral land was automatically activated to protect the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.

Yi Tianfei went high into the sky and looked around, only to see that the defensive formation is the current seal restriction, and there are formation nodes lit up one after another on several nodes in the hinterland of the sect. Take a closer look, they are the main places of the inner sect It involves Dantang, Qitang, Lingzhi Garden, Chuangong Hall, Lingchongtang and so on.

After waiting for the meeting, the mirror image here is still not over, Yi Tian raised his brows and suddenly thought to himself: "Is there any important information that is not known to the public?"

Just as he was thinking, a purple spot of light suddenly flashed in the sky, and Yi Tian looked along the spot of light, which turned out to be the Zixiaozhan, the natal magic weapon of Patriarch Lihuo.At this time, without the support of spiritual power, the thing quickly fell from the sky and landed directly on the ground. After the remaining spiritual power on the spiritual weapon dissipated, it turned into an ordinary oil lamp, and it looked like it had fallen to the fourth rank. .

Yi Tian flew to the place following the falling trajectory of the Zixiao lamp and searched carefully, but he couldn't find Zixiao lamp. Suddenly, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face. The images left by these phantoms seem to point directly at the ancestor The spiritual weapon, but it should be near this side after it fell like this, unless someone got there first.

Continue to look at the phantom, and then time flies by like fast forward, until one day it is inadvertently picked up and put away by the monk who came in last time.The last shot of the phantom mirror image stayed on the monk's face, Yi Tian took a closer look and smiled in his heart: "Isn't this just He Weiming when he was young?"

It turned out that he was also lucky enough to enter the ban last time and accidentally found the Zixiao lamp left by the ancestor.But without Nanming Lihuo, there is no way to activate it. I am afraid that if you want to tour this spirit treasure, you will have to spend some means

Fortunately, I still have some private transactions with He Weiming, and I can use this as a breakthrough barrier to get things back.

At this point, the entire phantom mirror image is completely over. From it, Yi Tian has a taste of the process from the rise to the decline of the Lihuo Sect 3000 years ago. How did Zizi disappear on Tianlan Continent is unknown.

It's just that Yi Tian still has some doubts in his heart, why he can only hear the voice of Lihuo Patriarch in the whole scene, and it seems that only Patriarch has noticed his arrival, as if he made a special trip here to wait for the news here.

(End of this chapter)

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