
Chapter 766 Ancestral Land 6 Artistic Conception

Chapter 766
In front of the Zixiao Hall, Yi Tian looked at the magnificent scene in the phantom, and looked inside carefully. The hall was brightly lit, and there were dozens of futons in the middle of the hall, and on the high platform behind were placed The seat of Patriarch Li Huo.

Slowly stepping into the hall, the phantom around him began to become unstable, and the places touched by the fluctuations of the spiritual energy around him suddenly became dim.You don't need to lower your head to wait and see, just scan roughly with your spiritual sense, and you can find that the original Zixiao Temple under this phantom is now incomplete.

Inside the main hall, you can see fallen pillars everywhere, the original futons on the ground have been scattered sparsely, and the seat of Patriarch Lihuo on the high platform seems to have been flipped.

Going forward and taking a closer look, I found that there were signs of being passive in these places, probably searched by the monks who came in last time.

It's a pity that the secret treasures of the Lihuo Sect can be obtained so easily, presumably the Lihuo Patriarch will have left a successor early in the morning.Thinking of this, he stretched out his right index finger to gently sacrifice a wisp of Nanming Lihuo, illuminating the surroundings.

Later, when Yi Tian raised his head, he saw that there was also a huge image behind the high platform of Zixiao Hall, which was neither the ancestor of Lihuo nor the four major disciples, but only the simple three characters of Lihuo Palace.

Seeing this, Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned, thinking that this Lihuo Palace is the sect where the Lihuo Patriarch of the Upper Spirit Realm belongs.According to what I learned before, Patriarch Lihuo is just a clone descended from the power of the upper realm, but this clone can control a realm and create a one-way channel to go straight to the upper spirit realm.

But there are also many mysteries in it. In my opinion, these superpowers of the upper realm will never do unnecessary things. The reason for descending a clone is not to save the common people in this realm. There should be other purposes.As for the cultivators who ascended to the upper realm through this channel, there must be quite a few monks. Most of these people will become the help of Lihuo Patriarch in the upper spirit realm.

When his eyes came into contact with the three characters 'Li Huo Gong', Yi Tian was suddenly stunned. After savoring carefully, he found that there seemed to be a little understanding of heaven hidden in the handwriting.

Suddenly Yi Tian only felt that he was attracted by the handwriting, and the environment around him changed. It was no longer the dilapidated mirror image of Zixiao Palace, but the phantom reappeared again.

"No, these are not phantoms, they should be the artistic conception space left by the ancestor Lihuo when he wrote these three characters." so varied.

In this artistic conception, the ancestor Lihuo in front of him seemed not as old as he had seen before, but a young man about his own age, holding a Zixiao lamp in one hand and slowly unfolding it there.

Judging from the ancestor's movements, Yi Tian felt very familiar, but the flourishing speed of Nanming Lihuo was obviously much stronger than what he had used, at least in the Dacheng realm.

He secretly said, "Three changes from the fire," and then a stern expression appeared on his face. The ancestor lowered his head and blew lightly to sacrifice the light on the Zixiao lamp. Suddenly, a flame burst into the pupils of his eyes. When it was enlarged, the incoming flame turned into a ten-foot-big fireball and engulfed his figure in an instant.

Before Yi Tian had time to react, he felt that he was already in a sea of ​​white flames, and his whole body seemed to be burned by the flames and evaporated.

When I came back to my senses, the entire artistic conception space returned to darkness, and I checked myself and found that I was completely intact, as if I had been reborn, but I could still slightly feel the pain that was burned just now.

The ancestor Lihuo in front of him seemed to have no intention of resting in his hands, so he took out the Zixiao lamp and slowly placed it in the palm of his left hand, then stretched out his right index finger to pick out a ray of flame from the wick and sacrificed it in his hand. The flame flicked towards him lightly.

After the flame spread in the air against the wind, there was no change. Yi Tian looked surprisingly and gently stretched out his consciousness to check it out.Unexpectedly, as soon as the divine sense touched the flame three feet away, there was a burst of pain, and immediately his face changed and he said: "Lihuo Three Changes, the second form of Burning God True Flame."

Immediately, he hastily withdrew his divine sense and only dared to look at it with his eyes. At that moment, Yi Tian found that the divine sense he had cultivated so hard had been lost under the flame of Burning God.Before he thought about it carefully, he saw the flames flying towards him quickly and ignited his whole body with one blow.

A phantom flame was burning violently beside him, Yi Tian found that his physical body was not damaged at all, but his spiritual consciousness was constantly being burned by the true flame of Burning God. The consciousness seemed to be continuously burning.

And no matter how he dodges this invisible flame, he just clings to his consciousness and goes straight up, and the pain fills his soul in an instant, and he passes out from the pain.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to slowly regain consciousness. After getting up for a while, he checked his consciousness and found that it was still the same as before. Take it a step further.

When he came back to his senses, he took a closer look at the ancestor Lihuo in front of him, and saw that he once again grasped the Zixiao lamp in his hand, and then shot a spell towards the flame in the center of the lamp.

With a sound of '嗖', the real fire in the lamp changed again, this time it was in shape. I saw that the flame took the Zixiao lamp as the handle and stretched out into a two-foot long front that turned into a billowing flame.

Seeing that it looks like a spirit sword, the ancestor Li Huo opened his mouth slightly and said: "Zi Xiaoyao Li Jian, accept the move." Immediately after the figure flashed, he controlled Zi Xiaoyao Li Jian towards He stabbed straight at himself.

These Yi Tians can be regarded as having seen the complete Lihuo Sanjue, and he didn't just sit still, he stretched out his right index finger to sacrifice a wisp of Nanming Lihuo, and then it turned into two balls of true flames and sacrificed on his hands.Then he quickly made seals on his chest to combine the two real fires into one and then turned into a one-foot-sized spiral fire shield to protect his face.

With a "bang", Zixiao Yaoli's sword hit the center of the fire shield and pushed Yi Tian back.Fortunately, the constantly rotating fire shield bit Zixiao Yaoli sword tightly, but it was slightly weaker than the real fire on his side, as if it was slowly eroded by the flames on Zixiao Yaoli sword.

Moreover, the two exercises are obviously of the same origin, and his real fire gradually increased its power after being eroded by the Zixiao Yaoli sword. In this situation, Yi Tian felt bitter and knew that it was obviously a fueling tactic, but he didn't I can only bite the bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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