
Chapter 767 Ancestral Land 7 Will

Chapter 767
With a "bang", Yi Tian was defeated again in the sea of ​​consciousness, and this time it turned out that he was directly pierced through the body by the Zixiao Yaoli sword after exhausting all his spiritual power.

The pain was not only physical, but also felt that his soul was being torn apart, as if his whole body was once again in the sea of ​​flames.After the surrounding flames dissipated, his mental strength could no longer support him, and he fell down in a daze.

I don't know how much time passed before the whole person slowly became conscious. After waking up, he saw the phantom of Patriarch Lihuo holding the Zixiao lamp close at hand.And his face changed rapidly from young to middle-aged, and finally turned into the old-fashioned look seen in the phantom before.

Seeing such and such Yi Tian, ​​he didn't know that he had entered the artistic conception space left by the ancestor in his handwriting, and here he really experienced the true power of Lihuo Sanchang.

But what's strange is that the phantom of the ancestor actually said something, although it didn't speak directly to him, but it did prove that it was a ray of spirit left by the ancestor.

Later, he straightened his clothes and knelt and kowtowed three times and kowtowed nine times to the ancestor Xuying in front of him, and said respectfully: "Disciple Yi Tian, ​​Master Yun Zhongzheng will pass it on again, thank you ancestor for pointing out the three transformations of Lihuo."

After listening to the phantom of Patriarch Li Huo, he stroked his beard for a long time before saying: "Get up."

"Thank you ancestor," Yi Tian slowly got up and continued: "This disciple strayed into the consciousness space left by the ancestor, but it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

"This is not a blessing in disguise, but you are lucky to be able to enter here. Originally, this place was reserved for Yun Zhongzheng, but he has not been able to refine his sect's unique knowledge and add it to the world. Changes, and now his reincarnated disciple inherits his mantle, it can be regarded as some kind of arrangement," said the ancestor Lihuo with a look of desolation on his face.

It turned out that this place was reserved by our ancestors early in the morning. It is estimated that our ancestors would not have the opportunity to come back to experience the artistic conception of the ancestors during the chaos at that time.

But on the other hand, think about why people who have lived recently have not entered this artistic conception space. If you want to come to He Weiming, you are not a mediocre person, but you can't get this opportunity.Then he asked, "Is the unknown disciple the first to enter the space of the ancestor's artistic conception?"

Patriarch Li Huo nodded and replied, "You are the first and the last."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face changed for a while, and when he was about to speak, he saw Lihuo Patriarch stretched out his hand to signal, and then said: "My remnant soul is about to dissipate, and this place will collapse in a short time. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian obviously felt that the phantom of Lihuo Patriarch began to show some signs of instability, and there was also a little change in this consciousness space. Is it just like the precursor of the impending collapse that the Patriarch said.

"You go to the bottom of the Sutra Pavilion to find the Lihuo Three Changes exercise, and you can go to Luo Que and Qian Lingzi after you have cultivated the exercise to a small degree," the ancestor Lihuo said.

This Sutra Pavilion was originally his destination, and Lihuo Three Changes was something he was determined to obtain.It's just that the ancestor only asked himself to cultivate to the realm of Xiaocheng to find out whether those two great experts would be a little too big.

Immediately there was some suspicion on his face and he said: "What this disciple is going to face is two great masters from the upper realm. I'm afraid it will be unpredictable if we only refine the small accomplishment realm?"

Ancestor Lihuo sneered a few times and said: "It's okay, the aura in this world is thin, even if the two of them descended from the upper realm, their cultivation base will gradually fade after they don't get enough aura in this world. I estimate that in the past 3000 years, the two of them Their cultivation level has dropped by at least two ranks, plus the original coercion of the interface in this world has limited them to the early stage of transformation, and now they can at most remain in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul."

"Wouldn't it be more certain for this disciple to train Nanming Lihuo to the Dacheng state in the late stage of refining Yuanying? And even if the opponent's cultivation level is not much higher than mine, his understanding of spells is definitely better than mine. In this way, there is at most a [-]% chance of winning," Yi Tian felt extremely worried even though his face twitched when he heard this.

Knowing that what Patriarch Lihuo said before must have deep meaning, but he really didn't dare to trust so much to go one-on-two with his current cultivation base without explaining the truth.

As expected, Patriarch Li Huo hastily said: "I also know that this is embarrassing for you, but time does not wait for you. Every 5000 years, there will be a phenomenon of spiritual chaos in Tianlan Continent, and the time will not be enough for the next time." In a hundred years, this vision will last for about ten years. During this period, monks in the cultivation world can only rely on spirit stones to replenish their spiritual power. The vision will have a greater impact on the higher-level monks. The next day when the spiritual power of the world is in chaos, find the two of them and take the opportunity to annihilate them, this is your only chance."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was determined, secretly thought that the ancestor had planned it early in the morning, and the vision of the chaos of the world's spiritual power once every 5000 years is indeed one of the few excellent opportunities.Luo Que and Qian Lingzi needed a huge amount of spiritual power to maintain their cultivation.And there are not many places in this world that can maintain such a huge amount of spiritual power, and once they don't have enough spiritual power to maintain their cultivation base, they will have to fall down, and then their chance will come.

Thinking of this, the face turned worry into joy, just as the ancestor Lihuo said that time waits for no one, it is still possible to raise the cultivation level to the late Yuanying stage within a hundred years, but it is still possible to do it. It is almost an impossible task to refine Nanming Lihuo to perfection.

And it is impossible for me to live another 5000 years, there is only one chance, so the ancestor entrusted this matter to himself so solemnly.

Later, after Lihuo Patriarch finished explaining, Yi Tian found that after a white light flashed in front of his eyes, his whole body seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss with weightlessness.

After waking up from consciousness, I looked around and found that I was still in the ruins of Zixiao Temple, and my whole body was still intact, but I felt a coolness behind my back, and my clothes should be soaked in sweat. The surrounding scenes There is no change at all, but there are a few cracks in the words "Lihuo Palace" on the stone wall in front of him.

I only heard a few 'clicks' and the cracks quickly cracked along the stone wall. After ten breaths, the three big characters changed beyond recognition, and the original handwriting was almost unrecognizable.

This is a sign of the old ancestor's remnant soul dissipating, Yi Tian turned to pay three respects to the three cracked characters on the stone wall with a serious look on his face when he saw it.

After doing this, he slowly got up and swept his spiritual consciousness over the back of the Zixiao Palace once, then turned around and walked towards the back of the palace.From the information I have learned, this Sutra Pavilion is located not far behind Zixiao Hall, and there are many secrets of self-cultivation and hundreds of supernatural powers collected by Patriarch Lihuo in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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