
Chapter 768 Ancestral Land 8 Entering the Door

Chapter 768
The Sutra Pavilion has thirteen floors, but Yi Tian doubts that he has never seen such a towering building in front of Zixiao Hall.

After leaving the Zixiao Hall, it was still a dilapidated ruin, and there was no shadow of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion at all.Just as he was wondering, the mirror image in front of him suddenly changed again, as if it was connected to the previous Lihuo Patriarch fighting Luo Que and Qianlingzong.But in the phantom, you can really see the location where the scripture storage pavilion used to be.

His eyes followed the phantom, and there was a thirteen-story pagoda building standing above the noisy ruins.And the scene in the sky also seemed to have changed slightly, I saw that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi did not deliberately destroy the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect below after dealing with the Lihuo Patriarch.

The two of them held each other in the air as if they were arguing about something, afterward Luo Que chose a direction to fly, while Qian Lingzi changed direction and flew away.

Seeing this, Yi Tian felt suspicious in his heart. It wasn't that these two people destroyed it. The answer is self-evident. At this time, the only person who survived is Gu Hui, the master, and he is after being enchanted. Would he take this opportunity to take the ancestral land? Is it swept away?

Then I looked down and saw Gu Hui, who was covered in blackness, climbed up from the ruins and rushed straight to the Zixiao Palace. I don't know what he did inside, and after ten breaths, he rushed out from the back door and headed towards the Sutra Pavilion. run.

Yi Tian hurriedly flew to follow behind him, and saw him rushing into the important place of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion and began to search wantonly, sweeping away all the secret books of cultivation in it.

The thirteen-storey pagodas in the Sutra Pavilion were all looted by Gu Hui in a short while, and these secretary exercises that Li Huo Patriarch had collected for thousands of years fell into Gu Hui's hands.

No wonder he dared to call Ban Yun Zhongzheng afterwards. It is estimated that he found a lot of good things in these secret books, so that Yun Zhongzheng, who was originally designated as the next suzerain, had to move to Dongao to temporarily avoid his edge.

After collecting these things, Gu Huifei got down from the Sutra Pavilion, raised his hand and unleashed a burst of spiritual power, which knocked down the tallest building in the sect in a blink of an eye.

Looking along the direction of the collapsed tower, it happened to be where the remains of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are now. The phantom in Yi Tian's eyes and the relics in reality overlapped when there were not many remains, and it became the current scene.

The corners of his mouth twitched helplessly, and then a look of disdain appeared on his face. He had long been prejudiced against this patriarch, not only because he saw the mirror image after going back in time now, but also because he had been following along for hundreds of years. Based on the clues found in the footsteps of his ancestors to analyze Gu Hui, this person is not a heinous person, but his style of dealing with people must have been seen through by Lihuo ancestors.

It's a pity that the bad thing is that his life was hard enough to survive such a catastrophe, and he was able to survive. It is estimated that after this, the disintegration of the Li Huo Sect was accelerated.

It doesn't matter anything else, the main purpose of Yi Tian's visit this time is to find the Lihuo Three Changes technique, since it is hidden at the bottom of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, why not go down and check it out, if you think about it, just jump through the ruins Fly directly to the bottom of the Sutra Pavilion ruins.

After sweeping with his spiritual consciousness, he found that there seemed to be something under the foundation of the Sutra Pavilion, and he walked slowly down the stone ladder for a quarter of an hour before reaching the end.

What came into view was a stone door with three grooves on the left, middle and right respectively.Yi Tian hastily took out three tokens from the storage ring, gestured at the groove on the stone gate, and then sighed.

Back then, Lihuo Patriarch also left behind, and the three stone gates required the three tokens of the suzerain Pill Pavilion and Qi Pavilion to be opened at the same time.According to Gu Hui's situation at the time, there was no way to get the approval of the three senior brothers at the same time no matter what.

Such and such things in the stone gate have become tasteless, and it is really itchy to see but not touch, so they simply push them directly to the tower of the Sutra Pavilion to vent their hatred.

Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword, sacrificed a sword light and slashed towards the stone gate, only to see that a white barrier appeared in front of his sword light and swallowed the sword light just after all within a ten-foot range of the stone gate go in.After three breaths, the enchantment seemed to bulge up and then made a 'poof' sound, and the sword light that was sacrificed originally came towards him with undiminished power.

Holding the spirit sword in his hand, Yi Tian swung it again to block the light of the sword, so he didn't dare to test it any more. Knowing that even Gu Hui couldn't do anything here, he didn't need to make other plans.

After putting away all the spiritual energy spells, Yi Tiancai walked towards the halo of the enchantment, and when he reached the front of the light film, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed a ray of Nanming Lihuo to lightly tap on the enchantment, and instantly saw the white A two-foot-sized hole was opened in the halo, and after turning around and getting in through the hole, the barrier behind it healed again with a 'swish' sound and returned to its previous appearance.

But at this time Yi Tian was already standing three feet in front of the stone gate, took out the storage ring, put the three tokens into the grooves one by one, and activated all the patterns on the stone gate.The three auras were shining in red, yellow and blue respectively, traveling along the pattern, and after a while, only the three sounds of 'Ka Ka Ka' came out from the inside, this is the appearance of the mechanism inside being activated.

Then there were only three sounds of 'Puff puff', and the three tokens on the stone gate slowly popped out from the grooves, and then a gap was opened in the middle of the stone gate, and a turbid breath leaked out.

After taking out the three tokens and putting them away, Yi Tian put his hands into the gap of the stone gate to practice his kung fu and pulled the stone gate open more than a foot wide.He leaned sideways and squeezed into the secret treasure at the bottom of the Sutra Pavilion through the gap of the stone door. After that, there was another sound of 'clicking' from the stone door behind him. Yi Tian looked back and saw that the stone door closed automatically. The only person who has the key has entered the cave, and this stone door cannot be opened again from the outside.

Look up to the inner passage to see how deep this passage is, which is about a foot wide and the spiritual consciousness extends out but cannot be explored.As soon as he stepped forward, a bright light flashed on the stone wall of the passage, and then the oil lamps on the walls on both sides ignited without fire, directly illuminating the passage.

Following the light of the fire on the wall, one could see a group of patterns engraved on the surrounding walls. Although he didn't know what it was for, he was taken aback. It seemed that this place was definitely not an easy place. You have to use some means, and according to the personality of the ancestor Lihuo, you will definitely not pass down the most profound exercises of the sect easily.

After taking a breath, Yi Tian stepped forward and galloped forward. He still had to walk just now, but after a while, he saw that the passage in front of him seemed to be impossible to see to the bottom, so he quickened his pace. After half an hour, he simply walked With his feet off the ground, he cast his escape technique and galloped in the low air.

About half an hour later, Yi Tian felt that he had flown thousands of miles, but there was still no sign of the exit. He was puzzled and couldn't help but lowered his body to look at the situation around him, and turned his head to look at his face. He was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "I didn't expect Patriarch Lihuo to be able to use it in reverse."

(End of this chapter)

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