
Chapter 769 Ancestral Land 9 Fear

Chapter 769
Entering behind the stone gate on the bottom floor of the Lihuo Zong Sutra Pavilion, Yi Tian galloped through the passage for nearly half an hour without finding any signs of shifting, until he stopped and looked around slowly. I found myself at the beginning of the passage.As soon as he turned around, he could see a closed stone door behind him. After teasing him for so long, he didn't take half a step away.

This is quite commensurate with the uneasy feeling in my heart before. At first, I had some doubts in my heart, but I didn't think about it elsewhere.The patterns on the walls around here will inadvertently flash a little spiritual light, and you can tell that they have been activated at a glance.Judging from the pattern of the pattern, it is also a spirit world text, and its function is to stretch the passage infinitely so that I unconsciously feel that I have walked thousands of miles and looked back, but I am still standing still. so-so.

Slowly raised his feet again, Yi Tian found that when he was walking through this passage at a normal walking speed, the patterns around him were only slowly activated. Once he speeded up, the activation speed of these patterns also increased. up.

Seeing this, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched and he had to walk forward step by step at a constant speed. At the same time, he ignored the patterns on the walls around the passage for a moment. The activation speed of these array patterns is greatly accelerated when his feet are off the ground.

In this way, Yi Tian walked forward step by step in the passage for an unknown how long before he found a little white light flashing not far in front of him.Although I was extremely anxious in my heart, the pace of my feet was always at a constant speed, and it took a whole day to reach the exit of the passage.

Standing outside the porch at the exit and looking back, I found that I was only a hundred feet away from the stone gate I came in, but the formations around me made me feel like I had traveled thousands of miles. .

But after looking back, Yi Tian found that his mood had calmed down. It seems that the purpose of the Lihuo Patriarch's formation here is to warn his disciples to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. It's like that.

After passing through the porch, he came to an empty stone room. A formation was arranged on the ground in front of him. When he walked into the formation, he saw a little spiritual light flashing on the ground to activate the formation. all change.The originally dark space around suddenly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and Yi Tian was alone in it without seeing anyone else.

At this time, the voice of the old tally ancestor came from above his head and asked, "What is the thing you are most afraid of?"

"The most frightening thing," Yi Tian murmured back, "I don't know what it is either."

But in my heart, I kept looking at the environment around me. This test was obviously to challenge the fear deep in my heart. To be honest, I really didn't understand what I was most afraid of.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a golden light covered himself, and then the whole person seemed to feel exhausted. After ten breaths, two black light clusters flew out of his mouth and fell straight in front of him.

The two black balls of light immediately turned into the appearance of Qian Lingzi and Luo Que after landing, and then the two looked at each other and raised their heads and laughed loudly.Then he turned his head to look at Yi Tianhou and said in unison: "Boy, are you afraid of us? Just catch it with your hands free, you can't win me and me together."

Yi Tian visually observed that the cultivation bases of both of them turned out to be in the late stage of Nascent Soul. It seems that it is difficult for him to deal with it without the cooperation of the two, even if one of them takes action.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Yi Tian frowned immediately, and after looking carefully at them, he smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and was immediately happy.It's true that these two people are not much different from what I imagined in my heart, but just now I thought that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi's cultivation bases were at most the late Nascent Soul, and they might fall to the middle stage.

It can be imagined that the cultivation bases of the two people in front of them here will show an unstable state, and their cultivation bases will slowly drop to that of the middle Nascent Soul along with their own thoughts.

Obviously, this formation is to draw out the fear in my heart and let myself face the things I least want to face.But even so, these fears are indeed evolved from the characters in my heart.

After realizing the magical effect of this formation, Yi Tian guarded his mind and faced the two powerful monks whose cultivation base had fallen to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, phantom suddenly stretched out his hand and sacrificed Nanming Lihuo to put the True Flame Armor on his body. Then he released his spiritual pressure, teleported, and appeared directly behind the two of them, stretching out his hand and swipe across their bodies.

With two sounds of 'Puff, puff', the two phantoms shrank back immediately, and then the aura that turned white flew back into his body.

Unexpectedly, this pass was so easy, Yi Tian put away the True Flame Armor and showed a smile on his face, but there was no substantial change when he looked around.

While wondering, suddenly spit out two groups of black halos, flew to a place three feet away in front of him, and turned into the appearance of Liu Piaopiao and Shi Qianwei after landing.

After the two women showed up, they looked at each other and then said to Yi Tian angrily with an incredible expression on their faces: "Who is she, do you have a second woman besides me in your heart?"

Seeing such a scene, Yi Tian's first reaction was to avoid it, but it was inevitable in this environment.Ask yourself, facing two people at the same time is more disturbing than facing Na Luo Que and Qian Lingzi.At this time, Yi Tiancai finally felt that what he was more afraid of than facing the two upper realm powers was actually facing two beloved women at the same time.

Listening to their quarrel, Yi Tian felt that his head was about to burst, Liu Piaopiao and Shi Qianwei scolded each other at the same time and blamed Yi Tian together.

But when he calmed down, Yi Tian had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and immediately sneered, he was really confused. Just now, the two powerful people didn't say much, but he didn't think about it. .Immediately, he murmured out the Buddhist sect's Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Technique, and a golden sound wave spread out from the corner of his mouth. After the golden ripples were visible to the naked eye, they directly covered the figures of the two, and at the same time swept away When he passed the two of them, he directly beat them back to their original shape.

After the two white lights flew back to him, another black light shot out and turned into the phantom of Ling Feng in front of him.

It's just that he opened his mouth and called out: "Old man, don't even think about wanting us to recognize our ancestors and return to our ancestors with your appearance."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was furious, and then quickly sacrificed a formation-breaking awl, stabbing towards the void behind Shi Lingfeng, and the formation-breaking cone turned into a blue light and fell directly into the void , and then there were ripples in the white space, indicating that the formation space was about to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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