
Chapter 770 Ancestral Land Phantom

Chapter 770
With a 'click' sound, the entire space seemed to be torn apart, and then Shi Lingfeng's figure turned into a white light ball and flew back to Yi Tian's mouth. The surrounding environment changed several times and then returned to the situation in the stone room.

It's just that Yi Tian pointed at the spirit array with a smile at this time and said: "How dare you, this spirit array, tease me and tell the secret in my heart, I'm not afraid that I will tear down your residence."

The voice sounded again and said: "You can dismantle it if you have the ability. Anyway, I have already done the errands arranged for me by the old ghost Lihuo. I will let me out after dismantling it."

Hearing this, he frowned a little, but he didn't expect this spirit to have a personality, but being placed in the formation by Lihuo Patriarch for more than 3000 years, I'm afraid this spirit is not a good thing.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian slowly got up and walked around the formation on the ground. After passing by, he stopped talking with the formation spirit and went directly to the back of the stone room to continue searching.

But within a moment, the voice of the spirit came again: "Don't go, let me out quickly. Without my guidance, you will never find what Old Ghost Lihuo left behind."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was shocked and knew that there was still some Taoism in it, but he hesitated when he came to break the formation.What should I do if some powerful creature is released and it is difficult for me to deal with it.

After thinking for a while, he came up with a plan and said lightly: "Since you are trapped here, of course you beg me to let you out, but I don't know much about you, and you are disrespectful to Patriarch Li Huo. Consider whether you should continue to stay in this phantom formation," he said, then turned around and pretended to leave.

Suddenly, the spirit softened and shouted eagerly: "Don't go, don't go, you are the new suzerain of the Lihuo sect, so naturally you are my new master."

"How do you know that I am the successor of the suzerain?" Yi Tian asked.

"Old Patriarch Lihuo once told me that only his heirs can enter this place, and he asked me to help break the fear hidden deep in the heart of the visitor," Zhen Ling said.

Yi Tian smiled disdainfully and said: "I know all about this, I have already seen through the illusion you created."

"Nonsense," Zhen Ling said unconvinced: "I can clearly feel that you have struggled in your heart three times in the formation, and your breath has also shown some signs of disorder."

Yi Tian was not annoyed by his injection to the critical point, but only coughed a few times to cover up the shock in his heart. He didn't expect that this gifted spirit could detect his mood swings.

After thinking about it for a while, he straightened his expression and asked solemnly: "What is your name and where did you come from? Even if you recognize me as the master, you should have an attitude of recognizing the master."

After hearing this, the spirit put away his cynical attitude and said slowly: "I was originally a 'spirit beast' called Meng Xin raised by the Lihuo Palace. I didn't expect him to order his clone to take me to the lower realm and imprison me here."

"Ji Xuanyuan," Yi Tian murmured to himself several times repeatedly: "Finally, I know the real name of Patriarch Lihuo, but I don't know what cultivation level this spirit beast that was demoted to the lower realm is. Can I do it now?" Hold it down.But think about it, after these great powers from the upper realm were lowered, they were all suppressed by the power of the interface, and their cultivation base dropped by two levels, let alone this spiritual pet in the spirit world. '

Immediately there was a gleam of joy on his face and he said, "Since Patriarch Ji told you to recognize me as master, then as long as you sign a master-servant contract with me, I will release you immediately."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not a master-servant contract, but an equal contract," Meng Xin shouted hastily, "If it's a master-servant contract, once you can't ascend to the spirit world, I will also fully integrate into this world because of the power of this contract." There is no chance of returning to the upper spirit world."

I didn't expect this to happen, but Yi Tian showed a little disdain on his face and said: "Don't you believe in Ji Xuanyuan's vision? I must have something special to be his successor. You are not welcome It is said that other than me in this world, there is no chance to ascend to the spirit world, if you don't make a big bet on me, I am afraid that no one in this world can take you back to the upper spirit world."

After hearing this, Mengxin just sighed slightly and then stopped making a sound, as if he was thinking about something, and Yi Tian was not forcing him to just sit on the ground and wait patiently.Anyway, now that I am in a favorable position, I am not afraid that it will not agree. The key is to see how to talk about it next.

Since Mengxin is a sinful spirit pet brought down from the upper realm by the ancestor Lihuo, his biggest weakness is that he wants to return to the spirit world. As long as he grasps this point and gives him strong medicine, he will not be afraid that he will not submit.

Sure enough, after a long time of deliberation, Meng Xin said again: "I can sign a master-servant contract with you, but there is one condition before signing the contract. You must swear by your heart demon that once you ascend to the upper world, you will take the initiative to terminate my contract. "

"That's no problem," Yi Tian replied bluntly.

"Also, if you can't ascend to the upper realm, you have to take the initiative to cancel the contract and return me to freedom," Mengxin continued.

Yi Tian didn't expect this, but after thinking about it for a while, he readily agreed: "Yes, please explain clearly if you have any other requirements."

"It's just these two," Meng Xin replied.

So Yi Tian asked back: "I have already signed two spiritual pets, can I sign a contract with you again?"

"Really, I didn't expect you to have a lot of spiritual pets, but how can they compare with this seat, and you can rest assured that I am a spiritual beast from the upper realm and it is no problem to sign a contract with you, but when you ascend to the upper realm After that, I can only sign another spiritual pet, I just took up one of your upper realm spiritual pets," Meng Xin said indifferently.

I didn't expect that there would be such a reason, and Yi Tian's face suddenly became unattractive. It seems good to occupy a quota in advance, but it will have a slight impact on the future affairs of the spirit world.

But it's too early to talk about the spiritual world, let's talk about it first, then nodded and said: "I hope you can help me after you become my spiritual pet."

"Don't worry, you will understand my value in the future, and maybe you will find something to ask for me." After speaking, a drop of red blood quietly flew out from the eye of the phantom formation, and then stopped not far in front of it. place.

Yi Tian directly opened his mouth to swear by his heart demon, and then found that there seemed to be a trace of invisible power of heaven that bound him through the oath.

Then he used the method of blood pact to absorb the blood beads into his body, and then he seemed to feel some changes in his body, as if he could clearly feel that there was a white ball of light nesting there under Huan Zhen Zhen's eyes.

Guessing that it should be Mengxin's body, he took out three formation-breaking awls and nailed them directly into the weak nodes of the phantom formation.Then he called out: "Open," and suddenly the pattern in the eyes slowly opened, revealing a burst of dazzling white light.

After the white light dissipated, he felt something stopped on his right shoulder, turned his head to look, and his face turned livid.

(End of this chapter)

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