
Chapter 771 Ancestral Land 1 Ranking

Chapter 771
After breaking through the phantom array and releasing Mengxin, Yi Tian had seen the demeanor of this spiritual pet from the upper realm, and to be honest, he was really not flattered.Although this aura beast is a spiritual pet from the upper realm brought down from the lower realm by the ancestor Lihuo, its appearance is very attractive.

The whole body is a round ball of meat half a foot in size, covered with soft white hair, with eyes, nose and mouth growing above, hands and feet only a little over an inch in size.

Seeing its harmless appearance, I couldn't connect it with the words "spiritual pet in the upper realm" from the bottom of my heart.There is no abnormality at all except for the appearance of reaching the seventh-level intermediate level.

At this time, Mengxin also seemed to see the doubts on the new owner's face, and opened his mouth and said, "Hand over both of your spiritual pets to meet my brother."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and said in his heart that this ball of meat was slapped flat in the eyes of the fat dog, and now he is so proud that you will look good.When Mengxin's eyes came into contact with Mengxin, he seemed to have no fear when he saw it, and he slapped the beast sac to summon both the fat dog and the red flame horse.

Two streaks of aura, one blue and one red, flew out, hovered in the air, and landed on the ground, revealing the human form of the red flame horse and the body of the fat dog.When Yi Tian saw it, he just said: "This is my new spiritual pet. He said he will be your boss. You can figure it out yourself."

After hearing this, Chi Yanju spewed a few puffs of hot air from his nose, with a look of disdain on his face, he opened his mouth and said: "It's just such a small thing that wants to be the boss, if it's okay, I'll trample him into a meatloaf. "

Yi Tianmian was proud but didn't dare to go too far. He just said indifferently: "From now on, everyone will be a family. Don't bully the little ones." Turning his gaze to Fat Dog, he saw that he had a solemn expression on his face. The corner of his mouth was trembling, but he didn't say a word.

It took a long time before I opened my mouth with difficulty and said, "From today onwards, I will be the second child. From now on, I will be ordered by Boss Meng. I will go back to sleep when I am tired." He turned into a blue light and flew back into the beast-controlling bag.

Unexpectedly, the fat dog would be scared after a face-to-face meeting, which made Yi Tian start to look at Mengxin standing on his right shoulder again unexpectedly.He only heard it giggling and said: "Finally, someone with insight has come. This silly horse is quite like you, who is ignorant and fearless."

After hearing this, Chi Yanju's face became angry and was about to explode, suddenly the powerful monster power on Mengxin's body was just as fleeting as a flash in the pan, but the face of Chi Yanju in front of him suddenly changed several times, and then his whole body seemed to be bound It is generally difficult to move any longer.Panting heavily, the frequency became more and more rapid, and after three breaths, the whole body seemed to have collapsed, revealing a layer of sweat.

I only heard Mengxin say again: "This is to punish you for your disrespect. When you see me in the future, you must show your true body. A junior like you who relies on external force to transform into shape has not even fully refined the borrowed demon power. , It’s far worse than that fox just now.”

At this time, the Chi Yanju no longer had the arrogance as before, but turned around with its head drooped and turned into a red light and flew back into the imperial beast bag.

Such and such made Yi Tian look at Mengxin differently, and he just tidied up his two spiritual pets in just one face-to-face. Is this spiritual pet in the upper world really so powerful.

Following Yi Tian's eyes, Mengxin smiled and said: "Do you know that Ji Xuanyuan's avatar once raised four spiritual pets, but they were all found in this world? The spiritual power of his blood is too low, so He asked me to ask for four drops of blood essence before forcibly lifting them up."

"The blood of the four great demon kings are all inherited from you?" Yi Tian exclaimed.

"What are the four big demon kings, just four little ghosts, even if their cultivation level is higher than mine, they look so pale and weak under the absolute blood pressure, you will know next time you meet them, "Meng Xin said leisurely with a look of disdain.

So Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time, turned around and said to the empty cave: "The next step is how to find the relics left by the ancestors, you should know some clues, right?"

"Originally Ji Xuanyuan asked me to test his successor, but I'm curious why you knew of my existence so quickly?" Meng Xin asked.

It turned out that it was still a little narrow-minded, Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Do you know that every time the two people who are transformed say the same words, it can only prove that one person is talking. Although you put their words The tone and demeanor imitated so vividly that I had doubts the first time, but I was completely sure of your existence the second time, but I didn't want to scare the snake away."

Mengxin seemed to be startled when he heard this, and then with a bright look in his eyes, he said: "That's what I said, but your mind has indeed been affected by me, but I want to remind you that when you ascended to the upper world, before you Everything you see must be terminated, and this is for you to know."

Although these words were not pleasant, Yi Tian knew that what Mengxin said was not unreasonable, and Luo Que and Qian Lingzi wanted to solve it as soon as possible.But the relationship between Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao needs to be handled properly, and Yi Lingfeng can find a way to adjust it.

Then he changed the subject directly and said, "Then where is the practice of Lihuo Three Changes?"

Mengxin's small chicken-claw-like hand stretched out his index finger and pointed at the stone wall behind the phantom array: "It's right behind that stone wall, but there is a blockade on the stone wall, you have to use your inherited skills to break it."

After sacrificing the Qingling Dharma Eye and looking at the wall for a while, Yi Tian asked puzzledly, "Why didn't I see the ban?"

"You underestimate Ji Xuanyuan's means too much. How can these places where the secret books of the sect are sealed be found so easily? Wait for me to help you." Starlight appeared on both hands, and then gathered into two balls of white light, hitting the stone wall.

After the two white lights sank into the stone wall for an instant, a ripple appeared on the wall. Only then did Yi Tian see that there was a formation pattern in the ripple, and after looking at it, it should be a formation of a small Xumi space.

In the eye of the formation is the emblem of the Lihuo Sect. It seems that there is no mistake. This should be a small Xumi space specially used to store valuables.

He stretched out his hand and sacrificed a Nanming Lihuo to point it at the emblem of the Lihuo Sect. After the emblem in the eyes was activated by the real fire, a white light flashed and activated the surrounding patterns.

Just listening to a few sounds of '咔咔咚', the entire light array began to run rapidly. A small hole appeared in the eye of the array, and then a piece of animal skin jade slip was slowly withdrawn from it.

Yi Tian glanced over and found the words 'Lihuo Three Changes' written in spiritual script on it.

(End of this chapter)

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