
Chapter 772 Ancestral Land 2 9 Realms

Chapter 772
After getting out of the Lihuo Three Changes from the bottom of the Zudi Zangjing Pavilion, Yi Tian directly took out a beast sac and forced it into it regardless of Meng Xin's consent.Although the strength of this upper-world spiritual pet is not simple, but with the master-servant contract of the spiritual pet, Yi Tian firmly believes that he can temporarily suppress him.

And in terms of cultivation base, even though he was still a little worse than him, Xu could still force him to surrender by virtue of his status as Lihuo suzerain.However, he learned from his mouth that there is also the existence of the Lihuo Palace Shangzong in the upper spirit world. Mengxin was raised in the Lihuo Palace since he was born, so he is quite respectful to the monks in the Zong.

But it's still inconvenient for him to know too much about some things that are related to sect secrecy.After finishing it, Yi Tian simply sat down on the ground, anyway, there will be no second person here, so he can rest assured that he will take out the exercises of Lihuo Three Changes and study them carefully.

To be honest, it is fortunate that I have studied the characters of the spirit world. After opening this animal skin scroll, I found that it was full of densely packed small characters, and they were all written in the characters of the spirit world.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of skills, the higher the quality of the writing scroll that needs to be carried, just like the scroll in your hand should be the hide of a spirit beast above the seventh level.Moreover, judging from the bursts of demon power emanating from it, just such a small piece of aura that has been preserved for thousands of years is still so strong. I really don't know how powerful this beast was when it was alive.

After opening it, Yi Tian directly studied it line by line and deduced the kung fu in his mind. Before calculating the time, he took out the hourglass timer and put it aside.

Looking at the whole person, he fell into a state of stalemate, except that the eyes were still moving and the brain was deducing, and other parts of the body entered a state of meditation.

After a long time, he exhaled slowly from his mouth. After stretching, he glanced at the hourglass and found that three days had passed since he was in this one.I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect that it would take so much effort just to read it once. Fortunately, I was trained in the first form of Yaoli by the professor of the Acacia Bell Artifact.

However, after studying it again, I can find that there are indeed many areas for improvement in this move. As for the second and third moves, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to practice, but it is a pity that my Nanming Lihuo has only practiced to a small At the completion stage, even if the coefficient of the three strokes is practiced, there is only one stroke left.

The last part of this scroll records many things about Lihuo Palace in the upper spirit world. Ji Xuanyuan, the patriarch of Lihuo, is the direct descendant of Lihuo Palace, and her real body is the head of the three candidates for the true disciple. He is the next Suzerain of Lihuo Palace.

Moreover, this upper spirit world is also divided into many branches. The place where the Lihuo Palace is located is one of the nine realms of the spirit clan. It is a place controlled by the human race alone. It is ranked third in terms of strength, and there are many factions among the human race. Lihuogong can be regarded as a relatively strong branch of these divided forces.

And the scroll also mentions that among the upper three realms there is the monster race above the human race, although its comprehensive strength may not be as strong as the human race, but it is important that the demon saints have brought all the forces into one, which is not as scattered as the human race. It is considered to be ranked second.

Similarly, the place where Luo Que is located is called the Asura Realm. Coincidentally, the monks in this Asura Realm are very similar to the human monks, except for the appearance of the dharma body, other body shapes are not much different.Its natural fighting talent has directly increased its strength by several levels. Fortunately, the number of Asuras is small, and the methods of reproduction are nothing more than giving birth and attracting humans to practice their skills to become Asuras.

Moreover, the Asura Realm is the head of the Nine Realms in terms of strength, and its ruler is Queen Asura. Unfortunately, the number of people is not as high as that of the human race, so even if the strength is superior, it can only deter the rest of the realm. The world is assimilated together.

After this, there is also the world of Buddha and spirit, the world of demon spirit and the world of Yin corpse are the three middle worlds respectively. The two worlds of Buddha and demon seem to be natural enemies. A struggle is inevitable.

Yi Tian only got a head start on the Buddha sect's kung fu, but with the uniqueness of his kung fu, he saved himself from danger many times, and he knew that it belonged to one of the branches of the righteous source of heaven. The number of people is small, and their true strength is not often revealed The cultivation base is profound, and there are very few people who can really stabilize one of them in one-on-one rounds.

As for the Demon Spirit Realm, He Qi has dealt with him many times before. The Demon General and Flying Rakshasa can be regarded as branches of the big clan in the Demon Spirit Realm, and there are still many strange demon clansmen.The demon sage himself is also a cultivator of the different demon tribe, and his real body is ethereal and elusive, a person who is rare to see in a thousand years, except for the other masters of the eight realms, no one else has ever seen it.

As for the Yin Corpse Realm, it was originally just a realm re-opened by those monks who practiced Yin Qi Kung Fu among the human race. Because of its unique kung fu, it required a large number of monk corpses to practice, so from time to time, it would go to other circles to steal those cultivation bases. Drain the corpses of monks.

Among the Nine Realms of the Spirit Race, it is quite different, and its reputation is extremely bad. If it is not for its unique skills, there are too many clones of the world lord Yin Corpse King, and it is difficult to wipe them all at once.The people in the upper spirit world deliberately kept a distance from the monks in the corpse world, and even isolated them. In the end, the corpse king had to unite with the lower three realms to maintain the forces of all parties in a stable state.

After reading all these, Yi Tian thought about it secretly. The spirit world seems not very peaceful, and a powerful avatar can easily rule the world.

Thinking of this, the desire in my heart to ascend to the spiritual world instantly swelled to the limit. Cultivators are trying to survive in adversity, and a step back is a cliff. Only by constantly moving forward can there be hope to continue walking on the road of longevity.

The thing to deal with before him is how to cultivate his Nanming Lihuo first, even if he can't reach the Dacheng state, he must at least refine the ability to perform Lihuo three transformations twice, or fight against Luo Que Qianlingzi and display it After one time, the only option is to escape.

Thinking of this, I put away the scroll skills, and then took out the Zixiao lamp to start condensing my real fire.

After staying in the secret cave at the bottom of the Sutra Pavilion for several years, Yi Tian once again strengthened all the real fire in his body.Fortunately, during this period, the spiritual veins in the ancestral land are still emitting a large amount of spiritual energy, and the surrounding barriers have gathered all the spiritual energy, so this place is comparable to any other paradise in the outside world, and the speed of cultivation is also increasing. Speed ​​up a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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