
Chapter 773 Ancestral Land 3 Clues

Chapter 773
It wasn't until a few years later that Yi Tian found that his cultivation base growth began to slowly decrease, so he stopped to check himself and found that his cultivation base had unknowingly reached the bottleneck in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and now he was only a short step away from stepping on the threshold. Entering the late stage, but I don't know when this opportunity will come.

Sighing in his mouth, he put away the Zixiao lamp, and then summoned Meng Xin to ask directly: "I think it's time to find Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, and I need your help during this period. I know very little about Da Neng, can you introduce them to me?"

Meng Xin stopped on Yi Tian's shoulder and looked at it carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise: "It's only been a while since your cultivation has reached such a level, I guess you can catch up with Ji Xuanyuan's cultivation speed. You can't beat him What's more, I can still maintain such a growth rate in the lower spirit world with such a lack of spiritual power, it seems that my return to the upper spirit world is just around the corner."

"Stop flattering me, answer what I ask, and tell me about Luo Que and Qian Lingzi?" Yi Tian said impatiently, and at the same time stretched out his left hand to smack Meng Xin's head.

After being taught a lesson, Mengxin was obviously a lot more honest, and then said with tears in his eyes: "I don't know Luo Que, this man is a distraction-stage monk of the Asura clan. Human monks of the same level are no problem."

"Is it because of the exercises?" Yi Tian asked with a tense expression.

"Part of it is that he inherited the fighting talent of the Asura clan, which is why he is so powerful," Mengxin continued: "As for Qian Lingzi, he is just a monk in the late stage of transforming gods. A member of the guards, it's just that this person's sect seems to be on the wrong path with Lihuo Palace."

No wonder Qian Lingzi didn't fight Luo Que directly after going down to the realm, but dealt with Patriarch Lihuo first, it seems that this person also has a lot of history.But the young master who has offended the future of Lihuo Palace doesn't believe that he doesn't know, so he must have planned to eradicate future troubles, but something happened in the middle of it, and Luo Que disappeared in Tianlan Continent together with Luo Que superior.

Yi Tian then asked again: "Do you know where the end of Tian Ya Hai is?"

"I've never heard of the end of Tianya Haihai," Meng Xin hurriedly replied, but later she frowned slightly and repeated these five words from time to time, and suddenly called out: "I only know Tianya Haige, is there any connection between the End of the End of the End of the Sea and this Tianya Haige?"

"Tianya Haige?" Yi Tian looked at Mengxin in confusion and said, "Where is it, have you been there?"

"That's where Ji Xuanyuan and the master of Yunxiao Palace discussed the Tao, but there seems to be a tidal dark hole about a thousand miles away from Tianya Haige, which is said to lead to the deepest place in this world," Mengxin recalled .

"It's there," Yi Tian's eyes lit up and he suddenly felt a little beautiful. Isn't the end of Tianyahai the end of the world, and the tidal dark hole is the end of Tianlan Realm.

Mengxin showed a meaningful look and said in a deep voice: "Don't think about it, I heard that there is a strong suction force that can suck in people within a thousand miles around. Ji Xuanyuan also spent a lot of money back then. The strength used the formation to isolate this place."

"That's right, I discovered this kind of situation when I was in the Devil's Sea in the Wandao sea area. I think I probably entered the formation set up by the ancestor Lihuo at that time. Fortunately, I didn't go too deep, but I think this There should be a shortcut that can be taken, I believe that Li Huo Patriarch will definitely leave a direct passage for himself," Yi Tian said with certainty.

Mengxin nodded and said: "I also know the passage. The teleportation array should be in Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain. But do you really want to go there? You must know that no one can guarantee what will happen after entering, and Luo Que and Qian Lingzi are probably trapped in it, and a powerful monk like them can't get out of the trap, can you, a small Nascent Soul mid-stage monk, escape unscathed?"

Immediately remembering the two place names of Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain in his heart, Yi Tian said firmly: "I must do this Tianya Haige. The 3000 years of entanglements and grievances will finally be settled. I hope It can be completely broken in my hands, Luo Que Qianlingzi, these two monks who do not belong to the Tianlan Continent, must be taken care of by someone."

In fact, although Yi Tian was not sure in his mind, he could just deal with Luo Que and Qian Lingzi during the chaotic period of the day with the information given by the ancestor Lihuo in the consciousness space.

But if you want to go to Tianyahai Pavilion, you must first find Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain, where the teleportation formation left by the ancestor is there.Immediately, he took out the map of Zhongzhou in his hand, opened it and searched it carefully, but after his spiritual sense passed by, he did not find a place called Biling Mountain.

Could it be that Meng Xin misremembered the place name? Thinking about it, it's unlikely that these high-level spiritual pets have already opened their minds and would never make such a low-level mistake.But after hard searching and no results, Yi Tian also had a look of helplessness on his face, so he had to say to Meng Xin: "Could it be that you misremembered the place, it seems that there is no mountain called Biling Mountain in the land of Zhongzhou."

Meng Xin showed a little angry look on his face and said, "Are you questioning my memory or what I said, is it meaningful for me to talk nonsense?"

With a hmm in his mouth, Yi Tian also knew that the place names 3000 years ago would probably be changed with the passage of time, but there was no whereabouts of Biling Mountain, and he couldn't do anything for a while, so he could only worry on the map.

After Meng Xin saw it, his face softened and he said slowly: "Biling Mountain was originally the important place of the Lihuo Sect, but it seems that its sealing formation is not as powerful as the other three places, and it is expected that it will be broken. .”

Being raped, Yi Tian couldn't help recalling every bit of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi's past footprints in his mind, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed across his voice: "Could it be the place where Demon Sword Boy has been."

Thinking back to the time when I immersed my spiritual consciousness into the half of the sword tip left by Demon Sword Boy, I found the footprints of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi. Maybe this is the last footprint of the two on Tianlan Continent, and the place where they last appeared Most likely it is the teleportation array in Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain.

If you want to find their footprints, you might have to take out the half of the sword point and explore it again with your spiritual sense. Thinking of this, Yi Tian directly drove Meng Xin back into the beast-controlling bag, and then took out the half of the sword point as a sacrifice in his hand, and at the same time A wisp of spiritual consciousness was separated and slowly extended to the broken point of the sword tip, and the spiritual consciousness was stretched in.

After feeling a 'bang', the figure of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness again, but this mirror image has been seen before Yi Tian directly probed into the depths of the consciousness, and changed the scene inside from The inside of Kunwu cave turns to the outside.

Not long after, a bit of suspicion appeared on his face with his eyes closed. From the information he found, it can be seen that Biling Mountain is definitely a fairyland on earth. The head of the door.

After a while, remembering the appearance of Biling Mountain in his heart, Yi Tiancai pulled his consciousness out of the sword tip, and then picked up the map and stared at a certain place, but murmured in his mouth: " I see."

(End of this chapter)

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