
Chapter 774 Contact

Chapter 774 Contact
Since Tianyunmen was completely taken over by Qianlingzong, it has become Qianlingzong's Tianyun Pavilion. The original sect structure has not changed, and Tianyunmen is sparsely populated, so it occupies the [-]-mile radius of Zhanxing Mountain. It looks very sparsely populated.

Qian Lingzong also adopted the method of dividing and suppressing the disciples of Tianyunmen, separating the remaining Jindan disciples to lure them, and then screened out a group of spiritual and loyal disciples in their own sect. The disciple forcibly gave it to everyone as a disciple.

As a result, Tianyunmen's long-standing method of selecting disciples by masters has been broken. With a large number of low-level disciples flooding the sect, Tianyunmen seems to have regained its former popularity. After opening up new caves one after another, the entire Tianyunmen can be said to have a completely new look.

But in essence, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. At least in the eyes of the pavilion master Tian Yunzi, they are all clowns. The disciples under the door went to do it.

And Qian Lingzong also sent Yuanying monks to stay behind in Tianyun Pavilion, which can deter Xiao Xiao, but the main purpose is to monitor Tian Yunzi's every move.

However, in Yi Tian's view, this approach is tailor-made for his own plan. The monks who can stay in Tianyun Pavilion are nothing more than Shi Ningjun or Shi Qianwei.

However, Shi Ningjun, the grandfather, is more likely. It is not a problem for monks in the middle stage of Yuanying to stay behind to monitor the monks in the early stage of Yuanying, and Qian Lingyuan must not treat his disciples badly.

In the main hall of the original Tianyunmen, although the current masters are the original Jindan disciples of the Tianyunmen, they are also the few monks who have been screened and surrendered to the Qianlingzong.

As for the Nascent Soul cultivator who was left behind by the Qianling Sect, he re-opened the cave in the back mountain. As for Tian Yunzi, he took up the original cave of the ancestor of Tianji as his shelter.

Fortunately, Qian Lingyuan also knew that Tian Yunzi should not be pushed too fast, so he repeatedly warned the disciples and grandchildren of the Tianyun Sect to keep due kindness towards Tian Yunzi so as not to chill his heart.

On that day, a vague phantom sneaked up the mountain while the night was falling. After avoiding many eyes and ears, it rushed out from the back door of the Tianyun Pavilion main hall, and then slowly moved towards the road up the mountain of Xingxing Mountain.

This phantom is Yi Tian who used the concealment technique to sneak into the Tianyun Pavilion again. In fact, the purpose is also very clear, that is, to ask Tian Yunzi for help so that he can enter the Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain.

After walking through a section of stone steps, one can clearly notice in his spiritual consciousness that there are still several secret sentries around here, and those who stay behind are all Jindan disciples.It's a pity that these people want to find out their whereabouts, it's just nonsense.

Yi Tian didn't shy away from relying on his advanced cultivation base to walk over in front of these secret whistles.After a short walk, he passed by a cave in the depths of the back mountain, and after looking over it, he found that this place should be a restriction set by monk Yuan Ying. He guessed that the cave was either Shi Ningjun or Shi Qianwei.

Although both of them are also the most critical figures in this link, it is not the best time to have a showdown with them. Let's talk with them in detail after discussing with Tian Yunzi.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian restrained his breath and walked slowly towards the top of the mountain. After a moment, he came to the gate of Tianjizi's cave again.Looking back at the surrounding area, even though it has been many years since he left the customs, he still vividly remembers the scene when he forcibly left the customs and made the last hexagram for himself.

At that time, Tian Yunzi and Xiao Linhang were there to help them find out the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi. After seeing this, Yi Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and suddenly there were some ripples in the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him.

Suddenly the restriction on the cave door in front of him changed, and there was a gap about two feet in the white halo.When Yi Tian saw it, his figure flashed in from the gap.

When he came to the cave, everything remained the same as before. After passing through the passage, he came to the middle of the cave and saw Tian Yunzi with an old face.At this time, the fluctuation of his spiritual power was three points weaker than that of that year. Although he was at the initial stage of Yuanying, his combat power could only barely be regarded as medium.

Tian Yunzi, who was sitting on the ground, slowly opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings, then opened his mouth and said, "Sovereign master, his skill has become stronger than before, and this old man is no longer able to find any traces of suzerain."

"Uncle Tianyun speaks too seriously," Yi Tian's figure gradually appeared after fluctuating slightly in the void in front of Tian Yunzi, and then smiled and said: "Uncle Master has endured humiliation for so many years, it's really hard for you."

After hearing this, Tian Yunzi showed a faint smile on his face, and then said: "It is my duty to use this crippled body to contribute to the sect. I don't know if the villain Lin Hang and others are safe."

Slowly walked forward and sat down in front of Tian Yunzi, then stretched out his hands and raised a sound barrier to wrap the two of them in. After doing this, Yi Tian looked squarely at Tian Yunzi in front of him and replied: " Uncle, don’t worry, Junior Brother Xiao has already arrived at the Dongao Xuanyang Sect by this time, and with the help of Senior Brother Chiyangzi, he has gained a firm foothold in the sect. It’s just that the banner has not been shown for a while, so for the time being, only the disciples of Xuanyang His identity appeared in front of the world," he said.

"That's fine. With the protection of the suzerain's direct lineage, my lineage of Tianyun can prosper again." Tian Yunzi said with a look of comfort on his face, and then looked at Yi Tian and asked: "What's the matter?" I don’t know why the second suzerain came here?”

"The end of the sky and the sea," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Tian Yunzi's pupils converged, and then his face showed unprecedented seriousness, and then he asked, "Has the suzerain found the place pointed by the oath?"

Seeing Yi Tian nodded and signaled, Tian Yunzi sighed and continued: "God bless me, I can finally find some opportunities for the Lihuozong. I wonder if the suzerain needs to cast spells again to divination your future when the suzerain comes?"

Yi Tian hastily raised his hand to indicate that there is no need, and then said: "I wonder if my uncle has studied the astronomy and calendar on Tianlan Continent?"

Tian Yunzi showed a bit of suspicion on his face and replied later: "My generation learns the art of divination. This calendar is a compulsory course and is also the basis of divination together. I don't know why the suzerain made such a statement?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian explained in detail the incident of spiritual chaos on the Tianlan Continent that his ancestor Lihuo's remnant soul had warned him about, and also emphasized that this was his only chance, so he had to do it Only when everything is safe can we make a move.

Tian Yunzi also showed an extremely cautious expression when he heard the words, and then took out a few jade slips and began to search for clues carefully.It took a long time to hear a voice from his mouth: "Yes, it is true."

(End of this chapter)

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