
Chapter 776 Rumors

Chapter 776 Rumors
After the Zhongzhou Continent had been quiet for a long time, a rumor suddenly spread that there were several nodes in the forbidden area of ​​Li Huo Zong Qi Pavilion that could be forcibly broken through.

The rumors spread were only circulated among the crowd of Golden Core cultivators at the beginning, and very few people believed them.But in the next few years, these rumors not only did not seem to die down, but also intensified.

Although the three major sects had received rumors and sent people out to quell the rumors, the results were indeed unsatisfactory. Since Du Ziheng of the Dao Sect of the day went to the Astrology Mountain to ask for divination, Tian Yunzi came forward to refute the rumors in person. Only then gradually dispersed.

However, among these Nascent Soul monks, there is another version circulating. Tian Yunzi didn't say anything about it after divination for Du Ziheng himself, but then deduced the exact time of the next lunar eclipse for him.

These news came from the monks on duty of Qianlingzong, because Qianlingyuan once said that every time Tianyunzi divination, he needs to be served by Qianlingzong disciples.

After Du Ziheng learned the exact time of the divination and the lunar eclipse, he hurriedly left. After returning to Tiandaozong, he retreated directly to thank the guests and did not see anyone except Zongmen Senior Brother.

With such a situation, the Nascent Soul cultivators from the outside world can more or less smell it. For a while, everyone ignored this rumor on the surface, but they paid great attention to it secretly.After all, it is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not.

Unexpectedly, less than a year later, this rumor spread again, but this time it was only spread among monks in the Nascent Soul stage.But there are countless Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou, and the situation in Zhongzhou was stirred up for a while. In private, those Nascent Soul cultivators pointed their finger at the three major sects. After all, this matter is of great importance, and everyone has a chance Know.

At the same time, in Zhongtian City, the largest cultivation trading city in Zhongzhou, Qibaozhai's headquarter auction house widely issued an invitation letter stating that it would hold the highest-level Nascent Soul Stage auction in accordance with the once-in-a-century practice.

Not only monks from Zhongzhou were invited to this auction, but even those prominent figures in Western Wilderness and Southern Xinjiang had received invitations. According to gossip, there were many rare treasures in the world in this auction. So it covered up the rumors.At least the attention of these Nascent Soul monks was temporarily distracted.

On the main street in Zhongzhou City, Yi Tian held back his breath and pretended to be an early Jindan cultivator, walking slowly on the main street alone.I believe that with my current strength, no one without eyes will come to me.

Walking all the way in the city, passing by the residence of the Thousand Spirit Sect, I checked with my spiritual sense and found that the Nascent Soul cultivator in the sect had not arrived at this time.Thinking about such a big event, even if Qian Lingyuan didn't come by himself, he would send Shi Ning Jun as a representative to join him.

When Yi Tian was at Xingxing Mountain before, he didn't rush to find the Nascent Soul cultivator on duty, because he was afraid of scaring the snake.Now it would be much more convenient to meet Shi Ningjun in such a place where dragons and snakes are mixed together.

Not far from Qianlingzong's residence, Yi Tian found a restaurant and asked for an elegant room, then closed the door and waited quietly, but his spiritual sense was staring at Qianlingzong's residence, for fear of missing the meeting with Shi Ningjun Chance.

After staying like this for a few days, with a movement of his divine sense, he discovered that a wave of spiritual pressure at the level of Yuanying had quietly floated into the Qianlingzong's residence.Yi Tian frowned, the strength of this spiritual pressure fluctuation is only the appearance of Yuan Ying's early stage, it seems that Shi Qianwei has come.

Some things are better to talk to Shi Ningjun directly. After all, he is Qian Lingyuan's direct disciple. Although his attitude is ambiguous, talking to him about some things will be more effective.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a wave of not weak evil spirit drifting past the gate of Qianlingzong's residence in his divine sense.For others, it may be just a trance, but for a monk like Yi Tian, ​​his identity can be determined in an instant, and it is He Weiming's demon cultivator clone.

There was a gleam of joy on his face at the moment, it was because someone brought a pillow when he wanted to doze off, and it was more convenient to talk to He Weiming than Shi Ningjun.And I still have some serious information in my hand, I believe it is the thing that I am most concerned about.

Thinking of this, I stretched out my hand to pinch the formula, and then my figure slowly disappeared into the elegant room of the restaurant.

The He Weiming avatar in black robe obviously felt something, and then hurried out of Zhongtian City without flying fast, just circled in the air and then flew to a place about fifty miles outside the city, and then faced the scene in front of him. The empty air shouted coldly: "Which Taoist friend and I are making such a joke, if you don't show up again, no wonder I will do something."

"Fellow Daoist He, don't come here for a long time." A lazy laugh suddenly came from the void, and then a figure appeared in front of him, which was Yi Tian who followed.

Different from the last time in that space where both of their cultivation bases were suppressed at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, this time they truly revealed their power.It was only then that Yi Tian discovered that He Weiming's avatar was just stable in the early days of Yuan Ying.

Maybe he also strictly limited the cultivation of the clone, keeping it away from the main body for better control.

After looking up and down the meeting, He Weiming said first: "I didn't expect to meet you here. You have disappeared in recent years, but did the rumors before that have something to do with you?"

"You Daoist He is thoughtful and delicate," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

He Weiming narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Is the content of Du Ziheng's request for the oath true? I heard that there is also a mysterious item that appeared in the finale of this auction. Don't tell me that it is also you masterpiece?"

Yi Tian raised his head and laughed loudly: "Fellow Daoist He asked me so many questions one after another, is it because he is thinking about it?"

"The treasure of the Lihuo Sect is the most valuable thing in Tianlan Continent, who wouldn't be interested?" He Weiming said disdainfully.

"That's true, but those who are destined to get it, are you right?" Yi Tian joked: "I believe that you have passed through the Zixiao Palace in the ancestral land of the Lihuo Sect, and the benefits you get there are not simple. Bar."

He Weiming's face changed suddenly and he shouted: "How do you know?"

"I have my own way. I came here this time to ask Fellow Daoist He whether our agreement back then is still valid?" Yi Tian asked straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"Of course it works. We each take what we need to deal with Qian Lingyuan. If this doesn't happen, I can't sleep or eat," He Weiming said.

"Then it's over, I want to see your real body, and I have something important to discuss, of course, it's okay if your avatar is present," Yi Tian said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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