
Chapter 777 The Covenant

Chapter 777 The Covenant
This time, in order to be able to deflect Qian Lingyuan from his lair, Yi Tian has worked hard. Many years ago, when he went to Zhanxing Mountain to meet Tian Yunzi, he was suggested to use the hands of those business alliances to pass the news to Qian Ling. deep in the ear.

Going a step further, it would be great if the Nascent Soul cultivator with the highest attainment in Zhongzhou Formation could also join in. The two of them thought that only Tiandaozong's Du Ziheng was the most suitable.

The background power of this person's sect is comparable to that of Qianlingzong, and Tian Yunzi can pass some information through him.Even in the presence of Qianlingzong monks, Tian Yunzi can still operate a little and then leave those monks with infinite reverie.

But this time, Yi Tian spent enough money to take out Qi Pavilion as bait, and explained with Tian Yunzi how to enter and the exact location of the two forbidden nodes.

Tian Yunzi didn't have too many surprises when he learned about it, but he declared that he would try his best to cooperate with Du Ziheng's relationship to drag Yu Xiang of Tiandaozong into trouble.If such a big event didn't have any powerful figures from Tiandaozong, I'm afraid Qian Lingyuan wouldn't have personally stepped in.

Yi Tian directly found the largest auction house in Zhongtian City through Tian Yunzi's relationship, and left two map jade slips as auction items without revealing any traces.Of course, a sky-high price was also offered at the same time, which could directly make those casual cultivators Nascent Soul cultivators retreat in spite of difficulties.

Moreover, strong restrictions were left on the two jade slips. If they are forcibly opened, the jade slips will be destroyed directly. The method of opening is also very simple. The ban on this map jade slip will be lifted automatically.

In Zhongtian City, Yi Tian didn't expect to meet He Weiming's avatar, but since he met him, he followed him out of the city on a donkey and wanted to discuss it privately.Although everyone had an agreement before, since Yi Tian knew that He Weiming still had Lihuo Patriarch's natal spirit weapon Zixiaozhan in his hand, he made up his mind to get it back.

This thing may not be of much use to him, but to other disciples of Lihuo Sect, it is definitely a symbolic spiritual weapon, and its effectiveness is not as low as that of the suzerain's token, the Haotian Mirror.

Yi Tian still cares about the need for Xuanyang True Fire to use the Zixiao lamp to strengthen his cultivation. In the future, even if he ascends to the spirit world, he must leave the Zixiao lamp for the disciples behind him.

Although I have collected all the materials and prepared to refine one, but the grade is only about level five, I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey if I want to sacrifice it to my own hands.Therefore, it would be a shortcut to use the remains of the ancestor's spirit weapon to fuse them together.

In the sky outside Zhongtian City, He Weiming's avatar sized up Yi Tian, ​​who was in front of him, frowned slightly and asked, "Have you decided to do it yet?"

"Not yet, but it's almost there. But before that, there is one more matter to discuss, which is of great importance and has your own interests," Yi Tian said, throwing a jade slip to the other party and continued: "This The map is my gift to you, and it will save you the trouble of going to the Zhongtian City auction."

After taking the jade slip, He Weiming spread it out in his hand and inspected it with his spiritual sense, and then there was a look of horror on his face, he turned his head and opened his eyes to stare at Yi Tian for a long time before saying: "I knew Things have not been that simple in these years, and it can be roughly guessed that the descendants of Lihuo started to make trouble, but I didn't expect it to come from you."

Yi Tian neither admitted nor denied, but said lightly: "I know the details of Qian Lingyuan, if you really want to work together, come and see me at the place marked on this map within seven days."

"Do I have any choice?" He Weiming said helplessly.

"No," Yi Tian replied decisively: "During this period, it happens to be the Zhongtian City Auction, and when everyone's attention is attracted, your whereabouts will not attract Qian Lingyuan's excessive attention."

The suspicion on He Weiming's face did not dissipate, but he asked tentatively: "Then what are you asking for when you throw such a big bait this time?"

"This matter has an inseparable relationship with you, and it even involves life and death. I will make it clear when your body arrives. You must know that our purpose is the same now, and Qianlingyuan is definitely not what you think. Such a simple character, I am afraid that you may not be able to accept the information after I tell you," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

After ten breaths, He Weiming put away the jade slip and just replied, "See you then," then turned around, chose a direction, and left.

Yi Tian is not afraid that he will not come, after all, this matter is related to his life and death.Turning around and looking in the direction of Zhongtian City, my heart felt hot. I haven't seen Shi Qianwei for so many years. After this time, I'm going to face Luo Que and Qian Lingzi. I don't know when the next meeting will be. .

He took out a communication jade token and entered it directly into the Dao Fa Jue, telling her his exact location, and then hid his figure in mid-air and waited.

Not long after, he frowned, and in his spiritual sense, he found that there was a wave of spiritual pressure that was not weak, flying out of Zhongtian City, and the target flew straight in his direction.

Needless to say, it was Shi Qianwei who received the summons. After three breaths, her figure flickered and stopped not far from her, looking around to find her whereabouts.

Suddenly there was a wave of spiritual power in the air and Yi Tian appeared, Shi Qianwei was very surprised when she saw it, she flew forward to hug Yi Tian and cried loudly.

Yi Tian dealt with the scenes of beating and killing calmly, but there was really nothing he could do about his beloved Taoist companion.Immediately after Yi Tian whispered a few words in her ear, he hugged her and flew directly to those barren mountains deep in Zhongzhou.

Even if there are tens of millions of words to confide in, the air is not a place. After flying in the air for a while, it stopped over a barren mountain, and then Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Sword and directly dug a temporary cave on the mountainside .

Then with a swipe of his left hand, he took out the formation disk and covered the fifty li radius in the thick fog. After doing this, he carried Shi Qianwei and flew into the Lingshi Cave.

An hour later, the two sat face to face in the cave, two tears appeared on Shi Qianwei's face, but she didn't say much, she just listened silently to Yi Tian's situation and future plans in the past few years.

When she heard Yi Tian talk about the cause of this rumor, she was very surprised. She came to Zhongtian City's auction this time for this purpose, but she didn't expect that the instigator was her own Chaosi The person of evening dreams.

Yi Tian didn't mean to hide anything, and directly revealed all the plans in his heart, which made Shi Qianwei startled.

(End of this chapter)

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