
Chapter 778

Chapter 778
Half a day later, Yi Tian hugged Shi Qianwei and flew towards Zhongtian City in a flash of light in the sky, and the speed of escape was not fast along the way.But at this time, Shi Qianwei buried her head deeply in Yi Tian's arms, tears kept pouring out of her eyes, but she kept scolding in her mouth.

Yi Tian also has no way to deal with her at all. He described all the strategies in the cave in detail before, and when it came to facing the powerful Luo Que and Qian Lingzi in the upper realm, it was Shi Qianwei who was on the spot. burst into tears.

You must know that as the direct descendant of the Qianlingzong, she has certainly known the strength of the founder of the mountain, but now her beloved Taoist partner is going to face the ancestor directly.

After hearing this, Shi Qianwei couldn't help but think in her heart that this meeting would not be a farewell, so her face was frowning, and she just washed her face with tears along the way.

But she also knows that she can't control Yi Tian's thoughts. After all, these things are not up to her alone, and they are related to the situation on the Dao Zhongzhou mainland thousands of years later, and even the future of the entire Tianlan world.

Even a Nascent Soul cultivator like her is helpless in the face of the general situation, and knowing from Yi Tian's mouth that her husband is also a person of destiny, these things must be done.

But when he mentioned about his son afterwards, Yi Tian reprimanded her angrily.As the saying goes, a loving mother loses more than a child. After the Xuegong incident many years ago, Yi Tian felt that it was necessary to take a break, and then directly expressed Yi Lingfeng's thoughts.

After hearing this, Shi Qianwei also looked helpless. She didn't expect her son to fall in love with Yun Mengyao of Cihang Jingzhai. You must know that he is a disciple of Mrs. Miaoyin, and he will be the next head of Cihang Jingzhai. There is a big difference in quality, and even the identity is not suitable, so it is estimated that it should be completely useless.

After hearing this, Yi Tian just snorted a few times, but didn't make any comments on this matter, but briefly mentioned that Yi Lingfeng should join Mo Wentian's sect to hone his mind.

Regarding this, Shi Qianwei is always unwilling and dare not say a word to contradict Yi Tian face to face, but the love of protecting the calf in her eyes is beyond words, and she mentions from time to time that she wants to visit Dong Ao when she has time.

Yi Tian was also pestered by her and had no choice but to take out a handwritten letter from the jade slip and hand it to Shi Qianwei as a token, so that she could go to Dongao Tiejianmen to find someone.He also told her to set off as soon as possible before the spiritual power of the world was chaotic and stay away from the land of right and wrong in Zhongzhou.

Under the current situation, once the forbidden node of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion is broken, it will inevitably attract a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators to swarm in, and then it will be a chaotic situation. It is also a good choice to let Shi Qianwei get out of the matter as soon as possible .

However, it is not easy for Shi Qianwei, as the candidate of Qianlingzong's sword spirit son, to get out as soon as possible. Fortunately, with the breaking of the Qi Pavilion, it is estimated that Qianlingyuan will avoid the important and pay attention Power was diverted to this matter.

At the same time, Yi Tian gave Shi Qianwei a complete copy of the law of breaking the ban, and asked her to bring it to her grandfather, Shi Ning Jun, and inform him of her plans. Presumably, with Shi Ning Jun's talents, it will be appropriate. s arrangement.

In this way, whether or not Qianlingzong participates in this auction becomes insignificant, but Shi Qianwei still has to put on a show to bid, so that the prestige of Qianlingzong cannot be weakened.

After returning to Zhongtian City, the two parted reluctantly. For Yi Tian, ​​he had to deal with all these worries before he could face Luo Que and Qian Lingzi without hesitation.

In addition to Qianlingzong, there is another faction that needs to be accounted for, and Lu Jinyuan of Zhongzhou Lihuozong is bound to receive invitations to the auction.So Yi Tian still wants to explain some things before going to Tianyahai Pavilion.

Calculating the time, there are still two days before the start of the auction. It stands to reason that those Nascent Soul monks from the Zhongzhou sect will arrive early to contact the various forces to find out.As for the casual cultivators who came in during this period, there are more Nascent Souls. Although it is almost impossible for low-level cultivators walking on the street to notice the arrival of these characters, Yi Tian can clearly detect the arrival of these characters who just entered the city. In Xiaohui, three auras with strong spiritual pressure fluctuations fell directly from the high sky of Zhongtian City.

One of them went straight to the Zongmen's residence, and the other two disappeared in a flash after falling into the city, and it seemed that they were completely restrained.

Ignoring these things, Yi Tian went straight to the Lihuo Sect's sect residence, showed his Golden Core Stage cultivation base, reported his real name, and entered it smoothly.

Now that he came here, he didn't need to hide anymore, he just sat down in the inner hall of the station and began to wait for Lu Jinyuan's arrival.

Three hours later, in his spiritual sense, he felt a wave of spiritual pressure coming from the door. The breath was not weak, but the person who came was not Lu Jinyuan.Looking up, I saw Hu Yiyuan walking in the front, followed by two mid-stage Jindan disciples.

When he saw Yi Tian's appearance, there was a gleam of joy on his face, and then he hurriedly recruited the left and right disciples to order them to open the restriction on the station here, and then waited outside after shielding the left and right.

The two disciples stared at Yi Tian for a while after Hu Yiyuan's private sound transmission, and after three breaths, they all bowed to Yi Tianji and hurriedly retreated.

After there were only two people left in the inner hall, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and opened a sound-proof barrier, stood up and said to Hu Yiyuan, "Senior brother, don't come here unharmed."

"Could it be that there is a major reason for the master and junior brother to come this time?" Hu Yiyuan hurried forward and asked.

Yi Tian nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand to ask Hu Yiyuan to sit down for the time being and calm down.Then he said slowly: "Brother came this time to explain to Senior Brother Lu, and it's the same when I see Senior Brother Hu now."

Hu Yiyuan asked suspiciously: "In the past few years, my junior has secretly searched for the words of senior Tianjizi, but there is no result?"

"That's why I came here to meet you," Yi Tian took out a jade slip and handed it to Hu Yiyuan after speaking, "This is the method of breaking the ban and the location of the ban node in the Zongqi Pavilion , Presumably Brother Hu came here this time for this matter, right?"

Hu Yiyuan exclaimed: "This time you set up the trick behind your back?"

"That's right, to be exact, it's a coordinated layout with senior Tianyunzi," Yi Tian said bluntly.

After Hu Yiyuan took the jade slip, he read it with his spiritual sense, sighed and said: "It seems that the younger brother has entered it early in the morning, so I don't know the purpose of handing over Qi Pavilion to others this time?"

Yi Tian was slowly explaining all the things he had planned to Hu Yiyuan in detail, and the latter's face changed for a long time before he sighed.After putting away the jade slip, he turned his head to look at Yi Tian and asked, "How sure are you this time?"

"I do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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