
Chapter 789 Assimilation

Chapter 789 Assimilation
Inner demons must be faced by every monk, even Buddhist monks are no exception, and inner demons are the most ugly side hidden in the depths of the human heart.Yi Tian still remembers the scene when he faced the inner demons. For the first time, he transformed into an existence exactly like himself, and his moves and skills were all exactly the same.

But the second time, he presented all the things that he was most afraid of facing in his heart more directly. For ordinary monks, the inner demons produced by the seven emotions and six desires are all kinds of strange.

But it's different for Buddhist monks. Usually, their exercises are specially designed to restrain the demonic way. In addition, they usually pay attention to the tempering of the Taoist heart, so they usually eliminate the demons in the bud.

So much so that Buddhist monks in the cultivation world are recognized as the most stable monks, so those casual monks will go to the Prajna Temple for help if they have evil spirits, and even those big sect monks will also seek help from Buddhist monks in private Get rid of demons.

But now Yunmengyao's obsession produced demons that were even more difficult to deal with. Buddhist monks were not without demons, and once they had demons, they would be more powerful than ordinary monks.

This is even more true for the heart demon standing in front of Yi Tian and Yun Mengyao. The Buddha's light just hit it obviously, but unexpectedly, it was not restrained. Instead, the black heart demon devoured it. After the Buddha's light was turned on, the arrogance became more arrogant.

So Yun Mengyao couldn't stand anymore, and hastily cast a seal on her hand again, aiming at the demon in front of her, and shot another golden light.Without exception, this time the black devil's energy swallowed up the golden Buddha's light again, and after a while, the whole body seemed to gradually swell up, and it seemed to be more than a foot longer than before.

Seeing this, Yun Mengyao's face also became restless, as if she wanted to continue casting spells, but suddenly an arm stretched out from behind to directly stop her movement.Turning his head, he saw that the divine consciousness that had penetrated deep into his sea of ​​consciousness had turned into Yi Tian's appearance, and the appearance was more magical, except for the skin color, everything else was exactly the same.

Just listening to Yi Tian's chanting words and slowly reciting the Buddha Sect's eight-tone technique of heavenly thunder, the sound waves began to turn into golden light waves in his mouth and scattered towards the demon in front of him.All of a sudden, after the light wave passed by, the demon's figure suddenly became sluggish, and his movements were also a little stiff.

Then Yi Tian said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Yun, you have lost your mind, what is the obsession in your heart?"

After Yun Mengyao was shaken by the sound, she obviously came back to her senses, looked at Yi Tian who was on the side for a long time before replying: "Mengyao has spent most of her life practicing in Cihang Jingzhai, and she rarely entered the world. As for the secret breeding of affection when meeting Brother Dao, the demons will take advantage of it."

Yi Tian shook his head and replied: "You are only half of what Fellow Daoist Yun said. This is because the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders. What I can help you is to temporarily control the influence of the demons. As for how to get rid of them, you have to work hard on your own." .”

"Mengyao has been smooth sailing since she was a child. It was only when she met Dao brother that she realized that she was a frog at the bottom of the well. So I ask Dao brother to remind me." Yun Mengyao glanced at the worried face behind the demon. road.

To be honest, it is just a matter of little effort for Yi Tian to personally help him eliminate the demons, but this will leave a trace of himself in his heart, and in the long run, there will inevitably be some conflicts between Yun Mengyao and Yun Mengyao. Also chaotic feelings.

This is definitely not the purpose of my trip, and I believe that it is easy to detect what I have done based on the determination of Master Miaoyin.Doing this is tantamount to letting Cihang Jingzhai's next suzerain have a flaw in his Taoism. I'm afraid that when Master Miaoyin reacts too much, he will suppress himself on the spot in a fit of anger.

Now Yi Tian absolutely dare not offend Cihang Jingzhai, and also hopes to use his hand to hold Qian Lingyuan back.After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Fellow Daoist Yun, don't worry too much. Buddhist monks are most concerned about leaving the world and entering the world. Since you have already entered the cultivation world, why don't you jump out of it?"

"Does Yi Daoyou mean that you can't practice in seclusion in the sect?" Yun Mengyao asked suspiciously.

There was a smile on Yi Tian's face and said: "No, no, what I said to be out of the world and into the world is just your Dao Xin." After finishing speaking, he stood aside and stopped talking.

For Yun Mengyao, a senior disciple of the Buddhist sect, comprehending gatha is a commonplace thing, and what Yi Tian said is not esoteric, and he can easily understand it thoroughly.

The blush on Yun Mengyao's face slowly faded after hearing this, and then her whole temperament changed accordingly.At the same time, Yi Tian noticed that a golden halo appeared on her body and slowly passed by, and gradually restored her original extraordinary appearance.

This is a qualitative change caused by a change in mood. After the Buddha's light shines, Yun Mengyao's appearance becomes more solid. This is the result of Yun Mengyao's Taoist heart transforming again.

At the same time, Yi Tian's eyes glanced at the demon on the opposite side, and he saw that the demon's appearance began to twitch slightly at this time, which was obviously a phenomenon of ebb and flow.As the Buddha's light on Yun Mengyao's body continued to condense, the demon in front of him gradually lost the aura just now as if his aura had been emptied.

After Yun Mengyao was obviously able to stabilize the opponent, Yi Tian decisively stretched out his hands and formed a seal to take back all the golden light originally sacrificed by Tianlei Bayin.

When the shackles of the heavenly thunder and octave were gone, the heart demon hurriedly turned around and wanted to reach out to the sea of ​​consciousness.But Yunmengyao made a strong move before it, and stopped in front of it after a flash of the whole figure.

What happened next was unexpected. I saw her rushing directly into the pitch-black mass of demons regardless of her own safety.After three breaths, a golden light flashed in the darkness, and Yi Tian hurriedly used his pupil technique to observe carefully and couldn't help admiring his courage.

It turned out that Yun Mengyao fed the demon with her body, disintegrated it from the inside of the demon, and as the golden light inside became more and more intense, the black magic light was completely purified from the inside out.After the last ray of black light disappeared, a brand new Yun Mengyao appeared in front of Yi Tian's eyes. After sweeping his eyes, he couldn't help but exclaimed in his mouth: "Fellow Daoist's Buddha sect skills are really profound, so that the demons in the heart After assimilation, it is really more effective than the Taoist method of cutting off, I am afraid that from now on, it will be difficult for fellow Taoists to have inner demons breeding in their hearts."

At this time, Yun Mengyao replied with a solemn face, "This time, it is all thanks to Daoist Yi who did not hesitate to risk himself into Mengyao's sea of ​​consciousness to help me."

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel his heart move. Obviously, her words at this time lacked a sense of love and admiration for herself, and at the same time added a portion of the solemnity of a Buddhist monk.

Although this gain and loss is also a good thing for him, but Yi Tian also felt deeply touched in his eyes, and then he echoed faintly, and the figure flashed back to his divine sense again, and quickly pulled out of his sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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