
Chapter 790

Chapter 790
After coming out of Yunmengyao's cave mansion, Yi Tian followed Mrs. Miaoyin without saying a word, but saw that the expression on her face was obviously much more relaxed.Later, he returned to the side hall of Cihang Jingzhai again, but this time nun Miaoyu was not with her.

Shaoqing waited for the two to sit down as guests and hosts, and then Mrs. Miaoyin said, "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your help this time, so that this little apprentice can make another step forward in his cultivation of mental state."

"Master is too serious, I just tried my best on this matter," Yi Tian said politely but continued: "I don't know if I can give up your love for Guizong's phantom formation stone like this?"

Master Miaoyin was also a straightforward person, she stretched out her hand and handed over the round stone plate and said, "Friend Daoist Yi, please keep it safe."

After reaching out to take the stone plate, Yi Tian immersed himself in it to retrieve it, and suddenly a gleam of joy appeared on his face.This phantom formation stone is really as recorded, it can confuse people's consciousness, it is very suitable to be used as the eye of the phantom formation.

After putting away this precious material, Yi Tian was about to leave, when suddenly Mrs. Miaoyin asked, "You Daoist Yi set up such a big game this time, I'm afraid it's because you have other plans, and since you If you are willing to tell the truth about the forbidden node and the breaking method of the Firearms Pavilion, I am afraid that I, Cihang Jingzhai, will not be able to justify it without any effort after accepting your love."

Now that the other party has said so, Yi Tian is not polite and straight to the point: "I hope that Cihang Jingzhai can also participate in this lunar eclipse when the ban is broken, and the more people from many sects in Zhongzhou, the better for me. favorable."

"I don't know if Daoist Yi can reveal your real plan?" Master Miao Yin asked too.

"I don't want too many people to know about this matter, but as long as the wife understands that I have no malicious intentions towards Cihang Jingzhai, as for the reason, the teacher can find an opportunity to ask Uncle Xia Tianyunzi, I believe he will give you a Reasonable explanation," Yi Tian didn't want to get entangled in this issue anymore, so he simply kicked the burden on Tian Yunzi.

Master Miaoyin just nodded knowingly after hearing this, and said, "Forget it, fellow Daoist Tian Yunzi's character is still trustworthy, since Daoist Yi said so, I will trust you for now. There is one more thing to ask Proceed with caution."

"What's the matter?" Yi Tian asked without knowing it.

"Fellow Daoists explored Cihang Jingzhai's many secretary exercises in Mengyao's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and please do not spread them to the outside world. I believe fellow Daoists know how to deal with this matter," Master Miaoyin said sternly.

This matter was originally a heart problem of Yi Tian, ​​and this time the help is true, but the matter involving Xin Mi of the other party's sect cannot be shirked, after all, he took advantage of it, fortunately, there is also the link of Prajna Temple in Miaoyin The teacher didn't care too much about it, and saying this now can be regarded as a wake-up call for herself.

Yi Tian replied in a deep voice: "Master, please rest assured, I will keep my mouth shut, but in the future, if I meet someone who is destined, can I pass on one or two methods?"

"Everything is up to fate, as long as Yi Daoyou is willing to tell the predestined person to the poor nun," Mrs. Miaoyin replied.

Seeing her, she would let go, Yi Tian's eyes were filled with astonishment, and then he said goodbye to her and hurried out of Cihang Jingzhai.

After leaving the range of Qianye Lake, the divine sense moved and found that the communication jade talisman in the storage ring had responded. After taking it out, the divine sense flashed over and his face was overjoyed, and saw that it read "A fire was found at the foot of Hengshan Mountain in the south of Zhongzhou." ant."

This is the message that He Weiming's avatar left for him. Yi Tian immediately took out the map on his body to find the exact location of Mount Heng, then turned around and used escapism to fly towards it.

The message on the communication jade card gave Yi Tian a bit of a headache, since He Weiming's avatar can't even handle the matter, it will take some trouble to take him.

It takes about ten days to travel from Qianye Lake to the foot of Hengshan Mountain in the south of Zhongzhou. During this period, Yi Tian is not in a hurry. Anyway, he may not be able to succeed there directly. He has to look at the situation before thinking of countermeasures.

The amount of alchemy needed for this formation was too large to be collected for a while. He Weiming also mentioned this before. Originally, not many of these things were produced, and most of them were directly transferred by high-level monks.Usually at the auction, anyone who sees them will be collected by those formation masters immediately.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy enough alchemy. The only way to get enough alchemy is to go to the fire ant nest to search for it, and the alchemy found needs to be fused again before it can be used.

Fortunately, Yi Tian checked the life habits of the fire ant before he pointed out a clear direction for He Weiming, and the latter was fortunate enough to find the whereabouts of the fire ant so quickly.

Ten days later, when Yi Tian arrived at the top of Mount Heng, He Weiming's avatar had been waiting there early in the morning. After the meeting, He Weiming didn't say much and directly described the location of the found fire ant nest.

But after Yi Tian finished listening, he couldn't help sighing. It turned out that although the fire ant likes heat and fears cold, it built its ant nest deep in the ground of a barren open space at the foot of Mount Heng.

Moreover, He Weiming even mentioned that the fire ant queen also has some innate abilities that can eat the monk's spiritual consciousness. Last time, he extended his spiritual consciousness along the entrance of the ant nest to the exact location of the ant nest that he explored ten feet deep underground. , but I didn't expect to startle the queen ant, and then she gnawed off a small piece of her divine sense.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also shocked. The damage to the spiritual sense is different from the fact that the physical body can be easily repaired.And once the divine sense is attacked, it will directly eat back into one's own divine soul, and the heart-piercing pain is not as bad as scraping the bone to heal the wound.

After listening to He Weiming's narration, Yi Tian suddenly fell into deep thought. Later, he searched all about the living habits of fire ants in his head, but he couldn't find any effective way to do it after half the salary.

The reason is that the queen ant will never leave the nest easily, even if all the worker ants under her are dead, it will be difficult to lure her out of the nest.

According to what He Weiming said, the tens of feet below the ground is the range of the ant nest, but those alchemy are the excrement of fire ants all over the entire ant nest passage, and it is only necessary to collect these scattered alchemy and remelt it. use.

Visually, the queen ant is about the level of a sixth-level low-level monster, and all the worker ants under her hand are all at the fifth level, and the number is about a few thousand.Even a Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivator like Yi Tian didn't dare to face thousands of fifth-level monsters head-on, and with the Queen Ant obstructing him, he had to spend a little effort to get out of the fire.

After falling on the cliff, Yi Tian carefully observed the terrain, pointed to an open space not far away and said, "Let them out here, and then fellow Daoist He will try to cut off their retreat. I'll just go down and collect alchemy."

"Does Fellow Daoist Yi have any clever tricks?" He Weiming asked with joy on his face.

"We have to try it out," he said, reaching out to pat the beast-controlling pouch and releasing the Chiyan horse.

(End of this chapter)

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