
Chapter 791

Chapter 791
At the foot of Mount Heng, what did Yi Tianzheng and Chi Yanju say, but he shook his head like a rattle and refused to agree.In the end, he actually wanted to sneak back into the beast-controlling bag in front of his master, but fortunately, Yi Tian was also on guard and his divine sense restrained him.

Originally, he wanted to use the property of fire ants to eat sun-like things to lure them out of the nest, but the only fire-type beast that could be immediately available was the red flame horse.

Since he reached the sixth-level transformation, the flame breath on his body is dozens of times stronger than before. It would be a waste of money not to make good use of such favorable conditions.

But when Chi Yanju heard that he was going to be used as a bait to attract thousands of fire ants out of the nest, his expression changed, and he was too scared to speak.

Moreover, he kept screaming at him to show his protest in his heart. In the end, Yi Tian was also afraid that if he continued to make trouble like this, he would directly disturb the fire ants nesting in the ground, so he had to retreat and forcibly escape from Chi Yan. Three drops of blood essence were taken out from Ju's body. With this thing, peaches and plums can replace the dead and make the real one.

Then after discussing with He Weiming, the latter hurriedly flew to the surrounding mountains to look for a large spirit beast of level five.

According to Yitian's original idea, he used the red flame horse as bait, and now he can find a substitute after getting three drops of blood essence. After all, his previous considerations were not very detailed, and even if he misses after using the substitute, it will not cause any harm. Too much loss.

An hour later, He Weiming's figure appeared in the air again, and there were two boar-like monsters in his hands. It looked like they were all at the fifth-level intermediate level.

After it landed on the cloud, Yi Tian directly restrained the two pig demons, and poured two drops of Chi Yanju's blood into their bodies without any explanation.

After ten breaths, I saw that the two pig demons became completely red, and a strong fire spiritual power erupted from their seven orifices. It was obvious that they could not bear the power of the blood of the transformed monsters.

Fortunately, it was only used as bait. After they fully fused their blood, they instantly became extremely irritable, filled with endless fire power all over their bodies.

When He Weiming saw it, he showed joy and said, "That's not bad, but how do fellow Taoists cut off their way back?"

Yi Tian took out a small jade bottle from the storage bag and handed it to He Weiming, saying: "This is the pool water I got from the Bibo Pool in Beiyuan Snow Palace. A little bit can turn that place into an ice cave, and the worker ants that fly out of the nest will naturally be disturbed by their nature and dare not fly back to the nest."

"The fellow Taoist still needs to be careful with the queen ants and all the soldier ants staying in the ant nest," He Weiming said.

Yi Tian showed a hint of helplessness on his face and said: "That's something that can't be helped, but it's easier than dealing with thousands of worker ants, as for Fellow Daoist He, please wait for an opportunity to remove the fire ants and give me a way out. "

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, it's more than enough to deal with these fifth-level monsters. Besides, you don't need to get close to attack, you just need to continue to consume their vitality from a distance," He Weiming replied.

After the two made up their minds, Yi Tian subdued the two irritable pig demons and threw them on the open space one mile away from the ant nest, then stretched out his hand and stroked the pig demon's neck and four branches Cut off its main artery, and instantly the blood containing real fire slowly lay down along the wound.

Immediately, he took out another array and set it up where the two pig demons were, and suddenly there was a breeze in the calm valley, blowing the pungent bloody smell towards the direction of the ant nest.

The sound of the wind constantly urging the formations blows the fire spiritual power from the two pig demons directly into the ant nest, and for a moment the ground at the ant nest began to vibrate slightly.

He Weiming, who was in the air, laughed and said, "You Daoist Yi's formation skills are really powerful, so this group of fire ants should have taken the bait."

"Let's see how they will play next." Yi Tian's face was not relaxed, but he said solemnly: "I'm afraid the soldier ants and queen ants left behind will be difficult to deal with."

Just as he was talking, pairs of fire ants lined up neatly at the dozens of small holes in the ant nest below, and quickly crawled towards the position where the pig demon was.

If you don't look at it, you don't know, there are at least tens of thousands of fire ants coming out of their holes down here. Although most of them are at the fourth or fifth level, the ants are too many to kill.

The army of fire ants below was divided into several groups that were nearly a hundred feet long. When they were almost gone, Yi Tian urged the array control piece in his hand again to blow the bloody breath even more urgently.

The marching speed of these fire ant army was even faster, Yi Tian didn't waste any time when he saw this, he directly took out the Taiyuan sword, his figure fell down from the clouds and flew to the top of the fire ant nest.

Then he stretched out his hand and manipulated the Spirit Sword to aim at the surroundings of the ant nest, and after a few blue lights, he dug out a square meter of soil, which contained more than half of the fire ant nest.

At the same time, he used the Qingling method to see that the little golden light contained in the soil was the alchemy secreted by the fire ants. It was only mixed with the soil and needed to be screened, refined and purified before it could be used.

Before I had time to be happy, I only heard the buzzing sound, and after I glanced over, I saw hundreds of half-inch-sized soldier ants flying out of the ant nest dug out there.

These soldier ants even had wings and quickly divided into left and right in the air, trying to enclose Yi Tian in the middle.

The gregarious races still have a strict hierarchy even though their levels have risen. Thinking about these fire ants at the top of the fifth level, they seem ferocious but their intelligence is not high.Yi Tian glanced over the ant nest and saw a little flame flashing by. He hastily used the Qingling method to stare at it, only to find that there was a two-inch red ant queen in the flame, and there were two behind it. The pair of wings stopped in mid-air, like the commander-in-chief of a thousand armies, commanding the soldiers under him.

After a moment of green light all over his body, the figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared in mid-air after a short breath, and then stretched out his hand and pinched a formula to point at Taiyuan Sword, and immediately stepped forward and swayed from the Taiyuan Sword. The upper part of the main body was peeled off and hit the soldier ant below.

Fortunately, Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness had been strengthened and he could handle it calmly by dividing the sword silk into thousands of thin lines. The blue color rained down from the sky and hit the soldier ant directly.Suddenly, there was a sound of "Puff puff puff" in the air, and after the sound passed, the defeated soldier ants fell down one after another.

Before Yi Tian was happy, he suddenly frowned, and a feeling of uneasiness rose in his heart. After he didn't think about it, his instinctive reaction was to teleport away from the original position.

(End of this chapter)

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