
Chapter 795

Chapter 795
In Tianlan mainland Zhongzhou, the most lively thing in the past 20 years is nothing more than the rumor that the forbidden node of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion ruins can be broken into.The person who spread the rumor back then is currently practicing in seclusion in the Heavenly Paradise, the inner gate of the Qianling Sect.

After many investigations, all the monks who had learned of the rumors calmed down and no longer pursued it. On the surface, it seemed that the turmoil had passed.But in secret, the various sects joined forces, and the Nascent Soul monks from the three major sects of Qianling, Tiandao and Hehuanzong secretly formed an alliance in Zhongzhou.

In this alliance, Tiandaozong is the main one. After all, we still have the exact news, and there is Du Ziheng, the master of the formation.Breaking the ban this time can't be done by force alone. According to Du Ziheng's divination on Xingxing Mountain to find Tian Yunzi, there is a time limit for breaking the ban. The moment is the best time.

Therefore, this opportunity is also fleeting. After the discussion, the other two factions formed a united front, but they were often slaughtered by Tiandaozong in private.

On the other hand, the casual cultivators who got another map back then seemed to be ready to move, and they found a few Nascent Soul cultivators who were also well-versed in formation techniques to help them get a share of the action.

Yi Tian looked at the communication jade slip in his hand and inadvertently showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. I'm afraid that his master Gu Hui also contributed a lot in it.Let him handle this matter, anyway, he is very familiar with it, as long as he can go in, he will definitely loot all the treasures left in it.

Fortunately, he didn't have the Zongmen Token, otherwise he would use the teleportation array to go directly to the ancestral Zixiao Palace like himself.

In addition, I also handed over two additional jade slips to Shi Qianwei and Mrs. Miaoyin, presumably these people will not just sit and wait.Thinking that Cihang Jingzhai and Banruo Temple will also intervene in this matter, I am happy. These two groups of people are working together. With them, they can deal with it, and at the same time, they can delay Qianlingyuan for a longer time.

As for the other side who heard that Zhongzhou Lihuozong and Zhengxingmeng would also participate in these events, it is also within my own calculations. It is estimated that the jade slip handed over to Shi Qianwei will end up in Lu Jinyuan's hands after many twists and turns. The result of the grandpa Shi Ningjun's dealings.

It is estimated that he has benefited from it, anyway, the more muddied the bucket of water is, the better it will be for him.

Looking at the messenger Yu Jiantian in his hand, he had to admire He Weiming. This old fox also used the method of playing hard to get.After discussing with Qian Lingyuan, he wanted to lead the team there, but he was rejected out of hand.

It is estimated that Qian Lingyuan is also strictly guarding against his senior brother. If he gets any chance this time, it may develop to the bottom that cannot be controlled.He simply led the team himself. After all, the three alliances were also negotiated by him, and he would never give up the fruits of victory to He Weiming.

But this is also a good way to fulfill He Weiming's wish. He already knew the cause and effect of this matter, and he wished to stay in the sect and break the ban with Yi Tian to go to Tianyahai Pavilion.

After receiving He Weiming's message, Yi Tian waited for three days, until midnight that day when a full moon was in the sky before slowly leaving the cave.On the way to the back mountain of Qianlingzong, he performed the invisibility technique and walked leisurely, and looked up at the sky from time to time during the period.

Suddenly, after a gust of wind blew up, a black shadow appeared above the full moon, and the bright moonlight began to fade from bright to weak.When Yi Tian saw it, Daxi hurriedly sped up his pace and ran towards the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. Usually, the lunar eclipse lasts no more than three hours, and the partial lunar eclipse will be shorter.

Now I only hope that Du Ziheng and the others will not let themselves down, and that they can find the location of the node smoothly, relying on the weakening of the power of the sun to forcibly open the channel of the node.

In the entire Thousand Spirit Sect, only He Weiming was left among the Yuanying monks. Shi Ningjun sits in Zhanxing Mountain, and Shi Qianwei probably went to the secret realm with Qian Lingyuan.

In Qianlingzong, it is impossible for Jindan disciples to find out their whereabouts, and Yi Tian doesn't need to worry about anything under the speeding speed.A moment later, he went through the checkpoints and came to the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, only to see that He Weiming had been waiting there early in the morning, and his magic cultivator clone was also there.

After Yi Tian glanced over, there was a look of surprise, and when he walked forward, he greeted first and then asked directly: "What is the meaning of Daoist He, are you going to take your clone with you?"

After hearing this, He Weiming replied with a look of determination on his face: "Exactly, the old man can also guess what Fellow Daoist Yi is thinking, but I am not fully sure about facing the power of the upper realm this time. Once we miss Even if I can survive for a while, my avatar will definitely face endless pursuit when they get out of trouble."

"So that's the case, Fellow Daoist He intends to do everything he can this time, and is going to fight with all his strength," Yi Tian said with a serious expression.

"That's right. In fact, I think that once we leave a way out for ourselves, then we will not face this matter with determination," He Weiming stroked the three long beards and said, "I am in the sect. I have had enough oppression and bullying, and as Yi Daoyou said, this is definitely a rare opportunity in 5000 years, and it is also the last chance for us monks, if you don’t succeed, you will be benevolent.”

Seeing the resolute look in He Weiming's eyes, Yi Tian was also moved by his determination for a moment, in fact, what he said was right, it is better to stand and forget than to live on your knees.The grievances and grievances of the past thousand years finally have the opportunity to be settled together. Although I still have many concerns in my heart, they are all forgotten now.

Immediately after sorting out his thoughts and getting rid of distracting thoughts in his mind, there were some subtle changes in his behavior, which De Yitian himself didn't even notice.

On the contrary, He Weiming, who was standing in front of him, suddenly had his pupils condensed, as if he had looked at Yi Tianhou again with a smile on his face and said: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Yi, you have made a breakthrough in your state of mind. It seems that you have made up your mind, too. It’s not too late, let’s set off now.”

Yi Tian just nodded slightly, and then his figure flew towards the forbidden area in the back mountain.Before that, Yi Tian had already figured out the specific location of Kunwu Cave, and he knew all about the hidden sentries and observation and monitoring points along the way.

Along the way, the two of them restrained their aura, and then used concealed body skills to quickly shuttle through the passage in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

In fact, Yi Tian has repeatedly checked the specific environment of Kunwu Cave in Biling Mountain from the half of the sword tip. Two or three thousand years have passed, except for the banning formation that Qian Lingzi set up outside Kunwu Cave, there is basically no change. .

Not long after, the two came to a valley and stopped. He Weiming pointed to the small path in front of the valley and said: "Through here is the cave where Qianlingyuan retreated, which is the Kunwu cave. There is a prohibition, once we are within three feet away, the restriction will be triggered, and Qianlingyuan, who is thousands of miles away, will receive feedback, fellow daoists should be careful to deal with it."

"Don't worry, I've already made the preparations, let's go, don't waste your time," Yi Tian walked into the path immediately after speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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