
796 Isolation

796 Isolation
Walking all the way from the path in the valley, it didn't take a moment for Yi Tian to see a [-]-foot-sized open space in front of him, and at the other end of the open space was a cave many feet high.

Based on the scene I saw in the half of the sword tip, this is the Kunwu Cave.It's just that there is a faint golden light restriction on the cave door, which should be the sealing barrier laid down by Qian Lingzi.

He Weiming stepped forward, pointed at the cave door and said, "I've only been here three times, and I haven't entered it, so I can't help you with the next thing, it's all up to fellow Taoists."

"Fellow Daoist He, don't be impatient. I'll make a decision after I check the French ban here." After speaking, Yi Tian didn't act rashly, but slowly extended his spiritual consciousness to the open space at the entrance of Kunwu Cave and the surrounding valleys The stone walls have been explored one by one.

After ten breaths, he frowned and raised his head to stare at the stone walls around the valley for a long time, then a blue light flashed in his eyes, and he began to investigate carefully with his pupil technique.After a long time, he stretched out his hand and made three marks on the rock wall of the valley. Later, a set of formation patterns of spiritual world characters appeared in these three places.

Turning around, he said to He Weiming: "Fortunately, Fellow Daoist He brought the avatar with him. The formation here needs three people to work together to open it at the same time."

After hearing this, He Weiming first glanced over the three mana marks, and saw that there were three array discs running continuously, and from the position they were located, they formed the Kunwu Cave. A complete set of formation bans.

Yi Tian curled his lips and said with a sneer: "This is the spiritual array of the upper realm, named 'Three Stars Gongyue', if you want to use external force to break the array, you need three people to attack at the same time, and it just so happens that tonight is a lunar eclipse, but it also responds." The name of this magic circle is exactly the destiny, which is unambiguous to me."

"That's the case, but according to Yi Daoyou's order, we can break the formation hand in hand," He Weiming replied.

"You Daoist He will wait for me to isolate this place from the outside world for a while before breaking the formation," he said, reaching out to wipe the storage ring and taking out a set of formation disks to place on his palm.

This formation disk was made from the phantom formation stone and alchemy found many years ago, but after seeing a magic formula entered into it, the whole formation disk began to move slowly, and suddenly a sudden burst of invisible spiritual power began to gradually disperse. It swelled until it covered the entire valley.

Then Yi Tian walked to an inconspicuous corner by the side of the valley with the disk in his hand, then stretched out his hand and pointed towards the ground, a blue light pierced into the soil along the direction of his finger.In the blue light was the shadow of Taiyuan Sword. After digging three feet deep, Yi Tian pushed the formation plate in his hand and put it directly into it.

Then he covered the surrounding soil and turned to He Weiming and said: "My method of breaking the formation can isolate the spiritual power fluctuations here from the outside world for three days, and then I can boldly break the restriction. "

"It's so good, we'll see what fellow Daoist Yi will do next."

Yi Tian didn't say much after hearing this, and took out two formation-breaking awls and seven forbidden-breaking needles from the storage ring again, raised his hand and handed the formation-breaking awls to He Weiming and his avatar respectively, and then said : "The formation here is obviously a four-elephant formation, but Qian Lingzi changed the use of the formation. The entrance of the Kunwu Cave is at the Qinglong position in the cave, and the other three directions are the Suzaku, Baihu and Xuanwu positions. Only when the formation spirits of the three gates shine on the green dragon seat at the same time can the cave gate be opened intact."

He Weiming frowned and asked, "That means we have to deal with Zhenling later?"

"Yes, but as long as the array spirit returns to its place, I am worried that too much time spent dealing with the array spirit will affect the next process," Yi Tian said with a worried expression.

"You might as well do your best. Didn't You Daoist Yi say that this time the time is right, plus the location is favorable and the people are harmonious, how can you be stumped by such a small matter," He Weiming said disdainfully.

Just do what you say Yi Tian explained clearly to He Weiming how to use the formation-breaking awl, and then flew directly to the front of the formation pattern of the white tiger in the west in a flash, and then sacrificed the forbidden magic needle in his hand.

At the same time, He Weiming's main body went south and stood in front of the two formation patterns of Suzaku and Xuanwu in the north, and slowly activated the formation-breaking awl in his hand.

After the spirit weapons in the hands of the three were ready, Yi Tian said through voice transmission: "Let's break the formation together, and then each will deal with the spirits that rush out."

As soon as the words fell, he directly pierced the forbidden magic needle in his hand into the formation pattern on the stone wall, and He Weiming and his avatar also raised their hands and pierced the formation-breaking awl without mercy.

After the three formation patterns were attacked at the same time, he suddenly drew the spiritual power of the underground spiritual veins to maintain it with all his strength, and Shaoqing emitted three spiritual lights from the three places respectively.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept across the formation patterns in front of him, revealing a wave of spiritual pressure not weaker than that of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and then a white light burst out from it and turned into a white tiger spirit body of Zhang Xu.

This must be the formation spirit of the White Tiger, Yi Tian quickly took out the Taiyuan Sword and sacrificed it, and it turned into a cyan sword thread and put it on the head of the White Tiger.

At the same time, two auras of light, one red and one yellow, burst out from the two sides behind him, and it goes without saying that they must be the Suzaku and the Xuanwu formation spirit.He Weiming didn't bother much, and directly used his special moves to attack Suzaku.

The entire valley is only about [-] zhang square, so the two dare not keep their hands for fear of affecting each other.What surprised Yi Tian was that although He Weiming's avatar had only the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's initial stage, he was not afraid of facing the formation spirit whose strength was obviously higher than that of the formation spirit. He was completely surrounded by Xuanwu with the magic power driven by the black evil spirit. , although there is a stalemate for a while, but as long as you hold on, you can wait for help.

I saw the sword qi turning thread in Yi Tian's hand instantly covered the white tiger, but before the sword thread was encircled, a fierce air came out from the encirclement of the sword thread, and the white tiger formation spirit was not afraid of the sharp sword thread at all. See Stretch out the tiger's claws to break the siege spell.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and yelled at Yi Tian, ​​a series of sound waves suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and then locked Yi Tian's figure and hit him directly.

Seeing the white tiger's transformation, Yi Tian's face sank, and he quickly chanted the mantra, opened his mouth and used the technique of Tianlei Bayin, a golden light wave accompanied by the unique mantra of Tianlei Bayin instantly resisted the white tiger's attack .

After three breaths, Yi Tian continued to read out the eight-tone technique of Tianlei without stopping, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the golden light waves, pushing back the white tiger's roar.

Immediately afterwards, the hand didn't stop, the sword thread that was surrounded just now was opened a gap by the white tiger's spirit, and Yi Tian was not polite to replace the mobilized spiritual power with Xuanyang real fire again, and then the blue sword thread The space turned red, and when the white tiger's paws were lifted up again, bursts of blue smoke burst out.

When Yi Tian gained power, he directly manipulated the Taiyuan sword in his hand, closed the sword thread, and tied the white tiger spirit together.Then he flew forward, stretched out his hand and pushed it back into the formation plate, and after a while, a white light came out from it and shot directly into the green dragon formation pattern on Kunwu Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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