
Chapter 799 Getting Started

Chapter 799 Getting Started
After reading all the information stored in the Cloud Piercer Sword, Yi Tian felt overwhelmed after consuming a lot of divine thoughts.After recovering and telling He Weiming the news he had learned, the latter also fell into deep thought.

The door in front of him was a thorny problem, and the teleportation array inside was even more troublesome.Yi Tian sat cross-legged and rested for a while, but he kept thinking in his head.

It stands to reason that this is the special passage for Lihuo Patriarch himself, so it is bound to use the skills or treasures passed down from the sect to open it.He couldn't rely on brute force to force a breakthrough like Luo Que did. After thinking about it, he stood up slowly and stretched out his right index finger to sacrifice a wisp of white flame.

After three breaths, the flames completely covered the palm of his hand, and then stretched out his hand to lightly touch the Shimen, trying to push it away, but the Shimen was still stuck there without moving.

Is it necessary to use a special spell to open it? Another thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind. After putting away the real fire in his hand, he took out the three tokens of the sect again.

Then put them in the palm of your hand to activate them one by one, and then projected a series of spiritual lights on the stone gate, but this time it also returned in vain.He Weiming who was on the side didn't say much when he saw Baba, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Now Yi Tian couldn't hold back his face anymore. When he broke through the Kunwu Cave before, he didn't expect that the last stone gate would be so difficult to open.Looking at the dust accumulated around the stone gate, it is more than half a foot deep, and it is estimated that Qian Lingyuan has not been here a few times.

According to his personality, it is indeed a pity to sit on Baoshan empty-handed, and he is worrying.He Weiming, who was standing on the side, asked, "Fellow Daoist Yi, does anyone know who is using this stone room?"

"The private transmission route of the ancestor of the Lihuo Sect, and Luo Que used brute force to force it open once," Yi Tian said with doubts on his face after turning his head around: "Could it be possible that we also have to follow the example of breaking the door with force?"

"It's absolutely impossible, we can easily crack the channel of the formation formed by the power of the upper realm," He Weiming flatly vetoed: "In my opinion, there must be a way to open it, and a special key is still needed. "

He thought that he had already tried to use the token of the Lihuo Sect, but the result was obvious to all. Yi Tian calculated that the only tokens left in his hands that could be certified as the Lihuo Sect Master were Haotian Mirror and Zixiaozhan.

Could it be that these two spiritual treasures are really needed to open it? Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to take out the Haotian Mirror, and then sacrificed Nanming Lihuo to lift it up and shouted: "Go."

A white aura emerged from the mirror and directly shone on the stone door. At the same time, the entire cave seemed to shake a few times. There was a sound of "咔咚咚" coming from behind the stone door, and then slowly from inside to outside. was opened.

He Weiming echoed with joy on his face: "Yi Daoyou is indeed a man of destiny, and he really has a way to open it in his hand."

Immediately, Yi Tian smiled awkwardly, and then continued to cast spells to manipulate the Haotian Mirror to open the entire stone door until a gap of about one foot was exposed.

After putting away the Haotian mirror in his hand, Yi Tian strode sideways and got in through the gap. He Weiming followed closely behind, and his avatar was the third one to walk through the door. After the three of them entered the stone door It automatically closes.

At the same time, in the deepest part of Zhanxing Mountain, Tian Yunzi watched the sky at night with a serious expression on his face, and the person sitting beside him was Shi Ningjun of Qianlingzong.Later Tian Yunzi turned his head and said worriedly: "The wheel of fortune has opened, this time it seems to be a two-on-two situation."

"How is it a two-on-two situation, please ask Fellow Daoist Tianyun to explain it," Shi Ningjun asked puzzled.

"There is a definite plan in the dark. Yi Tian should have found a very powerful helper, but he has to rely on himself if he wants to succeed. After all, the person he is facing is a monk descended from the upper realm, and it is by no means comparable," After finishing speaking, Tian Yunzi stopped talking and closed his eyes, sitting cross-legged in meditation again.

And in Zhongzhou, a large number of Nascent Soul monks gathered within a hundred miles from the forbidden place of Huozongqi Pavilion, and they found the location of the forbidden node early in the morning according to the map.

Fortunately, Yi Tian had done enough homework before that, and when he was exploring the ruins of the Sutra Pavilion in the Ancestral Hall, he found the pictures of the forbidden formations in Dan Pavilion and Qi Pavilion.It is not difficult to find out that there are actually four nodes in the large array along the map, and there are two nodes in each direction in the north and south.

The two encounters sold in the Zhongtian City Auction House recorded the locations of two nodes in the south.As for the jade slips handed over to Shi Qianwei and Miaoyin Shitai, not only the nodes are described, but also the method of breaking the ban and the refining method of the forbidden magic weapon that needs to be prepared are all recorded in detail.

In addition, Yi Tian is still a bit biased, and sincerely wants to add trouble to Qian Lingyuan and others, so he also engraved the rough map of Qidian together.

It can be said that even if Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect and Fo Sect broke in from the back, relying solely on the method recorded on the jade slip without the help of a formation master would not be much slower than the two groups of troops in the south.

Coupled with the attached map, after entering the forbidden area, there will be targeted actions. The speed of searching for packaging materials and exploring the ruins is not slower than the other two.

It was around midnight that day and when the partial lunar eclipse reached its peak, the restriction of Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion fluctuated violently.The halo of prohibition that had been stable for thousands of years became stronger and weaker at this moment, and at the base of the four extended prohibition formations, several rays of light directly broke into the restriction from the node channel.

Yi Tian and He Weiming behind the teleportation stone gate in the depths of Kunwu Cave, the forbidden area behind the Qianlingzong Mountain thousands of miles away, were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

The cave is only more than ten feet long, and on the high platform in the center there are indeed remnants of a group of long-distance teleportation formations.Looking back, since the two of them entered the stone room, the stone door was closed again, and then a burst of spiritual light shone on the stone door, which quickly spread to the surrounding stone walls, illuminating the entire room.

After Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense, he could find that all the carvings on the stone wall were the methods of making and using the teleportation array in the stone room.As I guessed, this is a long-distance one-way teleportation array node. From the words carved on the middle stone wall, we can know that every time this teleportation array is activated, the best spirit stone is needed.

Seeing this, I couldn't help being stunned, the cost is really expensive, fortunately I still have some belongings among the materials I have collected over the years, otherwise this time I was really stumped by the spirit stone.

Continue to read along the writing on the wall, the second half records the situation at the other end of the teleportation array.That place is called the Sea of ​​Nothingness, and it is said that it is the source of Tianlan Realm.

The node of the teleportation array is located on a small island in the void sea, and thousands of miles away from the small island to the deep sea in the south, you can reach the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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