
Chapter 800 Teleportation

Chapter 800 Teleportation

In the secret room, Yi Tian read all the written records on the wall in detail. At the end of the text, there is a map, which shows the location of the small island and the end thousands of miles away.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a huge vortex pattern, it seems that Patriarch Li Huo must have been there back then, but he didn't know what valuable things were found there.In retrospect, there is no mention of such an existence in the secret scrolls of the Lihuo Sect.

After going through the information in his mind, Yi Tian realized that this matter was not simple, and there must be something strange about it.Obviously, this is not the style of Patriarch Li Huo, unless there are some ulterior secrets there.

After taking out a jade slip in his hand, he engraved all the engraved words on it without missing a word, and even took the map with him. After finishing all these, Yi Tian turned his head and started to check Start the teleportation array.

Walking forward slowly, his eyes glanced at the base and he frowned. The energy tank of the base of the teleportation array turned dark red. When he lowered his head and smelled it, he could feel the residual bloody smell.

Needless to say, it was the fresh blood from Luo Que's body that forcibly activated the formation. These dark red remnants should be his blood, but after more than 2000 years, there is still a lot of spiritual power contained in the remnants. It can be seen that How powerful its body was back then.

Basically, there was nothing wrong with the whole formation. Yi Tian went forward to take out a batch of mid-grade spirit stones and put them in the eight energy slots around the formation, and then slowly activated them and began to check the initial operation.

I saw that after the entire teleportation array collected enough spiritual power, all the patterns on it were activated, and then a white light directly shone on the top of the stone chamber, and from the projection of the white light, we could see the situation at the other end of the teleportation array.

Yi Tian took a glance and saw that the formation disk there didn't seem to have been damaged, and secretly rejoiced that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi hadn't lost their way.

But in less than ten breaths, the projected white light on the teleportation array was slowly retracted, and He Weiming who was on the side asked, "What's going on, fellow Daoist Yi?"

At this time, Yi Tian also had a bad face, pointed at the spirit stone put into the energy tank and said: "The spiritual power required for this teleportation array is much more than I imagined, and ordinary middle-grade spirit stones can only last for half a moment." The projected time, if you want to activate it and bring us two past estimates, the energy required is also an astronomical figure."

"What should we do?" He Weiming asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, let's take out the spirit stones on our bodies and calculate the amount needed to activate the formation," Yi Tian said, turning around and taking out five top-quality spirit stones from the storage bag. Some of these things were searched in the sea The rest came from Mao BuTong and Xiahou Cangqiong.There are only so many points, but there are a total of eight energy slots in this large formation, and the number is poor, not 01:30 points.

When He Weiming saw it, he flipped through his hands and took out two top-quality products, and handed them to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "These are my collections for many years, and I didn't expect them to come in handy here."

After weighing the two top-quality spirit stones, Yi Tian finally showed a rare smile on his face, and then put the seven spirit stones into the energy slots of the teleportation array in turn.

Then he took out some high-grade spirit stones to fill in the last empty slot, and suddenly He Weiming said for no reason: "Yi Daoyou wait a minute, now that there is a piece of top-grade spirit stone missing, can the teleportation array be activated safely?"

This question is on point, Yi Tian shook his head bitterly and replied: "Now there is a deviation in the energy supply of the large formation, and three people need to be sent there at a time. Maybe there will be some twists and turns?"

"Is it a problem of space tearing?" He Weiming asked with a serious face.

Yi Tian didn't answer directly, but just nodded slightly in response. You must know that the ultra-long-distance teleportation array originally used two space nodes to open the teleportation channel.

The ideal state is to be able to have stable spiritual power to maintain the channel. Under normal circumstances, the person who is teleported has to withstand the process of space tearing, let alone in an unstable situation, the degree of space tearing is even stronger. Scored three points.

Seeing Yi Tian's worried face, He Weiming knew that this matter was not easy to handle, then he lowered his head and pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said, "I don't know how many high-grade spirit stones you still have on Daoist Yi?"

Yi Tian didn't doubt that he took out a Lingshi bag and handed it over, "It's about 30 yuan. What is the use of these high-grade Lingshi, fellow Daoist?"

He Weiming counted the number after the result of the Lingshi bag, and then his face was happy, he also took out a Lingshi bag and ordered nearly 70 yuan of top-grade Lingshi, and then walked to the open space next to the teleportation array and sat down cross-legged.

Looking at his appearance, Yi Tian knew that there must be a follow-up, so it was inconvenient to bother him at this time and walked aside to see what he planned next.

I saw He Weiming's avatar also came forward and sat cross-legged on the opposite side at this time. Later, he took out the spirit purification bottle, opened the lid, ordered 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones and put them all in, and then quickly closed the bottle cap superior.

Then the two of them sat there cross-legged and began to do the exercises, and each of the four hands sacrificed different formulas to hit the spirit purification bottle one by one.After the Spirit Purification Bottle was lifted up, it slowly floated to a distance of more than a foot above the ground, and then streaks of spiritual light flashed around the wall of the bottle, and when it was fully activated, it began to slowly rotate itself.

As the Jingling bottle continued to rotate in mid-air, the entire body of the bottle shook violently. After ten breaths, He Weiming opened his eyes and said, "Open."

The bottle cap flew up in response, and a white light flashed out from the Jingling bottle, and then fell to the ground with a 'thump'.

Yi Tian swept it away with his divine sense, and suddenly his face showed surprise. The white light turned out to be a top-quality spirit stone.He went up to pick it up and weighed it in the palm of his hand, feeling a scalding heat wave coming out of it.After looking down carefully, he found that the spiritual power contained in this top-quality spiritual stone was no worse than the one he had released before.

Half a moment later, He Weiming and his avatar slowly closed their efforts, and then took back the Jingling bottle.He only heard him laughing and said: "Old fellow Daoist Yi made a fool of himself, so the vacancy of the top-grade spirit stone has finally been resolved."

I didn't expect the Spirit Purification Bottle to have such a magical effect. Yi Tian also regretted that his intestines were green at this time. He has held the Spirit Purification Bottle for more than 300 years and used it as a storage jar. It seems that it is right to put it here. Mingzhu secretly voted.If he had known that this treasure could refine and improve the effect of similar items, he would have managed to refine all the spirit stones on his body into top-quality spirit stones.

But now everyone is in a cooperative relationship, so we have to put the matter of the spirit bottle aside for now, and wait until the matter is resolved.

After thinking about it, without talking too much, he directly embedded the eighth fastest top-grade spirit stone into the energy slot, and then pointed to the teleportation array and said: "Fellow Daoist, let's go, there may be some bumps during the period, and we must bear the pain of space tearing .”

"The old man knows, let's go now," said the first one to the teleportation array

(End of this chapter)

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