
Chapter 801

Chapter 801
On an unknown island in the depths of the Devil's Sea, it suddenly shook violently one night, and then returned to calm.Fortunately, this island is located in the deep sea, even if there are some visions, it will not attract the attention of the underwater aquarium.Not to mention that in this uninhabited place, someone will notice some changes.

In the depths of the island, a stone gate with a height of one foot and a width of three feet appeared on a hillside surrounded by primitive jungles.The rubble originally piled up outside here slid directly from the hillside after the island earthquake, and then exposed the buried hole below.

And in the depths of the cave, after a white light continued to shine, three figures appeared, it was Yi Tian and others who came here from Kunwu cave through the long-distance teleportation array.

The feeling of space tearing really made the three of them feel extremely uncomfortable, even after landing, they still felt dizzy for a while.After ten breaths, Yi Tian opened his eyes and found that there was darkness in front of him. He took out a luminous pearl to light up the cave, only to find that the three of them were now in a ten-foot-sized stone room.

There was only one passage in front of him, Yi Tian walked straight into the passage without saying a word, and He Weiming and his avatar followed closely behind.

This passage extended obliquely upwards all the way, and the three of them walked for half an hour before they came to the end, and there was another stone gate in front of them.Yi Tian stepped forward and lightly pressed his hand on the stone door, and opened it with a push.

Except for the three people flying into the air behind the cave, Yi Tian opened his consciousness and scanned the surrounding environment, and found that this place was exactly similar to the Demon Sea that he had visited back then.

To be more precise, it extends into the depths of the Demon Sea, surrounded by a vast white mist, if there are no objects such as Luo Geng, it is easy to get lost here.

Moreover, when I was in the hinterland of Yunxiaozong's sect, I also learned that there would be some kind of strange beasts from the sea clan guarding under the Demon Sea. If something happened, it would be inevitable.

Fortunately, before coming, Yi Tian also expanded the map of the teleportation stone room together, stretched out his hand to take it out, and found his location at a glance.

This island was also marked with the name Tianya Haige on the map, so it seems that this island should be the resting place of Lihuo Patriarch.

At the same time, He Weiming sent a voice transmission from the side: "It seems that there are houses and buildings up there, let's go and have a look," and then took the lead and flew towards the depths of the island.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian saw a stone pavilion-like building at the top of a mountain peak on the island in the air, and the three of them flew to the stone pavilion not far away.

Walking forward, I saw that the entire stone pavilion seemed to be very old, and there were still a few words engraved on the stone tablet at the entrance, which turned out to be spiritual world writing.

He Weiming didn't recognize these words, so he turned his head and asked, "Can you explain to me what is written on it, fellow Daoist Yi?"

Yi Tian glanced over and saw the words "Heaven and Dungeon" written on it, but there was another word at the bottom of the stele, which was unrecognizable because the strokes had been eroded over time.

"Where is Heaven and Dungeon?" He muttered in a low voice, and then said: "The three characters of Heaven and Dungeon are written in spiritual script on the stone wall, but the last word cannot tell what it is."

"It doesn't sound like a good place. Fellow Daoist Yi, do you think we can really find the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi this time?" He Weiming asked suspiciously.

"It's definitely possible," Yi Tian said decisively, "I believe in the words of senior Tianjizi who exchanged his life for it."

So He Weiming didn't say much anymore, just urged Yi Tian to leave as soon as possible.

An hour later, three rays of light flashed across the island and flew towards the dark deep sea.Yi Tian held Luo Geng in one hand and followed the mark on the jade slip map with the other to lead the way, while He Weiming and his avatar followed not far behind.There is no land after leaving this island, and this sea area is shrouded in dense fog all year round, so if you are not careful, you will lose your way.

After flying for a few days, Yi Tian suddenly noticed that the spiritual power in the air was becoming unstable, so he stopped in the air and observed first, only to find that the originally pure spiritual power seemed to be in chaos at this time.

He Weiming flew forward and said to Yi Tian, ​​"I feel something is wrong, what do you think, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

Yi Tian replied with a sullen face: "That's true. According to the time, it should be the beginning of the chaotic cycle of spiritual power that day. I guess that the next journey should try to avoid consuming spiritual power. It is better to use the flying boat to travel during this period."

After hearing this, He Weiming readily agreed, and he also knew that as long as the spirit stone energy supply was used to use the flying vehicle, the three of them could save a lot of unnecessary spiritual power consumption.

A cyan aura from Shaoqing continued to fly forward along the route of the three of them. Although the speed slowed down, the three people sitting in the cabin could take this opportunity to meditate and recover their spiritual power, and the three of them took turns driving Under the flying boat, the state was adjusted to the best soon.

After flying in the air for seven days, Yi Tian, ​​who was suddenly sitting in the cabin, felt something was wrong for no reason. He opened his eyes to see that He Weiming was also looking over.

For the monks in the late Yuanying period, they can basically touch the edge of mobilizing the vitality of the world, and they have a superhuman sense of their own environment. Such a bad premonition can only mean that the crisis is approaching.

The two of them were in a daze, and suddenly they noticed a group of birds rushing towards the flying boat over the sea a hundred miles ahead, about three or four hundred in number.

Yi Tian searched carefully with his spiritual sense, and found that those seabirds looked like level six monsters, and their body size was more than three feet long. Under such circumstances, the possibility of their frontal breakthrough encountered by his assault boat It was almost zero, and even if the three of them faced a large group of high-level monsters with all their strength, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

But the good news is that since there are seabirds, there must be land, but the top priority now is to get rid of them first.

Shout out "Steer and avoid them,"

At this time, the avatar controlling the flying boat hastily urged the assault boat with all its strength according to Yi Tian's words, and immediately turned the direction to try to avoid the seabirds flying head-on.

But the other party also seemed to have noticed the intention of the three of them, so they divided into two teams in the air and began to outflank them.This sudden situation made all three of them turn pale with shock, He Weiming turned to finish the master control device himself and said: "The old man drives the car himself, and you, fellow Daoist Yi, will show you the way forward. You must not get lost in this vast sea." Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just replied quickly, "Okay, you drive the flying boat with all your strength, and I will locate it." After speaking, he took out the chart and Luo Geng began to re-plan the way forward.

He Weiming's self-cultivation was really good. After accepting the acceptance, the speed of the assault boat more than doubled, and he even rushed out of the encirclement before the seabirds closed the encirclement.

At this time, Yi Tian looked at the position shown on the Yujian sea map and simply said: "We are about to cross the edge of the Demon Sea and enter the endless space, where the spiritual power is thinner. The good news is that the distance between The Eye of the Deep Sea is still two thousand nautical miles away."

 Thank you Mo Fei for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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