
Chapter 802 Distress

Chapter 802 Distress
The assault boat made a circle in the air and broke through the siege of seabirds. Under the guidance of Yi Tian, ​​He Weiming controlled the flying boat and quickly returned to the established route of the crude oil, heading towards the direction indicated on the jade slip map. keep flying.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the assault boat, had an extremely dignified look on his face. These seabirds would definitely not fly here for no reason, and according to their habits, there must be islands living nearby.

But after checking the jade slip map in his hand, there is no land marked on it, and there is no land marked from the beginning to the end of the Tianya Hai Pavilion that was sent over.

Sitting cross-legged in the cabin, Yi Tian couldn't figure it out, and suddenly He Weiming's voice came from next to his ear: "I saw a small island with a radius of three miles in front of me thirty miles away, should we go down and have a look? .”

"No need, our purpose is not to be here, try to stop for a while on the way to save extra trouble," Yi Tian flatly vetoed.

"Okay, let's listen to Yi Daoyou's words, then let's pass by above," He Weiming continued to control the flying boat and galloped forward.

After such a small episode, Yi Tian also opened his mind to explore the distant island, and after a while, the shape of the island appeared in his mind.The middle part of the small island is uplifted and the surrounding cliffs are covered with shrubs, and the island is surrounded by tall trees like primitive jungles.

But Yi Tian had doubts in his heart, and it was unimaginable that such a situation could occur under such climatic conditions.Or it can be said that the Lihuo Patriarch didn't investigate this place at all back then, or that the island that was originally under the sea surface popped up due to the submarine earthquake in the past 3000 years.

Although the group of people did not want to cause trouble, when the flying boat approached the island, He Weiming suddenly found that it was raining in the sky outside, and thunder and lightning fell from the clouds above the sea from time to time, and at the same time, there was a strong wind above the sea. It is not easy to continue to move forward in the case of isolation.

Yi Tian is also aware of this point, although it can be attributed to the consequences caused by the chaos of the spiritual power of the world, but the most appropriate thing for now is to fall down and avoid it for a while.

Immediately after the negotiation between the two, the assault boat turned around and landed towards the isolated island. Not long after, the flying boat found a rocky clearing on the top of the mountain and landed slowly.

After putting away the assault boat, the three of them directly set up the protective cover on the spot and repaired it.

In this endless sea, the sky is always gray and there is no ray of sunlight that can shine through the clouds.The water spiritual power in the surrounding air was extremely active, causing the distance of hundreds of feet above the sea to be shrouded in a layer of white mist.Even if you use your spiritual sense to extend it, you can only explore a radius of a hundred miles, and you can only see clearly within a range of fifty miles.

The three of them each took out the elixir on the rocky hillside to restore their spiritual power. He Weiming looked at the surrounding environment and said, "You Daoist Yi, do you think we can reach the Eye of the Deep Sea within three days if we go on like this?"

Yi Tian took out the map and looked at it, shook his head helplessly and said: "If the weather is like this for the next journey, then our speed will definitely be dragged down."

"Is it possible to bypass this rainfall area?" He Weiming suggested.

This is a good proposal, but Yi Tian has no doubts about it. The current route is still within the range marked on the map on the stone wall, but once it goes out of this range, it is the same as rushing in blindly.After thinking for a while, he said: "Although the road in front of you, Fellow Daoist He, is difficult, it is still a clue left by Patriarch Lihuo. It's hard to say except this area."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian suddenly felt that there were dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the three of them, and he hurriedly sent a sound transmission to inform the two of them. In an instant, dozens of black lights shot out from behind the surrounding rocks and attacked the backs of the three of them.

Fortunately, they had been prepared for a long time, and the three of them teleported into the air in an instant, and looked down to see that among the black lights were all black snakes who spoke their words.It has red and black patterns all over its body, and there is still a trace of black smoke remaining from where it swims.

Yi Tian went through it quickly in his mind and then blurted out: "This is the descendant of the Teng Snake. It seems that the blood power left on his body is already very thin, and it is just like the peak of the fifth level, but the poisonous saliva in his mouth It is extraordinary, it can directly break through the monk's protective shield."

He Weiming said indifferently, "So what if we are in the sky and they can't reach them."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw a black snake in the lead raised its head, and then stretched out a pair of thin wings from its back, leading the way into the air with a 'swish' sound.

In this way, the three of them did not dare to be negligent and hastily separated the characters, then sacrificed their spirit swords to slash at the monsters attacking below. This group of monsters was solved.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian took back the spirit sword and found that the original spirit power on the Taiyuan sword had been weakened a lot. It seemed that the venom did have the effect of corroding the monk's spirit power.

Although the crisis in front of him was resolved, his face was not happy, and he lowered his head and glanced at the island below, showing deep fear in his eyes.

He Weiming also discovered Yi Tian's situation and hurriedly asked: "How did these black snakes, fellow Daoist Yi, get close to us by bypassing our spiritual detection?"

"Rather than thinking about this, Fellow Daoist He, let's think about our situation," Yi Tian replied with a gloomy face.

"Is there anything wrong?" He Weiming said.

"This descendant of the snake has obviously undergone a mutation, and I have a hunch that it's inconvenient to stay here for a long time, so it's better to leave quickly," just as he was speaking, the distance between the peaks on the island below suddenly vibrated.

After those stubborn stones fell continuously, a five-foot-sized black hole was revealed. Suddenly, a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation came from it, and suddenly a black glow flew out from the hole and stopped in front of the three of them.

Yi Tian immediately cast his pupil technique to take a look, and blurted out with bitterness on his face: "Our trouble is coming, this guy is probably at the seventh level, just a small step behind the Golden Retriever King and the others."

He Weiming also turned his head and saw that after the black light in front of him dissipated, it turned out to be a black snake more than five feet long, but there was a fist-thick horn on the top of his head, which should be almost to the level of a dragon.

But this monster obviously has not experienced the catastrophe of transformation, and it fights with the instinct of the power of blood.But for Yi Tian, ​​such an opponent is even more difficult to deal with. On the surface of the sea, he is restrained everywhere, while the opponent has the advantage of the home court.

It was useless to think too much, and he stretched out his hand and took out the sun, moon and brilliance wheel, and at the same time muttered a word from one side of his body: "Change," and the image of Asura's Dharma body appeared in an instant.

Under unfavorable circumstances, Yi Tian was not prepared to hold back, and simply showed his real body directly to make a quick decision.

(End of this chapter)

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