
Chapter 80 Joint Force

Chapter 80 Joint Force
Shijianling belongs to the territory of Tiejianmen, outside the edge of the northwest corner of Chiyan Hill.

Although it is not a high mountain, there are many spirit beasts in the mountains.

There are also some small animal nests, which are the favorite training places for the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect during the Qi refining period.

Most of the disciples who were new to Tiejianmen four years ago would choose to come here to experience.

Look for medicinal herbs or hunt some spirit beasts and take them back to exchange for spirit stones.

This group of new disciples came out with swordsmen and swordsmen.

It is said that the man is called Enemy Nine, and he is good at using a broad sword.

After being discovered by Mo Tiexin, he took him back to the back of the sect. Because he took the road of opening and closing, he was very interested in Xuan Jianxin, the ancestor of Jindan.

So I did the apprenticeship ceremony on the spot and accepted it as a registered disciple.

The woman was chosen by Jindan cultivator Mo Yishan and accepted as a registered disciple.

Back then, Enemy Nine was still very grateful to Yi Tian, ​​if he hadn't spent 1000 yuan in spirit stones to buy the Jujue Sword, he wouldn't have had the chance to come down.

But now the enemy nine is not satisfied with Yi Tian. He has just arrived at the ninth level of Qi training, and he thinks of trying Jianling to fight the autumn wind.

I didn't expect to encounter Yi Tian rushing out of the valley to the east.

I originally wanted to say hello, but when I saw a monk in the early stage of foundation building chasing after him, he was so frightened that he hurried away.

But that Yi Tian was better, he flew faster than himself, and he caught up.

Seeing that he was innocently involved in this dispute, the enemy Jiu greeted Yi Tian's family in his heart.

Wasn't it because he bought that Jujue sword cheaply back then, so he could sacrifice his life to accompany him.

After hearing Yi Tian's voice transmission, the enemy Jiu also flew with all his strength.

The one at the back is Yang Mingyang from the White Bone Sect. There are many monks from the White Bone Sect who are killed here in Tiejian Sect.

If he was hit by someone else, it wasn't just raking grass and beating rabbits, he ended up in one pot.

Looking at Yi Tian of the Chiyang faction next to him, the anger in his heart could not be ignited, so he had to run away.

Originally hoped that after going deep into the hinterland of Tiejianmen, this foundation-building cultivator could retreat.

Who would have thought that the innocent boy next to him would attack the opponent with fireballs from time to time.

This time it completely pissed people off, and he held on to it from the back.

In fact, Yi Tian had no choice. After hiding in the valley for a while, he found that Yang Mingyang would also attack indiscriminately.

Bone darts and ghost fires fell from the sky from time to time, and this Yang Mingyang actually took out a pair of bone skeletons. Driven by the magic formula, the bones sneaked into the white fog to find Yi Tian's whereabouts.

Although the base-building cultivator could not use his full strength in the formation, the white bone skeleton was limited by the large formation, and he almost found Yi Tian's whereabouts several times.

I was so scared that I had no choice but to take advantage of Yang Mingyang's helpless hands and feet in the formation, to speed up and get out of the big formation with all his strength, and ran directly to the site of Tiejianmen.

It was a good coincidence that he met the enemy Jiu who blackmailed him last time.

Next, Yi Tian saw that the flying speed of his imperial weapon was not good, and he was entangled beside him.

Anyway, two people always have a better chance of survival than one person. If they are too anxious, the rabbit will bite, and the big deal is to go back and do it.

After flying for a while, the distance between the two sides was shortened to only five miles, Yi Tian was also anxious, the level of the enemy Jiu Yuqi in front of him was too water.

It flew slowly, and it didn't look stable.

If he tried his best to use that Yang Mingyang, he would definitely not be able to catch up, but now he dragged him into the water and just patted his butt and left.

He turned his head and sent a voice transmission to Enemy Nine: "Show me the nearby map."

Enemy Jiu also had no choice but to take out the map from the storage bag and hand it to Yi Tian.

After taking over the map, familiar with the terrain here, Yi Tian has a plan in his heart.

As a disciple of Tiejianmen, Enemy Jiu also has a way to contact his fellow disciples.

He picked up the Zongmen jade plaque in his hand, contacted the nearest apprentice brothers, and asked them to help.

But Yitian saw that almost no one responded. It seems that this guy is favored by himself, and he has a lot of enemies in Tiejianmen, and people hide away when they see him.

Finally, Yi Tian heard a sound transmission, and the enemy Jiu was overjoyed, and finally a helper came.

After half a stick of incense, the three people fled in front, and Yang Mingyang at the back was chasing closer and closer.

Looking at the pair of living treasures in front of him, Yi Tian couldn't help it, and it was Wu Min who came to help.

This is also what the enemy nine said, and now the two are called 'broad swords and golden swords' in Tiejianmen.

The name is loud, but Yi Tian sees that he seems to be crowded out by his fellow apprentices and brothers, and he didn't see anyone else replying to rescue him for a long time.

If it goes on like this, he will be caught up in less than half an hour. Yi Tian picks up the map of Enemy Nine and points to the largest valley in Jianling, meaning that he will fight back when he gets there.

This pair of swords and swords is definitely not ambiguous. Since they are chased like this, it is better to fight back.

Maybe there is still life to appear, and their names are also played in the past few years.

Even in the face of a base-building cultivator, he dared to confront him.

After choosing the tactics, Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to the two people: "I can set up a trapped formation within a stick of incense. Even the fifth-level sea beasts can't get out of this trapped formation for a moment or three. At that time, as long as Yang Mingyang is still there In the trap, the three of us can easily kill him, but the premise is that the two of you will delay for a while."

The two nodded in agreement, saying that they would try their best to delay.

Although Wu Min was at the top of the eighth floor and the enemy was at the beginning of the ninth floor, the two of them agreed to advance and retreat together without thinking.

Now that everyone agreed, the three turned towards the valley together.

Yang Mingyang at the back was also provoked by the three people, and the spiritual energy of his feet poured into the bone shield desperately.

On the site of Tiejianmen, it is necessary to make a quick decision. The two sects are deadly enemies, and there is no guarantee that accidents will occur after staying for a long time.

The three flew to the top of the valley for a while and then stopped. Wu Min took out his double knives, while Enemy Jiu drew out his Jujue sword, looking like he was ready to fight back.

Yi Tian saw that his heart was sour for a while, this is really a perfect match, flowers and pork belly.

Thinking back, he was not busy with his hands, the right hand was constantly pouring in the spiritual energy, and the left hand held the spiritual stone to restore the consumed spiritual energy.

It is estimated that the cultivator in the early stage of foundation building will not be too different from the spiritual power of the ninth level of Qi training.

If it was a mid-foundation-building cultivator, I would have been caught up long ago.

Yang Mingyang was stunned when he saw the three people in front of him stop, and [-]% of the spiritual energy in his hand gathered into two bone spears and shot them out suddenly.

Knowing that the cultivation base is a big difference, Wu Min and the enemy Jiu did not dare to be careless, and they came up with a killing move.

Two golden lights and a touch of white light were released, and the spells collided in the air and burst into a roar.

Seeing that the two of them greeted him with a move, Yang Mingyang smiled and said, "It was just an appetizer just now."

Just try it out, but I didn't expect that the other two little cultivators could resist, and the moves in their hands became hard.

Directly, both hands came out again, this time with ten white bone darts, with a layer of white film gathered on them, and shot at both of them at the same time.

Fortunately, Enemy Nine was strong, but he was not weak.

On the other hand, Wu Min's cultivation base was a little worse, so after finishing the move, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Looking at the back, Yi Tian is still driving the array disk, and you know that you have to stand it or the three of you will have to explain it here.

With a joint strike, the two stood side by side.

The spiritual energy in his hand gathered together, and the golden sword next to the giant sword wrapped in the white light flew with both wings, and greeted the attacking white bone dart.

There was another loud noise in the air, and the converging spells mingled and eroded each other.

I saw Yang Mingyang smiled coldly, and a bone dart flew out of it and shot at Wu Min, which was also the pinching of the persimmon.

The two of them consumed too much spiritual energy, and they didn't have time to use their movements to avoid them, so they had to open the protective cover to harden the bone dart.

Wu Min flickered, then stood up straight again, looking at the hole in the clothes on his chest, but fortunately there was a defensive armor inside to withstand it.

But the taste was not good, Wu Min gasped for a while, and at this moment Yi Tian turned back and pulled the two people into the valley.

Yang Mingyang, who was following behind, was afraid that the fat in his mouth would run away, and he also plunged into it for a while.

But I didn't expect that the appearance of the surroundings changed once I entered. Standing in the valley, I found that my spiritual power mobilization was not very smooth.

Realizing that something was wrong, Yang Mingyang hurriedly stepped back.

Yi Tian stood in the array, and saw Yang Mingyang's situation from the array plate and spit.

Where did the vigour just now go, no matter how much, he pushed the big formation and began to squeeze the opponent's space for movement.

At this time, Yang Mingyang was also helpless, and he also recognized that he was trapped.

And this trapped formation is exactly the same as the one laid out on the island chain of Ninghai City.

Being trapped inside, he couldn't exert [-]% of his success, and his spells were restricted. After the white bone dart was shot out, he was blocked by an invisible wall of air.

At this time, Yi Tiancai discovered the benefits of three points of consciousness.

His main consciousness controls the array, and the two separate sub-consciousnesses can quietly cast spells.

Unexpected shield stakes and fireballs appeared from all around Yang Mingyang, making him exhausted.

Enemy Jiu and Wu Min also relaxed at this time.

The two looked at each other, and they both dispersed, each controlling the magic weapon to attack the opponent.

After being attacked many times, Yang Mingyang's bone shield was cracked, and the defensive cover began to crumble.

In a quarter of an hour, even he himself would wonder if he could get out of it.

Yang Mingyang is also experienced in fighting. When he sees something he can't do, he has to run away, with a mouthful of blood sprayed on a bone shield.

When the spiritual energy of both hands gathered, the bone shield doubled in size after receiving the spiritual energy, and the white light on it was bright.

Yang Mingyang stood behind his back with shields in both hands and rushed in one direction. He wanted to use brute force to break through the trapped formation.

Enemy Jiu and Wu Min were in a hurry when they saw him. If he broke through and escaped, it would be a real trouble.

Yi Tian also had a big head, so he let go of the array plate, and only controlled the array plate with his divine sense, and when his hands were closed, two nanmuzi appeared in his hands.

After the spiritual energy was poured in, it turned into two black wooden vines with the thickness of an arm, one shot straight at it, and the other quietly dived from the ground.

There was also a three-inch loophole in the trapped formation under the brute force attack of the bone shield. Seeing this, Yang Mingyang hurriedly activated his mana, but let the Jujue Sword and the golden light hit the shield.

Although the layer of film was about to fall, it still withstood, but the color was getting lighter and lighter.

When the formation was broken one foot in size, Yang Mingyang couldn't care less and prepared to wear it out. He found that a black vine was attacking from behind, he hurriedly raised his bone shield to block it, and he jumped out of the formation.

As soon as he saw the scene outside the formation, Yang Mingyang felt his waist tighten, and then he was directly pulled back into the formation by the vine veins that sprang from the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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