
Chapter 81 Schedule

Chapter 81 Schedule
Half a month later, He Xinsheng saw in the hall of the Hall of Items that Yi Tian had taken the task and was about to go to the Item Refining Room, with a look of surprise on his face inadvertently.

And Yi Tian stepped forward to say hello and thanked him. He hoped that if there was an formation task next time, He Xinsheng would also be asked to help.

The latter didn't suspect that there was fraud, but just said something perfunctory on the surface, and then saw that Yi Tian was about to close the door of the refining room.

He Xinsheng took a sip and then turned around and left in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian saw all his actions behind the door, and was secretly relieved.

I'm asking you to calculate, this time it seems that you can't lose the rice by stealing chickens, but there should be no next time.

This time I angered myself, and I had to find an opportunity to kill him directly.

It is estimated that He Xinsheng should contact those dark sons to find out the whereabouts of Yang Mingyang and the Cui brothers.

It's a pity that he will never find these three people again in his life.

Seeing his shriveled appearance, Yi Tian was excited for a while, and laughed a few times to the sky.

After Yang Mingyang was killed that day, the three of them split the spoils for the first time. The property of the cultivator in the foundation-building period was much more than that of the qi-refining period.

After Yi Tian opened Yang Mingyang's storage bracelet, he found that there were not only 5000 yuan of spirit stones in it, but also two bottles of Condensed Yuandan used in the foundation building period.

Baigumen's White Bone Technique and a copy of Breath Containment Technique, a pair of skeletons are still quietly lying in the storage bracelet.

Yi Tian also wondered why Yang Mingyang didn't use it again just now.

In addition, there are four taels of black iron essence and one tael of star iron.

The bone shield originally used was finally split in half by the enemy Jiu's full-strength blow.

In addition, there are two letters, Yi Tian looked at the orders from the inner door of the White Bone Gate.

One was for Fei Yu, and within half a year, he needed to find a way to kidnap Wu Xing and transport him to the sub-rudder at Baigumen.

The other one is rather strange, and it says about the secret realm trial.

I hope Ye Xiao will arrange for a few dark sons to go in, and then go to meet the Seven Devils.

As for what to do, there is no explanation, only the token of the meeting.

But Yitian couldn't find the so-called token after searching for a long time. It is estimated that the thing has been handed over to Ye Xiao.

Enemy Jiu took off a piece of spirit armor from Yang Mingyang, and took off a pair of moccasins on his feet. Seeing that it looked good, he clamored for it.

Yi Tian is also an expert in this area. After taking it over with one hand and looking at it, he looked at Hui Enemy Jiu up and down. This buddy has a good vision.

Both of them are fourth-order low-level spiritual tools, and they are sold for [-] small spiritual stones each.

The close cooperation of the three just now turned into a two-on-one crusade.

Enemy Jiu told Wu Min that Yi Tian was wrong with his nose and tears: "If this bastard hadn't dragged me into the water, this time, it wouldn't have hurt Junior Sister and you."

Wu Min didn't say much because of his peers, but when Yi Tian said the price of the spirit tool, he stopped talking in anger, and let the enemy Jiu say nothing.

No matter how much Enemy Jiu begged Wu Min, he just remained silent.

The next step is to divide the spoils. The spirit stones cost one thousand per person, and the value of a bottle of Condensed Yuan Pill is almost 2000. Yi Tian and Wu Min each took a copy, and Enemy Jiu took the armor.

The three of them totaled four taels of black iron essence and took out three taels, and Yi Tian helped them refine the tools to improve the two people's magical tools.

The rest of the black iron essence and the star iron belonged to Yitian, and they were also considered the reward for the refining.

Yi Tian looked at the remaining pair of moccasins, with haste engraved on them, it should be Tier [-] top equipment.

In the eyes of the enemy Jiu that was about to breathe fire, he gave the shoes to Wu Min.

The skeleton was forcibly stuffed to Enemy Nine, and the two Xin Yitian took away directly.

As a result, Wu Min felt that the shoes worn by the man were smelly, so he said "I don't want it".

But Enemy Nine happened to exchange the skeleton for shoes.

The skeleton had to be taken away by Yi Tian.

Yang Mingyang's Bone Shield storage bracelet and Zongmen jade plaque were all taken away by Yi Tian, ​​and these things may still be useful in the future.

In the next three days, both of their instruments were re-refined by Yi Tian.

Yi Tian said in front of two people that it was fair to add one or two mysterious iron essences to each weapon.

Enemy Jiu immediately raised his objection, he had one sword and Wu Min had two knives, so the distribution was unfair, it was only fair to divide according to weight.

Yi Tian only said that after returning the shoes and dividing them by weight, Enemy Nine obediently shut up.

After adding the black iron essence to the weapon, it was re-engraved with the third-level inscriptions, Strong, Kaishan and Gale.

This is also the highest-level inscription that Yi Tian can inscribe now.

Unexpectedly, the Jujue Sword was directly upgraded to the peak of the third-order magic weapon, and Le's enemy Jiu jumped up happily.

This time, he has two low-level spiritual tools and one top-level magic weapon, so he is no longer afraid of the monks who are at the top of the ninth-level Qi practice.

Even the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment may not be able to keep him.

But after seeing Wu Min's two knives, his eyes became even redder, and the two eight exhibition knives were directly refined into low-level spiritual weapons by Yi Tian.

According to Yi Tian's words, it is because of the high proportion of black iron essence. In fact, he secretly added two coins of star iron, which raised the quality of the whole knife to a higher level.

Afterwards, the enemy Jiu also shouted: "Yi Tian, ​​you intend to take revenge, why didn't you make my Jujue sword into a spiritual weapon".

Yi Tian ignored him, and fused a tael of black iron essence and three coins of star iron into the flywheel on his own.

After directly refining it into a spiritual weapon, he asked Enemy Jiu to try the Jujue Sword, but Wu Min pulled Enemy Jiu and Yi Tian to say goodbye, so as to save the two of them from being unhappy because of this matter.

After saying goodbye to the two, Yi Tian slowly made a detour and rushed back to the Chiyang faction.

After I came back, I handed in the quest, and immediately took over a few more magical artifact refining jobs.

I am ready to complete the quota for one year, and the senior brother Pei Ming will have the opportunity to attack.

Being targeted on the return journey this time made Yi Tian have to pay attention to He Xinsheng again.

To deal with a person who practiced the ninth level of Qi, he actually sent two ninth-level monks and a monk in the early stage of foundation building to block it.

Is this the rhythm of success or failure? Fortunately, I also have a hole card, or else it is really calculated.

According to Yi Tian's character, if he suffers a loss, he will ask for it back. After completing a year's task, Yi Tian went home to find Wu Xing, and Zhao Xinmeng and Tang Lin told their plans.

At the beginning, Wu Xing firmly disagreed. It was too risky. If you made a wrong move, you and Zhao Xinmeng would fall into a passive state, and you didn't know how to end it.

However, Zhao Xinmeng felt that the risk was worth it. After solving it, everyone would not be disturbed by the White Bone Gate at least before the secret realm trial, but the premise was that they had to catch everything in one go.

To be foolproof, first of all, there must be enough manpower. This time, it is not difficult to deal with Guo Wenliang and He Xinsheng, who have practiced the ninth level of Qi.

The difficult thing is to keep someone alive, so that they can follow the clues to find out which one is Ye Xiao.

Yi Tian asked himself that he would have no problem dealing with any of them, but it was very difficult to deal with two at the same time and ensure Wu Xing's safety.

Zhao Xinmeng can also make a move, but according to her, she is only a little talented in alchemy, and she has not fought many times with people, and her combat power is worrying.

Tang Lin couldn't do it either. He didn't get to the eighth level of Qi training, and it was a burden. In the end, he could only ask Hua Shicheng for help.

He went out on a mission to kill monsters all day, and his cultivation base was in the middle of the eighth level of Qi training. It shouldn't be a problem to cooperate with Tang Lin to support each other.

From the letter found in Yang Mingyang's hands, it seems that the Baigumen is determined to kidnap Wu Xing this time.

And there is only half a year, if it is still according to Wu Xing's current appearance, it is impossible to guarantee that the other party will find an opportunity to forcibly arrest people, and only give the other party a chance to lead the king into the urn.

It is more difficult in the sect of the Chiyang Sect. It is only a deliberate opportunity. Yi Tian doesn't know much about the sect's outing tasks.

In the end, I discussed this with Huashi City. He took on missions to kill monsters more often, and he was very familiar with the terrain.

Several people summed up and chose the location in the Red River Valley, 120 miles west of the Chiyang faction.

Because the wood spirit flower, the main medicine of Qi Gathering Pill, is abundant there, many alchemists will pick it in person or hire someone.

The flowering period is generally in the spring, less than half a year from now.

Zhao Xinmeng went to the task hall to release the task of picking wood spirit flowers according to Yi Tian's instructions.

It is specified that three people will form a team to pick, and the task period is half a year.

The three of Wu Xing went to take this task, and then agreed to wait for the flowering period to open before going next year.

Then let Zhao Xinmeng contact Guo Wenliang or He Xinsheng to let them know that there is a chance to kidnap Wu Xing.

Yi Tian expects that most of them still use jellyfish anesthetics, and they are ready to understand the medicine here.

When the time comes, just take a little beforehand, and then everyone will bring a little bit to make sure they are safe.

Although the plan will not keep up with the changes, it is enough to anticipate all possible situations and prepare countermeasures for now.

Yi Tian will set off a few days in advance to the reserved place in the Red River Valley to hide first, and then he will just sit back and wait for the rabbit.

After everyone discussed it, they began to prepare. During this period, everyone stopped what they were doing and devoted themselves to the cultivation.

As long as you improve your cultivation or practice a few spells within half a year, your confidence will be even greater.

A few months of cultivation passed in a flash, although Yi Tian did not make a leap in his cultivation, but he also gained a little.

A few months ago, I went to the stall in Chiyangfang and bought enough copper and iron essence, black iron sand and star sand.

With the half-two stars left on his body, he ran to the hall of the Artifact Hall and spent [-] contribution points to rent a small room, and refined a low-level spirit weapon with a small fire-carrying flywheel.

This small flywheel can usually be nested inside the big flywheel, and it looks like a whole.

When using it, you can directly take out the small flywheel to load your own Xuanyang True Fire.

I tried the normal flame loading with the big flywheel before and it was fine, but once I used the Xuanyang real fire, it didn't work.

But Xuanyang True Fire is too powerful. After trying it once, the small flywheel will need to be reworked again.

It will be scrapped at most three times, and now I have finally found a way to materialize my most powerful spell moves.

But three times is enough, even a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building can't bear it, let alone a cultivator in the qi refining stage.

The bone shield in the original storage bracelet was also repaired by Yi Tian, ​​but the rank dropped directly and became a third-order magic weapon.

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(End of this chapter)

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