
Chapter 805 Vortex

Chapter 805 Vortex
Sitting on the back of the black tortoise, looking at the turbulent waves in front of him, Yi Tian couldn't help but look at the black tortoise with admiration.

Having it as a guide in the mist is much faster than the three of us relying on the guidance of the chart to reach the eye of the sea like headless chickens.

During the period, some high-level sea beasts turned back early in the morning under the pressure of the black turtle or watched them leave while keeping a safe distance.

They found an open space on the back of the turtle and the three of them sat cross-legged and adjusted their breathing to recover the consumed spiritual energy.Yi Tian suddenly found that the spiritual power he absorbed from the surroundings was mixed with a lot of restless spiritual energy elements, and the more he moved forward, the more obvious this feeling became.

He bowed his head and asked He Weiming privately through voice transmission, and learned that he also felt the same way, and as he moved forward for a while, the spiritual power in these four weeks began to become more and more violent, and he could absorb it into the body and transform it into his own body. used.In desperation, the three of them could only rely on the power of Danshi to replenish their spiritual power.

Sitting on the back of the black turtle like this and walking for several days, when Yi Tian found that the sea water in the distance turned slowly in one direction, the black turtle stopped, then turned his head and said to the three of them: "We I'm already on the edge of the maelstrom, so far I can't swim in it anymore, and once I'm caught in the torrent, I can't get out."

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and replied, then flew into the sky and looked into the distance.I saw a large whirlpool with a diameter of about seventy or eighty miles slowly rotating in the sea water hundreds of miles away.

From the very center of the vortex, a stream of pure spiritual power rose slowly until the contact between the sky and the surrounding air formed a thick white mist that spread towards the surroundings.

He Weiming also flew forward to look at the scene in the distance and said with a serious face: "You Daoist Yi is here, right?"

Yi Tian nodded and said lightly: "The next thing is up to us. The road ahead is full of countless unknown dangers. Are you ready?"

"Let's go," He Weiming simply replied without saying much.

At the same time, the black turtle looked up at the great whirlpool in the distance, and then said to Yi Tian and the others: "I'll wait for you here," and then slowly swam to a place where the water flow was gentle and stretched his limbs. With his head fully retracted into the tortoise shell, he became motionless like an island floating on the sea.

Seeing this, Yi Tian and He Weiming didn't say much, opened the protective cover, and flew straight towards the location of the sea eye.Along the way, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and a few muffled thunder burst out of the dark clouds.

Yi Tian flew ahead for a while, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a bolt of lightning falling from the clouds. This white lightning flashed away from him at a distance of more than ten feet, and at the same time, the electric power scattered and affected the protection of Yi Tian and the other three. There is a 'Zla' ​​sound on the hood.

Among the three people, only He Weiming's avatar sank several feet immediately after being hit by these lightning waves before stabilizing his figure. As for He Weiming, he only sank slightly about five feet.And Yi Tian just flickered the shield a few times, and then his figure stabilized after shaking in the air.

In this regard, He Weiming's eyes lit up and he looked at Yi Tian again. You must know that the positions of the three are different. Yi Tian who is in the front is the most affected by the thunder, but his reaction is the most calm among the three.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't say much, but just said briefly: "We have entered the thundercloud area, we need to pass through it quickly," and after finishing speaking, the aura of the whole body was displayed, and the protective cover was tightly sealed. The escape speed also increased by three points.

He Weiming didn't say much and hurriedly followed Yi Tian not far behind and quickly crossed the range of the minefield.

Nearly [-] to [-] miles of the hundred-mile journey were covered by thunderclouds, and after passing through the minefield, an extremely violent wind blew in front of him.Seeing the situation, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a spirit shield and put it in front of him, then stared at Gang Feng and flew towards the center of the maelstrom.

The latter two followed suit and took out the defensive spirit weapon to protect themselves before moving on.

However, it took three or four hours for the three of them to pass through the ten-mile-plus strong wind. After leaving the wind circle, Yi Tian suddenly felt that the wind pressure on his whole body would be weakened.

Before he was happy, he felt as if his body was being pulled by an invisible suction force, and he fell down more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure.Looking down, I was standing not far from the center of the vortex. The slowly rotating sea water around me formed an invisible suction force that seemed to suck the three people in the air into the black hole in the center.

The figure of He Weiming behind him, like Yi Tian, ​​sank for more than twenty feet before he took a look and stabilized. Looking back, his avatar had fallen down at some point and the cloud head was almost pulled to the sea level by the suction in the vortex.

Before he had time to stabilize the figure, he suddenly shook violently, and then involuntarily fell towards the center of the vortex on the bottom of the sea. After ten breaths, the figure was no longer visible.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly turned his head and asked, "How do you feel, Fellow Daoist He, can you still get in touch with the avatar?"

He Weiming hastily sealed his hands with his hands, and after a flash of spiritual light flashed on his forehead, he calmed down a little and said: "There should be a hidden hole under this ocean vortex. I feel that my clone is injured at this time, but there is no danger of life. Fellow Daoist Yi took over, what shall we do?"

"Go down," Yi Tian said decisively: "I guess there should be a side under this maelstrom that we don't know, and the end of Tianyahai in the divinity is pointing here, if you don't go down and see how you can be worthy of the burning deepness of the senior Tianjizi Fate is my divination."

After speaking, he lifted up the protective cover again, took out a spiritual armor and put it on his body, and then pinched his hands to imprint the image of the three-headed and six-armed Asura Dharma, and then saw that the Buddha Zong's body skills were brought to the extreme, faintly appearing on the skin of the whole body A faint golden light came out.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around in the air and fell towards the center of the dark whirlpool.

He Weiming, who was behind him, sighed, gritted his teeth, and took out a few defensive spiritual weapons to protect his side, then urged his spiritual power to the extreme, the protective cover condensed to the strongest, and then drilled into the dark sea eye.

When Yi Tian fell down, he felt as if he had entered an invincible abyss, and the aura around his upper body kept washing his spirit weapon, and after a while, the aura of the sixth-level spirit weapon weakened a lot few.

As he continued to go deeper into the maelstrom, the suction became stronger and stronger, and he could no longer control the speed of the descent, so that Yi Tian could only use the magic body spell to the strongest and let it fall.

There seemed to be countless flashes of light in front of Shaoqing, as if he had entered a tunnel of light, and gradually his vision blurred, and he felt dizzy and suddenly lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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