
Chapter 806 Jedi

Chapter 806 Jedi
I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up from the coma, and opened his eyes to see that he seemed to be sticking out of a cloud-shrouded earth.

Standing up to check, there is no injury on his body, but the back muscles still feel a little sore when he was forcibly pulled by the huge attraction when he fell.

After a little exercise to restore his state to the best, he stood up and let go of his consciousness to explore the situation for the next four weeks.The center of the dark cloud-like sky overhead was constantly spinning.

After looking closely, I thought in my heart: "That is the location of the sea eye maelstrom. When I look up, it seems to be the sky above my head."In this way, he should have already reached the bottom of the maelstrom.

I chopped off my feet lightly, but I couldn't make any footprints on the ground below. I bent down and stretched out my hands to gently stroke the soil under my feet, and found that it was all as hard as a rock.

He took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed the sword thread, then cut fiercely towards the ground, leaving a three-inch trace after a blue light brushed across the ground.Now Yi Tian knew it well, the hardness of the ground was too much beyond his imagination.

When he came back to his senses, he scanned the surrounding area with his eyes, and found that he was on a barren mountain, surrounded by such a stone forest, and his spiritual sense could only detect less than three kilometers away, and was killed by an invisible spirit. The force is limited.

After three breaths, Yi Tian withdrew his consciousness and found no trace of He Weiming and his avatar at all in the surrounding area.It is estimated that if the two of them wake up, they will look around for their whereabouts.

He reached out to take out the communication jade tablet and tried to get in touch through it, but he couldn't activate it with a spell on it.Now Yi Tian was dumbfounded. He tried the aggressive aura again and it seemed that it was not restricted at all. After changing several other items, there was no problem, but only the communication jade card could not be activated normally.

After putting away the jade token in his hand, Yi Tian shuttled on the hillside with his sword. After half an hour, he walked nearly tens of miles away from the place where he fell. During this period, he even tried to fly off the ground.

But whenever I rise to a certain height, I always feel an invisible force in the air pulling me back to the ground, and the spiritual power consumed in my body is doubled the more I fly up.

In the end, Yi Tian had to rely on walking honestly to get out of this barren mountain area.Now that the situation is unclear, Yi Tian doesn't dare to consume too much spiritual power, and he can deal with it calmly if he sees any monsters haunting him.

After taking out the hillside, what came into view in the distance was a palace made of stubborn stones. After passing the palace lightly, one could clearly find traces of man-made carvings around the stone walls of the palace.I couldn't help being surprised, I had already tested the hardness of the rocks here just now, and with my current cultivation base, I don't even have the ability to cut stones.Then the strength of the person who built the palace can be imagined, it should be terrifyingly strong.

Looking back, Ji Xuanyuan of the Lihuo clan doesn't seem to have such ability either, and as for Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, they wouldn't be so free as to come here to concentrate on building.

The palace in front of him seems to have been built for a long time, perhaps it existed before Lihuo Lao clan's lower realm, unrealistic thoughts flashed in his mind Yi Tian found that the doubts here have exceeded his own imagine.

Standing in place and dreaming is not an option, and finally Yi Tian stepped forward and walked straight towards the direction of the palace.An hour later, Yi Tian suppressed the anger in his heart and stood halfway towards the stone palace, carefully observing.

According to my own speed, I can walk more than a hundred miles in an hour, but the stone palace in front of me still maintains the original distance from me, and it doesn't look like I walked in at all.

Needless to say, I must have stepped into the ground-breaking formation. If I can't break through the formation, I will never finish the road in front of me.

After realizing that the situation was different, Yi Tian stopped decisively, then raised his pupil technique and began to observe the surrounding situation.Under the condition of performing the Qingling method, he found that the surrounding mountains were covered with formations, even under the position where he was standing, it was within the range of the formation.

After carefully looking at the formation pattern on the ground, Yi Tian turned pale with fright. It is full of formation pattern characters written in spiritual script, and the large formation is slowly operating around the palace in front of him. Heaven and earth are connected as one.

In this way, no matter how hard I walked, I couldn't get close to the building in front of me, and I was completely in an endless loop in the distorted space created by this formation.

At the same time, even if he wanted to go back, it was impossible. Yi Tian found that the formation pattern in the direction he came from had been closed, and now he had no other way to get out of the formation except to break the formation.

Immediately, he touched the storage ring to take out the formation-breaking awl and the ban-breaking needle, and put them in the left and right hands respectively.Then he slowly turned his head and looked around, trying to find the nearest pattern node.

A little later, the large formation, which was running slowly, turned clockwise under his feet, and the formation patterns composed of hundreds of spiritual characters flashed past in front of him.

Yi Tiangang read the pattern coefficients and found a weak node. When he was about to make a move, the entire pattern changed again.After going back and forth several times in this way, it is considered to find the law.

It turns out that the spiritual world talismans in the formation here are changing cyclically. Xin Hao coincidentally coincided with the number of gossip in the sky, and after changing eight times, it repeated.Yi Tian stood motionless on the spot, but secretly counted the number of array transformations in his heart.

After standing like this for more than two hours, he went through all the eight gates. When the ninth formation pattern was changed, Yi Tian was overjoyed and reached out to sacrifice the formation-breaking awl, trying to find a node to open a passage.

Suddenly there was a sound of withdrawal in the distance, and he turned his head and glanced, it turned out that He Weiming's avatar also stepped into this big formation, and he seemed to be trapped by the formation and couldn't take an inch.

But under his initial attack, the entire large formation suddenly launched, completely disrupting the original pattern of pattern operation.Now Yi Tian looked anxious, and the speed of the pattern running changed after he continued to attack, which made him unable to calm down and break the formation patiently for a while.

In this way, Yi Tian raised his head and used his kung fu to display the eight sounds of the thunder of the Buddhist sect, and shouted at He Weiming's clone in a deep voice: "Don't be impatient, fellow Taoist, there is a handle of the spiritual formation here, and you can move on after I break the formation." ".

That day, the sound of the eight tones of thunder was mixed with Buddhist secret methods, and Yi Tian shielded the shocking tones so that it was only used as a means of sound transmission.

After ten breaths, He Weiming in the distance also tended to calm down and stopped attacking, and then he also practiced secret techniques to send an echo and said: "Yi Daoyou is well, I will put my hands down and wait for the good news."

(End of this chapter)

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