
Chapter 807 Murals

Chapter 807 Murals
After He Weiming's doppelgänger stopped, Yi Tian found that the movement of the array patterns under his feet suddenly eased. It turned out that this large array has such a special effect that it can change the running track with the attack of the intruder.After ten breaths, the entire formation returned to its original state. Now Yi Tian secretly counted the changes of the eight gates, and then sacrificed the formation-breaking awl and forbidden-breaking needle in his hands, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

After the pattern just started to change to a stable state, Yi Tian flashed his figure to the vicinity of the node, and then used the forbidden magic needle in his hand to freeze all the connected spirit world texts around a pattern node. After muttering something in his mouth, he pierced the formation breaking awl directly into the node.

A cyan aura node began to flicker in the white pattern. Although it looked very disharmonious, from point to line, all the patterns were stuck on the ground when it spread to one side. .

Immediately, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Let's go now, while my formation-breaking awl can still restrict this formation that stretches to an inch, we can enter the stone palace to find out."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about other things anymore, and his whole body started to fly in mid-air with the appearance of the whole body about three feet above the ground.

I saw a blue light rising from the ground and then galloping towards the stone hall in the distance. At the same time, two rays of light, one black and one white, took advantage of the rare opportunity to shoot towards the stone hall in the center. and go.

Yi Tian was the first to arrive at the entrance of the Stone Palace, and then He Weiming's real body arrived right after him, and his clone was three breaths behind.When the three of them just joined together, they only heard a sound of withdrawal coming from the direction of the node just now. Suddenly, the whole formation seemed to be activated and shone with white light everywhere. After a while, Yi Tian was driven into the node. Those formation-breaking cones in it were swallowed alive.

After the cyan light in the formation was extinguished, the entire magic circle began to rotate rapidly, and at the same time, a white film of light lit up around the stone hall to isolate the outside world.

Now the back path of the three of them was directly cut off, Yi Tian tried to attack the light film with a spell, but the spell disappeared immediately after entering like a pile of sponges.

Turning his head and winking with the two of them, he said, "We have no way out now, and we may have to face Luo Que and Qian Lingzi directly next time. Fellow Daoist He, are you ready?"

"Stretch your head and shrink your head, and now there is no way to retreat. Friends Yi Daoist can rest assured that I will do my best in the future," He Weiming said.

So Yi Tian stopped talking and led the two of them towards the main entrance of the stone palace.

After ten breaths, before the three of them came to the main gate, they saw that there were two thick stone gates that seemed to be pushed back more than ten feet wide.It's just that it looks like an outsider opened it with force. There were traces of the stone lock on the original stone door, but now you can see that the stone lock with the thick arm is split from it, and it was completely broken by brute force.

Needless to say, this must be Luo Que's masterpiece, and only Asuras have such divine power.

After entering the stone gate, there is a long corridor with a width of two feet. There are wall lamps every three or four feet on the walls on both sides, which are filled with white solid lamp oil.

When the three of them stepped into the passage, these wall lamps were automatically lit, illuminating the road ahead.Yi Tian glanced over the wall on the right side of the passage and found that there seemed to be some murals left on it.

Going forward and staring at these murals carefully, I saw that the first mural depicts a young child worshiping in front of a group of monks.There is no half text or even spiritual characters on the whole painting.

Yi Tian walked forward slowly and looked carefully at the murals on the right, starting from the second mural, which described the child's growth history inside the sect.The process of growing up step by step from a monk in the Qi training period overcoming obstacles and obstacles.

He Weiming followed Yi Tian and glanced at his face, showing a cloudy look on his face. He thought that he would face the two powerful men when he came in, but he didn't expect that there was other information left here, and his face was tense for a while. His expression also eased up.

Yi Tian watched these murals slowly, and in the next few paintings, the child gradually grew up, from the foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying all the way forward.

When he saw the sixth mural, Yi Tian frowned suddenly, and saw that the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows of the monk painted on this painting had become extremely concise, and thought in his heart: "This is probably It refers to the realm of transforming gods after the Nascent Soul."

The backgrounds of the previous paintings were all inside the Zongmen, indicating that this person should be in the scene of penance in the Zongmen. After reaching the God Transformation, the background painting style suddenly changed.

The monk began to carry out various missions of the sect. On the murals that followed, some were scenes of him fighting monsters, and some were scenes of annihilating monks of other races.

Yi Tian looked at it for a while and found that there was a mural of killing Asura monks on it, but at this time, the appearance of the Nascent Soul between the monk's eyebrows in this painting has become three.

This kind of realm is only recorded in the Miscellaneous Notes after the Lihuo Three Changes of the Lihuo Sect. A drop of cold sweat lay on Yi Tian's forehead in an instant. Isn't this a monk in the distraction stage above the Transformation God?

It is said that this distracted cultivator is also a general who can guard one side in the upper spirit world. In the past, Luo Que was only in the distracted stage.

But the next mural doesn't seem to be finished yet. As we continue to go deeper, we can see that the monk in the next mural seems to have become stronger, and he can fight against the wild beast alone.

And in this painting, his appearance seems to have changed again, there is no Niwan Palace between the brows, but the whole person is outlined by double-layer strokes, as if the Nascent Soul has returned to the body and the fit is more perfect Taller.

Yi Tian has never looked up the state above the distraction stage in the Zongmen classics. It is estimated that his ancestor Ji Xuanyuan is at most the state of distraction.

But it is obvious that the monk in this painting is completely over the stage of distraction, so Yi Tian couldn't help but became very interested in the identity of this person after seeing it.Then go down, the painting next door is this person fighting against the monks of the Asura tribe, and in this painting, it is still one against two.

Another enemy in the painting has two wings on his back with a ferocious face, two horns growing out of his head, and the skin on his body is covered with tiny scales.

Seeing this appearance, a thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind: "Isn't this what a demon monk looks like, and judging from the shape and length of its horns, it should be a high-level demon. If I guessed correctly, it is more than a demon." Clan monks slaughter monks with a much higher level. At least they must be above the demon cultivators in the distraction stage."

In this next painting the monk is seen alone, without rivals or enemies around him.But this painting is clearly divided into two halves in the middle, the left half is still in the shape of a human, but the right half is completely in the form of a foreign race.

When the eyes glanced over, it could be clearly seen that the monk was divided into two halves, and his hands were casting different spells respectively, and the two half faces, one positive and the other evil, seemed to be a complex of contradictions.

What puzzled Yi Tian the most was that the cultivator's brain was split into two parts at this time, and his Nascent Soul was also split into two halves, each staying in the Niwan Palace on the left and right halves.

This painting is easy to understand. It should be that the person himself has undergone a mutation. After being divided into two, he became the embodiment of good and evil respectively.

The Nascent Soul cultivator already has the skills of incarnation outside the body. For example, like He Weiming, he uses psychic treasures or other innate spiritual bodies to refine his avatar.

But the person in this painting is a bit different, he is completely split from the body, as if divided into two.

After seeing it, Yi Tian stopped and turned his head to glance at He Weiming and his avatar and asked: "You Daoist He, what are the similarities and differences between all the avatars described in these murals and your incarnation outside your body?"

"The meaning expressed in Yi Daoyou's painting should not be difficult to understand. I think this person should have undergone drastic changes and split his personality into two, one good and one evil," He Weiming sighed.

"Split personality," Yi Tian couldn't help muttering after hearing this, it seems that they really do look alike.As we continued walking towards the front of the corridor, two identical people, one black and one white, appeared at the same time on the mural after that.

However, the white person is in the upper half and the black person is in the lower half. The two seem to have parted ways since then, growing rapidly in different environments.

Gradually, the two of them will deliberately avoid each other from going to heaven and earth to traveling in other major spirit worlds.

Until the lines dividing a picture suddenly disappeared, at this time the two people who were clearly black and white met again, but at this time the two seemed to be fighting with each other.Yi Tian saw it clearly, obviously the white side could overwhelm the opponent, but after all, it was split from the same person, even if the division of spirit and soul was biased, but he knew the basics.

Even if the black monk fell into a disadvantage, he still had the strength to retreat, and the next few paintings were all about the fight between the two.

Yi Tian watched carefully and found that every time these two people fought each other, black's soul would be taken away and belonged to white.

It wasn't until after three paintings that it was obvious that the white cultivator already had an overwhelming advantage. This time, he directly talked about the opponent's capture and extraction of his soul power.

It's just that somehow he didn't fully integrate the other party back into himself in the end. The power of the soul of the white monk's head seemed to be missing half of it, while the black man didn't have any left at all.

Where did the rest of the half go? This question lingered in Yi Tian's mind for a long time and he couldn't answer it. He turned around and forgot. He was speechless for a while, and then smiled helplessly.

In the next mural, there was a third person, and the captured black monk was sealed and guarded by that person.

Yi Tian's eyelids twitched suddenly, isn't the person in charge of the care the same as Ji Xuanyuan's body.In this way, it is not a coincidence that the old Lihuo tribe descended to this world, but the person who took care of the black man after he was imprisoned in this world.

In this way, the sea-eye vortex is not a dungeon. Yi Tian was shocked when he saw this, and then slowly turned around to look at He Weiming, and then said with an unnatural expression on his face: "Fellow Daoist He, we seem to be involved In the midst of the disputes in the upper realm, it is still unknown whether I can get out of this place, but this time it is I who have dragged you down."

When He Weiming saw this, he also roughly understood the cause of the matter, and it was also easy to guess what kind of person he was about to face, but he said without a trace of regret on his face: "You don't have to be like this, I think this matter There is still a turning point, hurry up and see what valuable information will be left in the murals behind."

Although He Weiming said he didn't care, his face showed deep worry, and his mood became heavy, not as free and easy as before.

Then Yi Tian saw that the picture below was the sea eye whirlpool at the end of Tianyahai, but the whole whirlpool was above the mural.Under the sea eye vortex is a rocky mountain, and there is a palace in the mountain, needless to say, face up to where you are now.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian walked a few steps forward and saw a [-]-year-old Taoist fly into the sea eye, and stood guard in the depths of the barren mountain palace.This old man must be the doppelganger of Ji Xuanyuan from the Lihuo clan. It turns out that his main task in the lower realm is to guard this stone palace.

Needless to say, there must be a way to leave here, Yi Tianjian gradually gained some confidence in his heart, at least one thing that can be assured is that even if he wants to retreat now, there should be a way to go out.

Later, in the next painting, an Asura monk and a human monk appeared. Seeing this, Yi Tian had some doubts in his heart.What appeared before can be explained that someone could describe it on it, but here it is obviously a description of the situation when Luo Que and Qian Lingzi came to explore.

Could it be that the person who portrayed it could have foreseen what would happen in a thousand years?Yi Tian was a bit confused about this, and He Weiming, who was behind him at this time, said, "If the situation where Luo Que and Qian Lingzi came here is predicted, then fellow Daoist Yi, what do you say?" Will the arrival of the two of us be on top of this mural?"
Although it was just a simple question, Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard it, and then hurriedly replied: "Go, let's see what the next painting looks like, if this painter is really capable of painting all the things that will happen thousands of years later Above, it will definitely predict the existence of you and me today."

The two walked forward quickly for a while, and then glanced at the stone wall on the right and scanned their fingertips. There turned out to be a bare stone wall with no patterns carved on it.

A hint of sneer appeared on He Weiming's face and said: "I think this person's morality has come to an end."

Yi Tian was unmoved when he heard this, and at the same time showed a very solemn look on his face and said: "I don't think so."

Just as they were talking, some patterns began to appear on the stone wall in front of them, and it didn't take long for a new mural to appear in front of the two of them.

 Due to work reasons, the chapter length and release time have been changed.

(End of this chapter)

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