
Chapter 808 In-depth

Chapter 808 In-depth
Yi Tian and He Weiming were stunned by the sudden scene on the stone wall. Later, the lines on the stone wall became clearer and clearer until a new mural appeared.

Looking at the mural of three people fighting against each other, it is obvious that the person being attacked has a strong cultivation base and is not afraid at all, but the two people who joined forces seem to be suppressed by him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian looked stern and turned his head and said: "You Daoist He, it seems that there should be a divination formation on the stone wall here. You see, what we have to face next is not easy."

He Weiming stretched out his hand to point to the mural and said, "You Daoist Yi, if you look carefully, it's a two-on-one situation. That means Luo Que was killed by Qian Lingzi?"

Just as they were talking, the pattern in the middle of the stone wall changed a bit, and the two of them took a closer look, only to find that the appearance on the face of the man was vicious.Yi Tian had seen the lineup of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi early in the morning, so he immediately recognized that this person was not either of them.

There was a trace of strangeness on his face and he said: "This person's face is definitely not Qian Lingzi or Luo Que, could it be that imprisoned person?"

As soon as the words were spoken, He Weiming interrupted: "It's not him, I remember that person's appearance, and it doesn't match at all."

"Could it be that besides Luo Que, Qian Lingzi and the imprisoned person, there is a fourth person, and what you and I are about to face is that fourth person?" Yi Tian asked puzzled. : "So the result of the divination that Senior Tianjizi exhausted his vitality for me has gone wrong?"

"It's useless to talk more about Yi Daoyou at this time, why don't we continue to move forward and see what we will find out," He Weiming didn't care so much, since he knew that there would be a tough battle ahead, he could just as well prepare early , at least with mental arithmetic and unintentional odds of winning will always be a little more.

Listen, Yi Tian nodded resolutely, then took big strides and continued to walk forward. When he brought people to the next stone wall, he found that there were some faint outlines on it, but he waited for half a quarter of an hour before this The pattern on it was covered by a layer of purple light and it was difficult to emerge.

Since it was God's will not to let him know the result, Yi Tian just curled his mouth and said: "He Daoist friend, let's go, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of us, we still have to go."

After He Weiming nodded, the two stopped paying attention to the mural prophecy on the stone wall, and walked quickly towards the depths of the passage.

After a while, I saw light coming from the passage in front of me. I opened my eyes and looked carefully, it should be the exit.Then the two of them rushed towards the exit without saying a word.

After taking out the entrance of the passage, Yi Tian found that he seemed to have returned to the Water Curtain Cave of Chuying Peak, but when he looked back, He Weiming was nowhere to be seen.

Be careful and secretly said in his heart: "What a powerful phantom formation, it can actually transform the most familiar place in my heart. It is estimated that He Weiming has also entered the phantom formation at this moment. For the current plan, the only way to survive is to break the formation quickly. The ghost knows this Will there be any moths in the phantom array?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Chi Yangzi suddenly appeared in front of him and cursed at him: "You who bully your master and forget your ancestors, have you forgotten the mission to Zhongzhou back then? Come back without completing it now, I'm sorry for you!" Really disappointed."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was unmoved, only after looking up and down, he realized that Chi Yangzi in front of him was transformed into a lifelike figure, just like a real person standing in front of him.

If it wasn't for my proficiency in formations and my state of mind has been polished long ago, I'm afraid I would really follow the Tao.Ignoring Chiyangzi Yitian in front of him, he opened his divine sense and explored forward, only to find that this place really transformed his own cave into the same place.In addition, the traces that should have been in the hall of the stone palace did not show any flaws at all.

In this way, the key to breaking the formation was Chi Yangzi in front of him, so he turned his head and took a closer look at him.Suddenly the opponent moved, and stretched out his hand to sacrifice a Chiyang True Fire towards Yi Tian.

Without understanding the situation, Yi Tian didn't dare to fight back directly, but hurriedly avoided it after using body skills.But after three breaths, the scorching feeling of Chiyanghuo flew to a close distance, and Yi Tian felt that Chiyangzi in front of him wanted to put himself to death as soon as he made a move.

Turning around, he took out an ice crystal spirit shield and put it in front of him, abruptly catching Chi Yangzi's spell.Hearing the crisp sound of 'creak', the ice crystal shield Yi Tian set up and his body were knocked back three steps by the blow.

But at this time, Yi Tian was not surprised but happy, and hurriedly used the art of heavenly thunder and eight sounds to say to Chi Yangzi: "He Daoyou stop, we are fascinated by the phantom array and don't kill each other."

Chi Yangzi in front of him was also taken aback when he heard this, then put away the spiritual weapon in his hand and took a defensive posture.As soon as Yi Tian saw that it worked, he hurriedly took out the ban-breaking magic needle, then turned his head and looked around, and used the pupil technique to find the nodes of the phantom formation.

Not long after, a smile appeared on his face, and he muttered something to the sound, and he directly pierced the sacred needle of breaking the taboo into the rock wall above his head.

A flash of white light followed by a clicking sound, the cave in front of him, together with the figure of Chi Yangzi, suddenly trembled violently.After three breaths, the distorted phantom of space gradually dissipated, revealing a hall space with a radius of more than ten feet, and the position where Chi Yangzi was standing just now is exactly where He Weiming is now.

The two looked at each other with a smile on their faces, and after putting away the spiritual weapon in his hand, He Weiming came forward to apologize to Yi Tian and said: "You Daoist Yi is safe and sound, I am ashamed." ".

"It's okay, fellow Taoist He, you and I have both fallen into the magic circle. Fortunately, we can get out in time, otherwise we will be hurt if we consume each other," Yi Tian comforted in a hurry.

At the same time, he glanced at his clone standing in the distance but was not troubled by the phantom array, and couldn't help but secretly marveled in his heart.Just as he was thinking about it, he glanced at He Weiming and saw that he understood and explained directly: "My avatar is originally made of innate spirit body, and it has a strong immunity to the magic array method, but when the main body falls into the illusion array, it will Make the avatars fall into a state of confusion together."

Then he stretched out his hands to pick up the spell and pointed at the clone, and saw a ray of light flying out of his hand and then directly into the head of the clone, and after three breaths, the clone returned to normal and opened its mouth to Yi Tian My apologies.

After such a small episode, Yi Tian had to cheer up 12 points, the ghost knows what obstacles will be encountered next.He looked up and looked at the ceiling where the formation runes were engraved on it, which was the phantom formation pattern that troubled the two of them just now.

If it weren't for Chiyang Zhenhuo Yitian who greeted Chiyangzi before, it would have been difficult to detect, only He Weiming smiled and said, "How did you discover me, fellow Daoist Yi?"

After taking out the ice crystal shield, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the front, only to see that the traces left on it were obviously left after being hit by the sword thread transformed by Yao Jianshu.

Although the phantom array can transform the familiar environment and characters in one's heart, and even the moves can be changed exactly the same, but the essence of the spell will not change.

Being attacked by Chiyanghuo will cause a significant difference in Heyao's swordsmanship, and Chiyangzi in front of him is very likely to be He Weiming's body.That's why Yi Tian would first use the Heavenly Thunder Eight Tone to stabilize the opponent and then break the formation.

After listening to these, He Weiming suddenly said: "What I saw in the phantom array was your incarnation into Qianlingyuan, and the surrounding environment turned out to be inside Kunwu Cave."

"This phantom formation is to let us kill each other, but I'm curious if the same thing happened when Luo Que and Qian Lingzi came in one after the other," Yi Tian said, stroking his forehead.

"It's better to be careful, fellow Daoist Yi, let's move on," He Weiming said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian packed up the defensive spirit weapon in his hand and walked slowly towards the passage behind the stone room. With the lessons learned from the past, he didn't dare to rush too much this time, for fear of falling into the wrong again.

Half a moment later, the three of them walked through the passage of the stone chamber and came to an empty cave, about a hundred feet in radius.

There are many stone pillars standing in front of you. Each stone pillar is connected by four iron chains. The two iron chains below are covered with stone slabs. It seems that some of the stone slabs have been damaged after thousands of years. .

It is reasonable to say that flying over such a short distance is only an instant, but the stone tablet erected next to the iron chain passage in front of him is engraved with a row of words written in spiritual world.Yi Tian leaned forward to see the truth, and saw the letter "It is difficult to fly in the sky to reach the other side".

After combining the reminder on the stele with He Weiming's reminder, the two of them summed it up. It seems that flying in the air here will definitely trigger some formation restrictions.The best way is to go to the opposite bank along the chain road in front of you.

But if he really walked through this chained suspension bridge-like passage, he might touch some mechanism. Yi Tian went to the passage and lowered it to take a look, only to see a green river flowing under the empty stone chamber.The river water stirred up from the river splashed on the stone pillar and made a "sizzling" sound immediately.

"The bottom here is a Physalis River, if it is touched by the river water that flows out of it, it will peel off its skin," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

"This situation is like a cage. Maybe Qian Lingzi and the others have discovered the secret here, and they are probably trapped in a certain mechanism," He Weiming guessed.

There is indeed such a possibility, and since it is a cage that can hold monks above the distraction stage, it is absolutely no problem to deal with Luo Que and Qian Lingzi.From this, Yi Tian felt that he had to be more careful with every organ, maybe he was trapped before seeing the two of them.

After unfolding his spiritual sense and looking forward, he found that the stone pillar suspension bridge is not simple. The iron chains on dozens of stone pillars set up passages in mid-air like a spider web, but the most troublesome thing is not that they are connected everywhere. It seems that there is only one right path.

As long as he took the right path leading to the opposite stone wall passage, it should be absolutely safe. If he took the wrong path, he might fall directly into the Physalis River below, so Yi Tian had to treat the next thing carefully.

Turning around, he briefly described all the crises that he could think of in his mind. He Weiming listened to it with a slight smile and said, "You don't have to worry, fellow Daoist Yi, let's see the old man."

After speaking, he directly wiped the spirit beast pouch on his waist with his right hand and muttered something in his mouth: "Come out."

A white aura quietly floated out of the spirit beast pouch, circled in the air, and landed on his right palm.When the aura faded, a ball of white fluff appeared.

Yi Tianshen blurted out immediately after a thought: "Treasure hunter, I don't think fellow Taoist has such a spiritual pet, but I don't know what is the magical use here?"

He Weiming showed a slightly smug expression on his face and said indifferently: "Although this head can find natural and earthly treasures for the master, it also has the characteristics of recognizing the way and avoiding danger."

"You Daoist He wants it to take us through the barrier?"

"Exactly", after he finished speaking, He Weiming directly lifted the treasure hunting mouse in his hand with a look of steadfastness, so that he could see the road in front of him clearly.

The little thing opened its small eyes and stared at the road in front of it for a while, then turned its head and yelled at He Weiming a few times, and the latter took big strides and walked straight from the front chain road.

Yi Tian didn't say much and followed closely behind, while He Weiming's avatar walked at the end, and the three of them were about three or four feet apart.

After walking to the first fork, He Weiming stretched out his hand again to let the treasure hunter look at the road ahead in turn. After three breaths, the little thing barked a few times at the suspension bridge passage on the left.

He Weiming understood it and turned around and walked towards the direction it pointed, while Yi Tian followed behind with a puzzled expression on his face.Suddenly, He Weiming's voice came from next to his ear, "Don't worry, fellow Yi Daoist. With the treasure hunter's natural sensitivity to danger, it will avoid all wrong paths. Although it may take a long detour, safety comes first. .”

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed undeniably. Although what He Weiming said was good, he was still very worried about entrusting his safety to a little spiritual pet.However, seeing He Weiming's meaning, he is 12 percent assured of its ability, so I can't say much for the time being. I just hope that the treasure hunter can take his group out of this stone pillar chain passage safely.

And Yi Tian also kept an eye out, every time there was a fork in the road, he would always reach out and type out a formula to leave a mark on the correct passage.

After walking like this for half an hour, the three of them came to the largest stone pillar in the middle, and another stone tablet came into view, but the words on the stone tablet had already been scratched.Needless to say, it was probably caused by Luo Que and Qian Lingzi last time.

It's just that Yi Tian found that there seemed to be some traces of being passive on the top of the damaged stone tablet, and he didn't think of anything wrong after looking closely for a while.

When He Weiming saw it, he stretched out his hand and pointed: "There should be a part of the top of the stele that has been taken away, it may be a key item."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "You Daoist He is right, but if you can't find this item now, it should probably be taken away. Maybe you can find clues in the depths of the cave behind."

After hearing this, He Weiming stopped talking and continued to drive the treasure hunter to the passage ahead.

Suddenly, Yi Tian heard some strange noises from below, he lowered his head to look at his face, but he was shocked and said: "Fellow Daoist He, let's go quickly, the river below has started to rise."

The muscles on He Weiming's face trembled and hurriedly quickened his pace and ran along the passage.

 Due to work reasons, the chapter length and release time have been changed.

(End of this chapter)

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