
Chapter 809

Chapter 809
The surface of Physalis River at the bottom of the stone chamber slowly rose up, and Yi Tian visually observed that according to the current speed of travel, the river below the bridge would not have crossed the bridge before reaching the opposite bank.

After receiving Yi Tian's sound transmission, He Weiming's face suddenly showed embarrassment, and then stretched out his hand to hold the treasure hunting mouse and let it guide the way quickly.The speed of the three of them suddenly doubled, but the little thing was too busy, and every time they reached a fork, they were so busy that they were sweating profusely.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the three of them could gradually see the important point in front of them, but at this time the river below had risen to less than a foot.

Just when Yi Tian felt that the chances of winning were close to reaching the finish line, He Weiming, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped at the fork.Yi Tian hurried up and asked puzzledly, "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist He?"

After speaking, he did see the treasure hunting mouse in his palm suddenly curled up into a ball and trembling non-stop. No matter how He Weiming tried to appease it, he couldn't calm down its frightened expression.

Later, He Weiming showed a helpless look on his face and said: "I don't know what happened. The treasure hunter suddenly seemed to be a huge threat, but it seems that there is nothing else except the Physalis river below here. .

Just as a shadow swam under the stone pillar where the three of them were, the three of them immediately noticed something was wrong with their spiritual sense and sharpness.Then he hurriedly took out the spirit weapon and formed a group to start defending.

With a "poof", the shadow poked its head out of the green Physalis river water, and saw a poisonous dragon more than ten feet long floating out of the water.

When he saw the three of them, he let out an angry roar, and then spit out a green water arrow from his mouth and shot towards the position of the three of them.

"It's poisonous, disperse quickly," Yi Tian didn't dare to insist, and after reminding He Weiming, he withdrew and dodged his figure on the narrow stone pillar platform.

He Weiming pointed at his avatar with both hands, and saw that the two figures overlapped in an instant, and then jumped into the air to avoid the venom.

After jumping up like this, He Weiming seemed to have touched the restraining formation in the air, and the stalactites hanging above the stone chamber fell irregularly. hit.

"Fellow Daoist He, let's take a gamble." After speaking, Yi Tian didn't care whether there was a treasure hunting mouse to guide him or not, and rushed towards the right passage closest to him based on his own feeling.

After walking up, Yi Tian will split a wave of divine sense to stare at the poisonous dragon to prevent it from attacking again, but he rushed forward non-stop.

He Weiming is also a thief, knowing that it is inconvenient to be strong at this time, and now getting out of trouble is the right way.Immediately, he shot two sword lights at the poisonous dragon with his hands all the way behind, and then turned his head and ran not far away from Yi Tianhou.

The actions of the two of them seemed to have completely enraged the poisonous dragon, only to hear a muffled dragon chant coming from its mouth and then resounding throughout the stone chamber.

At the same time, under the influence of the sound of the dragon's chant, the stalactites above fell in large pieces, and the falling stones suddenly fell into the Physalis River, causing waves more than three feet high.In some places, the chain channel was directly covered by the green physalis river water, and after the river water fell, the chain channel was left with corroded stone slabs riddled with holes.

After Yi Tian's thoughts, he found that almost all of them were corroded, but those chains remained unchanged after being drenched by Physalis River.

After running for more than ten breaths, seeing that the passage in front of him had just been washed by the river, Yi Tian hurriedly reminded: "You Daoist He walks along the chains". Step on the chains below and rush ahead.

Not long after walking, I saw a hole suddenly cracked in the passage washed by the river just now, and then those stone slabs fell down in large pieces.

Yi Tian didn't care about these things and ran forward desperately. Seeing that there was only a distance of more than ten feet from the final passageway, he suddenly heard He Weiming's voice from the back: "Yi Daoyou, be careful on the top."

When he looked up, a look of horror appeared on his face. It turned out that a large piece of stalactite fell from the top of the stone room, and it was seen that it was submerged in the river below, and then a four-foot-high wave was thrown towards Yi. The sky is covered up and down.

In such a narrow space, Yi Tian couldn't get out of his body, so he had to grit his teeth and open the protective cover to the maximum, and then took out the ice crystal shield and put it on his head.

After doing all this, it was not enough, and he used the Jinyang movement method, and suddenly his skin seemed to be covered with a faint golden light.As soon as the preparations were completed, the huge wave rushed over and directly engulfed Yi Tian's figure.

He Weiming only felt his heart tremble when he saw it, and it was enough to be drenched in such a physalis river from head to toe.After a breath, there was a golden light shining slightly in the huge green waves, and it didn't appear to be extinguished from the beginning to the end.

After the huge wave passed, a golden figure appeared. At this moment, Yi Tian only felt a burning sensation all over his body. The coefficient on the ice crystal shield in his hand was corroded into pits, and it might not be possible to use it anymore.

However, his own protective cover was corroded after holding on for about three breaths. Xin Hao also has body skills and body protection, which can withstand the wetness of the physalis.

However, the hot feeling all over his body was real, Yi Tian immediately used his kung fu to remove all the remaining Physalis water from his body, and then walked straight towards the important point in three or two steps.

He Weiming who was not far behind was finally relieved, but he was not relaxed at this time. Although he was not covered with Physalis water, the attack of the poisonous dragon not far behind was real.

Jiang Yitian arrived at the finish line first, He Weiming didn't think about it, no matter how the poisonous dragon released later attacked, he didn't fight back at all, and he tried his best to speed up to the fastest and galloped on those few chains.

After a while, Yi Tian arrived at the finish line, and after the two of them got into the passage in front of them, they only heard the poisonous dragon roar furiously in the river.

But it seems to be restricted and generally unable to enter the passage.

Yi Tian and He Weiming ignored so much, walked in the passage for a while, and then stopped to take a breath after arriving at the next stone room, then took out some pills and took them to replenish the consumed spiritual power before going on. go.

Suddenly, He Weiming showed horror on his face and pointed to the black figure on the wall not far in front of him, saying, "Yi Daoyou, who do you think this is?"
Yi Tian was only concerned about recovering his spiritual power just now and didn't pay much attention to it. In addition, he just got out of the previous dangerous situation and didn't find anything wrong with this stone room.

Looking in the direction of He Weiming's finger, his face suddenly changed several times. There was a shriveled corpse on the wall in front of him, and a piercing nail more than a foot long was inserted in the heart.

And this mummy obviously had six arms and three heads, Yi Tian blurted out: "It's Luo Que, why did he die here?"
"If Yi Daoyou proves that he can determine his identity, then Qian Lingzi won that year, and we may face him next time," He Weiming said angrily.

Yi Tian stood in front of Luo Que's body and looked at it for a long time with frowning brows on his face, but muttered in his mouth: "There is no reason, Luo Que's cultivation base is one level higher than Qian Lingzi's. The difference between Nascent Soul is the gap between Transformation and Distraction, even after this world is suppressed by the power of interface, Luo Que still has an overwhelming advantage."

Going forward to look at the corpse carefully, he saw that there was a breath of death all over his body, his skin was completely stiff, and there were some traces of dried blood in the seven orifices.In his heart, he was full of admiration. He didn't expect Luo Que's body to be preserved so well after 3000 years.

The piercing nail nailed on his chest was not ordinary either, the front half was soaked in the blood from Luo Que's body, but there was no trace of rust on it.Moreover, Yi Tian had never seen the pattern on the core nail before. After searching the spiritual world texts he had learned in his mind, he was surprised to find that this pattern did not belong to any of them.

However, there is a simple and cold atmosphere around the spiritual weapon, and one can tell at a glance that it is definitely not the masterpiece of a righteous master.

On the other hand, He Weiming, who was on the side, had a serious look on his face after a careful look, and then focused his eyes on the heart nail, but he stretched forward involuntarily, trying to pull it out.

"Friend Daoist He wait a minute," Leng Bufang Yi Tian suddenly shouted.

He Weiming was stunned, stopped his hands, and said apologetically, "You Daoist Yi, forgive me for being attracted by this magic weapon and messing up for a while."

"You said that the Cruciate Nail is a magic weapon?" Yi Tian asked with some doubts on his face.

He Weiming nodded and turned serious and said: "The pattern on this object is the characters of the demon spirit world. I was fortunate enough to find some records in the ruins on the Tianlan Continent and studied them for a while."

It's not surprising to say that, Yi Tian turned his eyes to He Weiming and his clone, and even understood what he said.Then he said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Fellow Daoist He, please let me explain why this Cruciferous Nail is so powerful that even Luo Que, the great power of the upper realm, can be nailed to death."

He Weiming pointed at the heart nail and said, "This thing is indeed a magic weapon, and it can be regarded as a middle-level magic weapon. It takes a lot of spiritual power to activate it. I guess Qian Lingzi probably used blood to activate it." Only the method of refining can sacrifice it."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "That's true. It is the most direct way to use the blood refinement method for those spiritual weapons that cannot be fully refined, but it is also expensive. If the magic weapon cannot absorb enough spiritual blood, it will not help Yes, Qian Lingzi must have spent a lot of blood in order to be able to drive this Crucifix."

"That's the case, I'm afraid he himself will not feel well." He Weiming stretched out his hand and pointed at Luo Que's body, saying: "Friend Daoist Yi, have you noticed any difference in this body?

After this question, Yi Tian sacrificed his divine sense again and glanced over the corpse carefully, then gradually frowned on his forehead.After half a moment, he turned his head to He Weiming and said, "Except for this one, there are no other wounds on the body, as if it was hit by a single blow and has no strength to fight back."

He Weiming showed some approval on his face and said: "That's true, did Fellow Daoist Yi think of anything?"

"There must be something hidden in it," Yi Tian said decisively: "Even our monks can be prepared for a sneak attack from a magic weapon, and there must be traces of resistance around them, or there should be other things on their bodies." The scars of defense will never be hit in the heart, unless it is."

"Unless it was done on purpose," He Weiming said.

"Impossible," Yi Tian exclaimed, "Could it be that Luo Que will seek his own death?"

"The old man thinks that not only is he not seeking his own death, but the opposite way of life."

Yi Tian said with a look of surprise: "Then what does Fellow Daoist He think Luo Que is planning?"

He Weiming also looked puzzled on his face, walked forward to check Luo Que's body, and the wrinkles on his forehead deepened.Later, he turned his head and opened his mouth and said, "I couldn't figure it out either, I just felt that there was a reason for the incident, and it would definitely not be such a simple matter."

After hearing this, Yi Tian knew that he didn't get much information about it, so he could only continue to investigate for the present plan. Anyway, Qian Lingzi won in the depths of the next passage.

Going forward, he was about to put away Luo Que's body, when suddenly He Weiming said, "How about that magic weapon, fellow Daoist Yi?"

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and then he stretched out his hand to signal him to take it out. He Weiming's avatar walked forward, and then his hands kept forming seals, wrapped a black magic energy around his hands, and then slowly pinched it. The second half of the core nail was pulled out forcefully.

When the magic weapon was pulled out, there was only a "click" sound, and then a center nail about one foot long appeared in front of Yi Tian.Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power emitted from this magic weapon, it can be seen that the level of this thing is almost the same as that of a pure spirit bottle, which is generally not ordinary.

After He Weiming's avatar put away the magic weapon, Yi Tian turned his head to inspect Luo Que's body, only to see that the whole body shrank as if deflated.The spiritual power in the flesh and blood of the corpse was absorbed by the core nail coefficient, leaving only a skinny skeleton.

But Luo Que's three heads are still well preserved, and the facial features can still be seen clearly, only his three heads are unkempt and showing a fierce look.With a glance, one can clearly distinguish the difference between killing, bloodthirsty, and berserk.

After comparing it with his dharma body, Yi Tian felt that something was wrong the more he looked at it, and later blurted out: "Luo Que's body does not have a Niwan palace".

He Weiming who was on the side heard a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and hurried forward to check the condition of the three songs.A little later there was also an inconceivable look on his face and he said: "That's true. Could it be that he escaped from the Nascent Soul and wanted to take away the Qianlingzi?"

"It's possible, but the secrets of the transformation and distraction period are not something we can guess. However, I think this matter is getting more and more interesting, but there seems to be something missing in it. They are all connected in series," Yi Tian said slowly.

"Get ready and let's move on, maybe the answer is ahead," He Weiming is more open-minded, since there are doubts, it's better to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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