
Chapter 810 Discovery

Chapter 810 Discovery
After putting Luo Que's body in a storage bracelet, Yi Tian slowly got up and walked towards the passage behind the stone room together with He Weiming.

The passage behind this was narrow and long, and the two of them walked down for an unknown amount of time before they saw the exit of the passage.After drilling out of the passage, they entered a huge grotto. The entire grotto is about several hundred feet high, and the inner space is about a mile in size.

In the deepest part of the grotto is a huge mural of a man in black entangled in chains.Yi Tian took a closer look at the face of this person, who was imprisoned here as shown on the mural in the previous passage.

From the entrance, you can feel that the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a lot compared with the outside world, and the further you go, the colder you feel.It is not difficult to find the source of it. It turned out that an area about ten feet not far from the mural was shrouded in white mist, and all the coldness coefficients came from this.

However, the divine mind could not find the source of the mist even though it knew that there must be something strange in it, but it could only be found out by walking forward in person.

After Yi Tian and He Weiming signaled to each other, they took out the spiritual weapons and sacrificed them in their hands, then opened the protective cover and walked slowly towards the depths of the stone wall of the inner cave.

After walking less than a hundred feet, Yi Tian felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop rapidly again, and the mist produced by the condensed water vapor in the surrounding air wet the stone path under his feet.After a little investigation with divine sense, it was found that these mist contained extremely high spiritual power, which was stronger than the concentration drawn from the spiritual veins.

A thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind, he turned his head and said, "Could it be that Qian Lingzi was trapped in the mist?"

"It's possible, but let's take a closer look," He Weiming replied.

After Shaoqing and the two went deep into the foggy area of ​​ten feet, Yi Tian and the three raised their protective shields to disperse the surrounding fog, and then walked forward side by side.

Suddenly a shadow appeared in front of the three of them, and as the mist slowly approached and dispersed, one could see that in the center was a piece of white solid ice with a radius of one foot.

There were bursts of cold air emanating from above, and it turned into mist when it met the surrounding air.Yi Tian looked at Jian Bing with his clear eyes, and then blurted out: "There is someone inside, it should be Qian Lingzi."

The muscles on He Weiming's face trembled when he heard this, and then he stared at the piece of ice and sized it up, then invaded it with his spiritual sense and explored it, and said with a smile on his face: "It's him, he should be trapped."

"Is Fellow Daoist He ready to make a direct move?" Yi Tian asked.

"Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, is Daoist Yi going to be lenient in such a situation?"

"Let's do it, change will happen later," Yi Tian replied without hesitation.

That being the case, the two of them didn't talk much, and then the three of them stood separately and surrounded the piece of solid ice in the middle, and then each took out their spiritual weapons and sacrificed their killer moves, concentrating in their hands and preparing to attack together.

Suddenly Yi Tian seemed to feel that Qian Lingzi's fingers in the ice moved slightly, but He Weiming's words came from his ear: "He is awake, friend Daoist Yi, let's do it."

After saying that, the three of them respectively manipulated the spiritual weapons in their hands and aimed at the piece of solid ice and smashed them on.A golden aura suddenly appeared from inside the ice cube, and then spread out from the inside out.In one breath, the solid ice was covered.

Only three sounds of "bang bang bang" sounded, and the piece of solid ice where the coefficients of the three spells were concentrated was blocked by the golden protective cover.The vibration of the spell that followed completely shook the ice cube out of a crack.

A stream of pure aura leaked out of it, and after encountering the air, it turned into water droplets and lay down on the ice, and then there seemed to be more aura gushing out of the crack in a frenzy, directly filling the gap in the crack. Stretched.

This sudden change made Yi Tian and the others at a loss as to what to do. With the sound of "click" coming from their ears, several cracks appeared in the ten-foot-high solid ice from the inside, and then moved towards Spread out in all directions.

After a while, large chunks of ice were seen peeling off from the top, and the aura exuding from them formed a whirlwind and directly blew away the mist that was originally wrapped around.

After the sound stopped hoarsely, a figure appeared on the spot, and Yi Tian and the other three looked at it carefully, and their expressions suddenly became restless.

Among the figures that emerged was a seven-foot-tall cultivator, wearing a spiritual armor and holding a broken spiritual sword in his hand.The other half fell under his feet, but from the cut, it can be seen that the spirit sword was actually broken.

Yi Tian was secretly surprised: "Isn't this Luo Que's style, but his body was clearly nailed to death in the cave before."

The monk's face was extremely familiar, it was the same as the one he had seen Qian Lingzi in Lihuo Ancestral Land.And at this time, the spiritual pressure that can only be emanated from the real person after seeing the real person deeply understands the power of the power of the upper world, which is completely different from the feeling in the mirror image.

He Weiming on the side also opened his eyes wide and stood firmly against Qian Lingzi in front of him. His face was mixed with awe and anger. He was very familiar with this face. It has been entangled in it day and night for hundreds of years. The nightmare in my heart is really standing in front of me now.

Suddenly the figure of Qian Lingzi in front of him trembled slightly, and then he opened his eyes and glanced at the three people in front of him with contempt.

He Weiming twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "Then the spirit sword in his hand turned into a golden sword and stabbed towards Qian Lingzi's body.

The sound of "噗嗤" surprised all three of them because the sword light directly pierced his body and pierced him, but the wound healed after only a few drops of blood flowed out.

Then Qian Lingzi raised his right hand with difficulty and pointed towards He Weiming, and the same golden light shot out from his fingertips and turned into the same sword silk to fight back.But the power and conciseness of this trick are by no means comparable to that of He Weiming. I saw that the sword light directly penetrated the protective cover and made a "bang" sound.

He Weiming's body was directly retreated three feet away by Jianguang, and Yi Tianshen thought "It's dangerous" in the dark, and saw a five-inch jade bottle held in his hand to block the blow.

Suddenly, Qian Lingzi moved his mouth a few times and muttered, "Purifying spirit bottle."

Then his right hand moved again, this time he repeated the same trick, but the target chose He Weiming's clone.It was obvious that Qian Lingzi, a great power in the upper realm, was not a vegetarian, so he quickly figured out the strength of the three in front of him and planned to defeat them one by one.

As for the persimmon, He Weiming's avatar was obviously the weakest in cultivation.When he saw his real body, he was shocked. He knew the power of the move just now, and the clone would not be able to catch it no matter what.

Immediately, the figure flashed and directly blocked in front of the clone, and then the two merged together again under the seal of both hands.

Shaoqing He Weiming's aura rose sharply to the peak state of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. With a wave of his right hand, he raised his spirit sword and turned it into a golden light to welcome Qian Lingzi's move.

After the two golden lights collided fiercely in the air, this time He Weiming actually overwhelmed Qian Lingzi. Not only withstood the attack, but also counterattacked Qian Lingzi's body with a trace of sword energy, drawing a deep and solid line on his left shoulder. wounds come.

But after a flash of inspiration, the wound on Qian Lingzi's shoulder quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After this time, his left hand could barely move.

He Weiming was about to continue casting spells and attacks, but Yi Tian's words came from his ears: "Hold on, fellow Daoist He, you are helping Qian Lingzi get out of trouble by continuing to attack like this."

"How do you say that? Did fellow Daoist Yi discover something?" He Weiming asked hastily.

"I feel that there are two forces in his body fighting fiercely, and he is trying his best to suppress each other. And the pain just now seems to make the operation of the spiritual power in his body a little smoother," Yi Tian said with a serious face the way.

At this moment, Qian Lingzi showed a hint of sneer on his face and said: "I didn't expect you to be a little bit bottomless, but unfortunately it's too late, I will deal with you after I finish cleaning up this traitor."

After hearing this, He Weiming looked surprised, and then sternly shouted: "You use the lives of your disciples to increase your cultivation base, which is a shameless thing. You pass down the orthodoxy just for your own selfish desires. If you want to say shameless, you Qianling Zi is really well-deserved number one."

Jie Jie laughed a few times and then Qian Lingzi said contemptuously: "You have learned my skills and you can live for thousands of years. Isn't it enough? Now is the time for you to pay back."

After speaking the lips began to slowly recite the mantra, and saw that the spiritual power in He Weiming's body rolled involuntarily, and then rushed out of his seven orifices, gathering into a longan-sized spiritual bead in the air.

As the spiritual power was drawn out, the spiritual bead began to gradually grow larger, and at the same time, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure around He Weiming's body weakened greatly.Needless to say, this is exactly Qian Lingzi's method of using the dark hands left by him on the kung fu to drain He Weiming's spiritual power and then deny himself.

However, He Weiming seemed unwilling to be restrained like this, and hurriedly took out a elixir and swallowed it, and then his whole body shook violently, and then disintegrated into two figures with a 'poof' sound.

It's just that the bodies of the main body and the avatar have been swapped this time, and the soul of the main body is completely attached to the innate spirit body of the demon cultivator.

As for its original physical body, it can smell an ugly and pungent smell coming from it.The pure spiritual power originally drawn from his seven orifices also became extremely dark at this time.Needless to say, it should have something to do with the elixir he just took.

Qian Lingzi suddenly blurted out with surprise on his face: "Wan Du Bai Sali Wan, you actually have such means."

Yi Tian didn't understand it, but he knew that this was obviously He Weiming's backhand to deal with the captured spirit. It was originally intended to deal with Qian Lingyuan, but now it is used on his body.

Before Qianlingzi could not wait to start absorbing spiritual power when the spirit beads were formed, but after the black spiritual power in He Weiming's body was mixed into it, the spirit beads turned black in an instant, and Qian Lingzi did not absorb more or less A large amount of black spiritual power entered the body.

I saw that he hastily interrupted the absorption of spiritual power, and then his whole body glowed with golden light, as if he wanted to force out the coefficient of spiritual power that he had just sucked into his body.

Demon Body He Weiming turned his head up to the sky and laughed a few times, and from the laughter, Yi Tian could clearly feel his helplessness, melancholy, and a hint of joy of relief.

He suppressed his smile and said: "Qian Lingzi didn't expect that, the taste of Wandu Baisaliva Pills is not pleasant, the more urgent your spiritual power is, the faster the poison will spread in your meridians. Can you Don't think that a single trace of toxicity can suppress it, it will erode your spiritual power like a maggot attached to the bone, until it poisons the spiritual power coefficient in your body and then corrodes your Niwan Palace, when your Yuan There is no way for babies to hide until their spirits and souls are gone."

Yi Tian has never found such poisonous pills in the existing alchemy books, and it is obvious that He Weiming's posture is the means of the demon cultivator. He would come up with such a comprehensive plan in order to avenge Qian Lingzi And the determination to abandon this book, it may not be possible for me to be so decisive.

Later, He Weiming yelled: "You Daoist Yi, we still have time to do it now, let's do it."

Yi Tian knew that he had just given up his body, so his strength had temporarily fallen to the state of Yuan Ying's early stage. At this time, without relying on himself, he would definitely not be able to face Qian Lingzi by himself, even if the opponent still seemed to be restrained in his body.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and quickly formed a seal and said in his mouth: "Now", four arms and two heads protruded from the double ribs and the back of the neck respectively.With both hands together, take out the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel and sacrifice it in your hand, and take out the Five Vulcan Fans, Taiyuan Sword, and Balrog Token from the other four hands.

Then, without further ado, he directly raised the sun, the moon and Huilun, and then merged them into one and shrunk to a size of three inches, and flew towards the Niwan Palace on Qian Lingzi's forehead.

Although the few strokes hit his body just now did not leave substantial damage, on the contrary, it made the spiritual power in his body run more smoothly.But now Yi Tian never wants to make He Weiming's mistake again, aiming at the Niwan Palace, even if the main Nascent Soul of the former cultivator of Huashen is damaged, it will be fatal.

Seeing that, Qian Lingzi could guess Yi Tian's thoughts, but now he can only use his left and right hands to defend against the enemy in front of him, but his two feet are still nailed to the ground and he can't move a bit.

I saw that he made seals with his hands and used a golden protective shield to cover himself, and he had to take defensive measures in the face of the aggressive sun and moon wheels in the afterlife.

With a sound of "bang", a spark sparked on Qianlingzi's protective cover to resist the sun and moon Tonghui wheel and then forcibly blocked it.Yi Tian suddenly discovered that there was a gray aura shining from Qian Lingzi's lower dantian, which seemed incompatible with the spiritual power around him.

Then I saw him talking to himself: "You still come out to make trouble at this time, or we will all die."

The gray aura suddenly rushed into his meridians and merged with other spiritual powers, and Qian Lingzi's body suddenly became flexible.

Then, after forming a seal with both hands, he sacrificed the broken sword in his hand and turned it into a ray of golden light, attacking Yi Tian.Startled by this sudden change, Yi Tian didn't dare to rush to destroy the Balrog Token in his hand.

After a flash of red light, a swollen lava troll appeared in front of him, and he raised his spiritual power with his hands together to form a thick wall of fire, blocking the light of future offenders from the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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