
Chapter 811 Fight 1

Chapter 811
A roar sounded in the depths of the grotto, and its source was the roar of Zhangxu lava troll summoned by the Balrog Token in Yi Tian's hand.Qian Lingzi's blow with all his strength was received by the lava troll coefficient, and several three-inch deep marks suddenly appeared on his arms and body made of stones, and hot magma flowed out from inside from time to time.

To the lava troll, the scorching magma was equivalent to the blood on his body, but fortunately, its defense power was really amazing and blocked Qian Lingzi's killing blow.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly spat on the Balrog in his hand, and ordered the commander, the lava troll, to rush up and get close to Qian Lingzi, while he himself sacrificed the Taiyuan sword to turn into a sword thread, quietly lurking behind the lava troll, ready to attack By surprise.

Seeing the opponent attacking, Qian Lingzi stamped his feet on the ground hastily, then stepped aside in a flash, then swung the half of the spirit sword in his hand, which turned into a sword thread again, and then turned into a golden net, trying to catch the giant lava magic.There is even a trace of wanting to bypass the lava troll and directly attack Yi Tian who is controlling in the rear.

Suddenly, a cyan sword thread was drawn from behind the lava troll, directly penetrated into the golden sword net, and split the sword net that was supposed to form an encirclement.

With a hint of joy on Qian Lingzi's face, he blurted out: "It's my swordsmanship again, you deceitful people do stupid things."Then the spirit sword in his hand flicked up the sword light, and directly devoured the blue sword thread.

Yi Tian saw it clearly but his face was not surprised, then he put away the Taiyuan sword and freed up both hands to start to seal, then pointed at the golden sword thread and shouted: "Eat my sword!" Spit it out for me."

The golden sword thread suddenly trembled violently. After devouring the spiritual power of the blue sword thread, it became extremely unstable, and the entire sword net flickered violently, as if it was about to collapse anytime, anywhere.

Seeing this sudden change, Qian Lingzi's expression changed and he shouted coldly: "You brat has learned my esoteric method like this, after all, he is nothing but a four-faced one."

Yi Tian didn't care about the other party's cynicism, but just continued to imprint in his hands, and then urged the Balrog again to point at Qian Lingzi and said "go".

The flames on the lava troll rose violently, and then rushed into it regardless of the sword net in front of it, and swung its fists towards the sword net.

After hearing a sound of "cracking, crackling, crackling" in the air, the golden sword net was torn apart by the lava troll, and hot magma exploded from it and shot straight at Qian Lingzi.

The latter just frivolously used body skills and agility to avoid it.He Weiming, who was on the sidelines unexpectedly, cut off Qian Lingzi's retreat just right with the technique in his hand.

After forcing Qian Lingzi back in front of the lava troll again, his expression changed, he dropped the spirit sword in his hand, stretched out his hand towards He Weiming's body, and then directly pulled out his body and turned it into a fist-sized spirit The ball, and then manipulated it to smash it directly at the lava troll.

With a "poof", the poisonous spirit ball directly sank into the petrified skin of the lava troll, and then strange rays of light suddenly appeared on his body.

The originally bright red magma turned dark green at this time, mixed with green lava fire leaking from its wound.When Yi Tian urged the token again, he found that the lava troll had become somewhat immune to his orders, and seemed no longer willing to execute his orders.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to use the Balrog Token to attack Qian Lingzi anymore, he hit a spell on it and muttered "come back".

The lava troll roared a few times as if reluctantly, and then under the call of the Balrog Token, his whole body turned into a red and green aura and flew back into the token.After the aura was completely submerged, Yi Tian glanced away and saw a little green glow on the Balrog Token at this time, which should be the color of the poison of the Wandu Baisaliva Pill.

After putting away the token, Yi Tian quickly sealed the sun and the moon with Huilun again with both hands. Just now, he added a little material to the swordsmanship and just relied on his careless hands. The next step will not be so easy up.

The sun and moon wheels continued to rotate in the air, and then split into two with a "click", and then greeted Qian Lingzi in two directions.

Unexpectedly, after seeing it, he suddenly raised his head and laughed, and then seemed to say to himself: "This is your trick, you can solve it."

Speaking of the whole person, it seems that the spiritual power has suddenly changed, and then the red light in the eyes flashed, and the momentum also changed.

After three breaths, a sense of simplicity and vicissitudes emerged from Qian Lingzi's body. When he opened his mouth and smiled with white teeth, Yi Tian found that Qian Lingzi seemed to be a different person in front of him. Even his laughter was the same as before. It's different.

I only heard him open his mouth and sigh in admiration: "I didn't expect you to be able to practice Lao Tzu's exercises to such an extent in your first class. You really have a lot of attainments, heh heh, but your moves don't seem to be good enough. .” After speaking, he stretched out his hands and formed a seal in front of his chest.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly showed horror when he saw the technique of making seals. This seal method is definitely very strange to others, but he is very clear about it. This is the origin of Asura Dharma Body gesture.

Sure enough, after a breath, Qian Lingzi stretched out four hands from under his ribs, and two heads emerged from the stamina, but Yi Tian found something strange in it after a careful look.

Those three heads were not the same person, the face on the front still looked like Qian Lingzi, but the two faces on the side were like Luo Que.Unfortunately, I checked Luo Que's body carefully before putting it away, and the person in front of me can be said to be a community of Qian Lingzi and Luo Que.

Or it could be said that Luo Que gave up the original physical body and seized the Thousand Spirit Son, which caused the two Nascent Souls to coexist as one.

In this way, the lack of Niwan Palace on Luo Que's corpse can also be explained.

The demonized He Weiming on the side tightened his face and said, "Yi Daoyou, have they merged into one?"

"Not yet, if my guess is right, there is still a chance of winning this time, but I have to confirm it before making a decision," Yi Tian said, continuing to stare at Luo Que's face of the Asura Dharma Body in front of him. On the other hand, there was an incomparably dignified expression.

I saw the other party folded his hands together and muttered something in his hands, and then spit out a cloud of gray spiritual energy from the two back mouths and gathered them in his hands.Shaoqing's aura turned into the appearance of the sun and the moon, and then saw that the aura turned into a new set of sun and moon with the same brilliance, and the same two auras flashed Guo went to meet his tricks.

After the four spells collided two by two in the air, Yi Tian's attack was resolved invisibly.

Later, Yi Tian took back the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel, stared at the person in front of him with the pupil technique, and said in surprise: "Luo Que, you and Qian Lingzi have been fighting for the control of the body for two to three thousand years. It is difficult to completely destroy the power of his soul, why not cooperate with us."

Hearing these words, Luo Que really shook his head and laughed loudly, then revealed a look of disdain and said: "Just because you have a hairless mouth, you dare to talk about cooperation with me, I'm afraid you have a calculation in your heart that you want me and Qian Ling My son is fighting to the death, and then you guys come to pick up the cheap."

Just as he was talking, Luo Que's face suddenly changed, as if he was looking at Yi Tian in front of him again, and later he exclaimed: "It's strange, I didn't expect your dharma body to be different from the normal Asura people. Could it be that in the legend Is that really the case?"

Yi Tian didn't know why Luo Que stopped, but it was probably related to the appearance of the three heads on his avatar.Before Qin Mingyue once said that she was different, she did not expect Luo Que to notice this too.

In fact, Yi Tian didn't have much feeling about the three-headed image transformed from his Asura dharma image, but his proficiency would be strengthened after each use. This quiet, peaceful, and wise three-headed image is far more effective in combat. Far from being as obvious as Luo Que's improvement.

However, it is very useful for cultivation, refining tools and alchemy, so in the previous cultivation, whenever there is a chance, I will use the state of three-point mind, and the speed of cultivation, study and skill at the same time is three times faster than the normal state above.

After a careful look, Luo Que sighed and said, "I didn't expect you, a mere mortal, to be able to practice the skills I handed down to such an extent that you even cultivated something different from the normal Asura. I really don't know if the form of the tribe is a blessing or a curse?"

Seeing that Luo Que stopped, Yi Tian only made a defensive posture, and then said: "I am indeed destined to learn the skills of my predecessors, and the predecessors of the previous generation have also pointed out that the Dharma Body I have formed is different from ordinary people. Thinking of this, I can still enter the senior's Dharma Eye."

After hearing this, Luo Que just curled his lips and said: "I don't know if it's true or not, anyway, your boy's Dharma body is different from ordinary people, and it will take a few times of practice to know if there is anything special about it, take it. kid."

After saying that, the two hands of the six hands simultaneously used the three-style combination attack of King Ming's hand. In an instant, Luo Que's aura more than doubled, and the muscles and bones on his body made a sound like "cracking, crackling, crackling" fried beans.The muscles on the originally slender arms suddenly swelled, and then the bones seemed to be forcibly stretched by the secret method, and the whole person gradually grew in size. In less than a quarter of an hour, Luo Que's body shape in front of him had undergone a huge change.

It has more than doubled in size than before, and the whole person has become an authentic Kong Wu, powerful and brutal Asura.

With the spell in his hand fully charged, his figure flashed, and an afterimage appeared on the position where he was originally standing. At the same time, Luo Que suddenly appeared in front of Yi Tian at a distance of one foot. Simultaneously, the Three Forms of Ming Wang Shou burst out from a very short distance.

Yi Tian hadn't expected such a close combat situation beforehand, but it was unavoidable until now, a golden light flashed all over his body, and the Jinyang body technique was carried to the extreme, and then the main hand took out the defensive shield, freeing up one hand To drive the five Vulcan fans to sacrifice a five-color divine flame in front of itself and bless it in front of the spiritual weapon.

Just after finishing these tasks, Luo Que's fist hit Yi Tian's defensive spell directly, and the strong wind generated by the huge impact force scattered all the gravel on the surrounding ground.

Centering on the two people's positions, a blood-red wind formed with a range of more than ten feet.He Weiming, who was standing not far away, was affected by the strong wind and was forcibly pushed more than 20 feet away to stabilize his figure.

With a 'bang', a figure retreated in the strong wind like a lasing spirit sword and was blasted out, directly bounced to the stone wall not far behind, and at the same time formed a three-foot-sized pit on the stone wall. .It was Yi Tian, ​​who was defending with all his strength, took the consequences of Luo Que's extremely fierce and brilliant hands.

Luo Que's figure appeared after the gang wind dissipated. At this moment, he kept looking at Yi Tian in front of him, and then he didn't pursue directly.Then he said to himself again: "Little Qianling, it's your turn."

Said that the tyrannical aura on the whole person subsided, and after three breaths, the red light in the eyes faded and returned to Qian Lingzi's previous state.

After the cyan halo on the stone wall flashed, Yi Tian flew out of the embedded rubble, and then fell to the ground to check his own condition.Although Luo Que's attack was terrifyingly strong, but he was not a vegetarian, and relying on the defense blessed by spiritual weapons and the physical skills of the buddhist esoteric arts, he managed to accept this move safely.

Although he looked distressed, he did not receive any substantial damage.After Yi Tian checked, he refocused his eyes on Luo Que in front of him, or Qian Lingzi.Only now did he realize that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi in front of him seemed to be co-existing in one body, but only one of them could control their bodies at a time.

It looked like Qian Lingzi's body, but Luo Que, an unexpected guest, lived there. Probably this was also the main reason why he was trapped here.

He secretly said in his heart that the Qi Asura tribe really had secret magic powers, which could directly escape the monk's Niwan Palace from the body and then live in other people's bodies.However, this secret technique Qianlingzi couldn't be deciphered, so he has been bound for two or three thousand years, but he is also a leader of the human race, and he even thought of hiding himself in the ice to prevent Luo Que's secret technique from running.

If it wasn't for me and He Weiming who came in by mistake, I'm afraid the deadlock between the two of them would continue until one party's spiritual power was exhausted.

At this time, after Yi Tian connected the cause and effect together, his mood became extremely relaxed, and the divination of senior Tianjizi had come true.And the prophecy of the two fighting one person shown on the mural in the passage before is also accurate.

Although he didn't know what the result would be, but it was man-made, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to fight back, he remembered Qingling's eyes and swept towards Qian Lingzi.Although powerful monks like them must have secret methods to prevent others from peeping, but as long as they can find some clues of spiritual power circulation, they can follow the clues to see the clues.

After three breaths, his face was overjoyed, and he found a cloud of gray chaotic power in Qian Lingzi's abdomen, completely occupying his lower dantian.And in the middle of his forehead and brow is a golden light shining, needless to say, it must be the hiding place of Qianlingzi Yuanying in Niwan Palace.

Luo Que occupied the lower dantian and then seized control of the body from the bottom up, while Qian Lingzi couldn't get rid of this unexpected guest. Only when they were in crisis, the two would let go of their bonds and fight against the enemy together.

Yi Tian hastily communicated the situation he discovered with He Weiming through sound transmission, and the latter's eyes lit up after hearing it, which is an opportunity to win, as long as he can take advantage of this, maybe he can really clean up Qian Lingzi.

(End of this chapter)

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