
Chapter 812 Fight 2

Chapter 812

At the bottom of the grotto, Yi Tian and He Weiming looked at each other all the time, then respectively sacrificed their spells and attacked Qian Lingzi's head.

Yi Tian had originally stated that the king's hands had been practiced to the extreme, and he had an epiphany after seeing Luo Que use spells just now.

Then he put away the spiritual weapon in his hand and raised the three-style Ming King's hands in the same way as Luo Que cast the spell just now, and then the figure flashed and flew towards the position where Qian Lingzi was.

After using the different seals on the six palms, a Dao Gang gale was formed around the body, and then it hit Qian Lingzi's body position.

At the same time, He Weiming sacrificed the pitch-black magic fire from his palms to form a one-foot-sized flaming mass offering, ready to go.

After Qian Lingzi regained control of his body, he immediately faced Yi Tian's sudden attack. He didn't know how many times he had dealt with this move before, and after a short glance, he knew that it was powerful.

Under normal circumstances, Qian Lingzi would naturally not take him seriously, but now he couldn't take it lightly.He stretched out his hand and drew two streaks of spiritual light on his chest, forming a Tai Chi pattern, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood in the air to more than double the defense of the Tai Chi pattern.

With a loud "bang", the seals on Yi Tian's six hands gathered together to form a violent wind, aiming at the front of Qian Lingzi and blasting it directly.

A cyan whirlwind emptied the spiritual energy within two feet and turned it into hundreds of fist marks, which instantly hit Qian Lingzi's Taiji diagram defense.

Under the erosion of the storm-like fist strength, only a few crisp sounds were heard, and a crack was split in the middle of the black and white Tai Chi diagram, and then quickly spread out in a cracked shape, and the defense of the entire Tai Chi diagram collapsed directly.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Yi Tian certainly wouldn't give up such an excellent opportunity, relying on the strength of his Asura body technique and Jinyang body technique, he stepped forward and used hand-to-hand combat to block Qian Lingzi's defense Spells chased and fought all the way.

A few muffled sounds were the sound of boxing strength concentrating on the physical body, and Yi Tian also deliberately avoided the position of the lower dantian, staring at the parts above the chest and attacking the head.

After a sudden punch, he rose sharply, and when he realized that the opponent's spiritual power was counteracting, he hurriedly stepped back with the wind blowing under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, a golden sword aura emerged from Qian Lingzi's body to protect him, but his aura was much weaker than before, and he should have suffered real damage.

At least part of his fist strength must have eroded his veins.

After Yi Tian's figure flashed back, Qian Lingzi was about to fight back, when he suddenly saw a magic fireball flying in front of him, which was getting bigger and bigger in his pupils.It was He Weiming who saw the right time to fill in the vacancy, so that Qian Lingzi would not have a chance to breathe.

Faced with such an attack, Qian Lingzi had no choice but to stop the spell in his hand and gather his sword energy again, trying to catch the demonic fire first.

With a sound of "嗖", the golden sword energy coefficient around the body was mobilized, and then it turned into a golden light and directly met the magic flame ball.The two spells were held in the air for a while, and then the sword energy pierced into the magic flame ball, breaking it into pieces and bursting into bunches of fireworks.

Just a few breaths is enough for Yi Tian to re-mobilize his spiritual power to sacrifice spells. Before Qian Lingzi has time to adjust his breath, the light of light flashed on his hands and took out a one-foot-sized mirror.After that, a trace of white true flame was raised from the fingertips, and then the Haotian mirror was raised.

A white ray of light shined through the black magic flame ball scattered in front of him and directly hit Qian Lingzi's forehead.All of a sudden, the movement of spiritual energy in his body became very slow, and he could no longer mobilize the spiritual energy as smoothly as before.

Only Qian Lingzi opened his mouth and scolded: "Ji Xuanyuan's Lihuo Haotian Mirror, how can you, a kid, learn the skills of the three of us, fate is really unfair."

Although he was restrained for a while, Yi Tian knew that this matter was definitely not so easy. Compared with the enemies he faced before, Qian Lingzi was more terrifying. Slowly mobilized, but the efficiency was about [-]% lower than before.

Then hurriedly sent a voice transmission to He Weiming and said: "Fellow Daoist, work harder, I won't last long."

Seeing the opportunity, He Weiming once again combined his palms together to sacrifice the flames of evil spirits. This time, he gathered the real fire in his palms and flew to Qian Lingzi's right three feet away in a flash, then shone the magic fire coefficient in his palms on the top of his head. go.

The pitch-black magic flame easily broke through Qianlingzi's protective shield, and when it was about to fall on his head, his body shook violently. A whirlwind of spiritual pressure swirled from the center of his brows, and then stabbed his entire body. The spiritual power burst into flames, and instantly pushed the protective cover up again.

Then, under the direct light of the Haotian Mirror, he was able to flexibly raise his hands, raise his sword light, control it, and then slash towards He Weiming.

With the sound of "ah", He Weiming was directly knocked away by the sudden blow and fell ten feet away. After he got up with difficulty, he pointed to Qian Lingzi with an inconceivable expression on his face.

Yi Tian only saw that Qianlingzi's aura was weaker than before, and the spiritual power in the bulging blood vessels on his hands seemed to be operating in a strange way.

Surprised, he blurted out: "True Yuan is retrograde, so you can use this method to forcibly mobilize your true Yuan to resist the attack, but if you continue like this, you are afraid that it will be difficult to mobilize the spiritual power on your body to restore it to what it was before."

"You really have good eyesight, kid. You are worthy of being the successor of that old fellow Ji Xuanyuan, but I am the patrol envoy of the upper spirit world. If you want my life, you will have to pay a huge price," Qian Lingzi said. He smiled miserably.

Knowing that this matter is not so easy to solve, Yi Tian glanced at He Weiming and found that he was seriously injured by Qian Lingzi's blow at this time, and he was retreating to the side to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.And if I maintain the divine light of the Haotian mirror, I can't attack effectively. I put my hands together and put away the spiritual weapon, and then take out a five-inch lamp again.

"Zi Xiaozhan, I want to see how much success you have learned from old ghost Ji Xuanyuan," Qian Lingzi's upper body has been dyed red, and the backlash effect of retrograde true energy has begun to appear, but he doesn't care at all , the whole person stared at Yi Tian in front of him with his divine sense.

Needless to say, he must know Lihuo Palace's tricks very well, and he knew that this time it would be difficult to deal with, so even if he was injured, he didn't care so much.

Yi Tian didn't dare to rely on the battle just now, and the spiritual power in his body was consumed a lot. Now that he still has spiritual power, he can perform a move from the fire and three changes. In any case, he has to fight, and this is also his The move that can be used later.

Qian Lingzi didn't look good at this time, and when he saw Yi Tian took back the statue, he thought that the other party was at the end of his rope.But when his eyes turned to the five-inch lamp, his complexion suddenly tightened.

This is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by the Lihuo Sect, even in the upper spirit world, many people know about it.A human inspector like Qian Lingzi would not be ignorant of the power of this Lihuo Palace's unique move.

Although the power of the move in the lower realm is only at the Nascent Soul level, but with Qian Lingzi's current state, it may not be possible to retreat completely.

Immediately, Qian Lingzi first glanced over Yi Tian and then landed on He Weiming's body, the corners of his mouth twitched and he hurriedly stretched out his hands to form the seal.

Although Yi Tian who was on the opposite side didn't know how Qian Lingzi would deal with it, he could only sacrifice the Zixiao lamp on hand at this time and light a strand of Nanming Lihuo in the center of the lamp.

After concentrating the spiritual energy in his body on his hands, Nanming Lihuo immediately became clear and bright.And the scorching temperature of Zixiao Yaoli scorched the space within one foot around Yi Tian like daytime under the scorching sun.In this space, with Zixiaozhan as the center, a fiery distorted space is continuously drawn in and devoured the surrounding aura for its own use.

As the aura vortex continued to grow, Yi Tian completed the spell sacrifice in his hands, and with a glance, he saw that there was no trace of timidity on Qian Lingzi's face, but a sly look in his eyes.

With a shock in his heart, he knew that Qian Ling would definitely not sit still and there must be a countermeasure, but he couldn't perceive what kind of countermeasure it would be for the time being.

Out of the corner of his eye, He Weiming saw a gleam of golden light glowing on his body at this time, which was incompatible with the attributes of his original magic cultivator avatar.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and three drops of cold sweat dripped from his head, but he couldn't help feeling sorry for why Weiming.Although he tried his best and even entrusted the primordial spirit infant to the demon cultivator, how could Qian Lingzi give up this great opportunity.

At this time, Yi Tian regretted agreeing to bring He Weiming along, and now he was very passive.

After thinking about it, he lowered his head and blew lightly on the Nanming Lihuo in the Zixiao lamp, and suddenly a white flame floated from the wick, flashed in the air for a few times, and then appeared directly around Qian Lingzi.

Immediately, he stretched out his finger and touched the real flame and said: "Explosion", and the ten-foot space centered on Qianlingzi became distorted in an instant.The ray of Nanming Lihuo swelled violently in an instant, and after a breath, it turned into a burst of flames and swallowed everything within the range.

When the true flames dissipated, Yi Tian actually saw that Qian Lingzi's body had turned black and stood there motionless in a completely defensive posture.

And the battle armor on his body has been burned to pieces, melted into large pieces and fell down.Suddenly, a golden light flashed from the center of Qian Lingzi's brows, and in the golden light was the body of a fist-sized spiritual infant, and after a flash, it sank into the head of He Weiming's demon cultivator avatar.

Seeing such a situation, how can Yi Tian not know that Qian Lingzi is preparing to seize the house again, and his goal is also very clear. He Weiming has practiced the secret art of Qianlingzong, and Qianling has long been left in his soul The flaws reserved by the son.

So at the moment, He Weiming, whether it is the real body or the clone of the demon cultivator, as long as there is a flaw in his soul and soul, it will not disappear.And in front of Qian Lingzi, it was like an obvious target that could be used anytime and anywhere.

After Qian Lingzi's Nascent Soul entered He Weiming's Demon Cultivator's avatar, he saw an extremely painful expression on his face, his eyes burst open, and he howled crazily: "You old monster is actually in my avatar! Leaving such a loophole in the cultivation method, even if I die, I will never allow myself to be assimilated by you again."

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand with all his strength and took out a poisonous pill, ready to swallow it.But he raised his hand halfway, but he couldn't move it any more. At this time, Qian Lingzi's voice came out of his mouth and said: "You rebel have learned my orthodoxy and dare to commit crimes. You still have some use for reading!" I don't care about you either, after I devour your soul and completely control your innate spirit body, no one here will be my opponent."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face suddenly turned pale with shock, the worst situation has appeared, and now the only way to do it is to act first.In a blink of an eye, the golden light on He Weiming Moxiu's body seemed to have overwhelmed the black true energy, and ate it away step by step.

But even trying to find the exact location of Qian Lingzi's Nascent Soul would not help.While hesitating, He Weiming opened his mouth again and said, "You Daoist Yi, please do the last thing for me, wipe me and Qian Lingzi from this world together, and I will point you to the exact location of his Nascent Soul."

After speaking, the spiritual power in the whole body was mobilized crazily, and then a black devilish energy came out from the dantian and rushed rapidly through the meridians in the body.At the same time, He Weiming's body became transparent several times, and Yi Tian could see a group of black spirit bodies mixing with a group of golden spirit bodies and being gradually swallowed up.

That position was stabilizing at the heart of the spirit body, and as soon as Yi Tian saw the opportunity, he mobilized all the spiritual power in his body to forcibly activate the true flame on the Zixiao lamp again.After three breaths, he teleported to the back of He Weiming's avatar, stretched out his right index finger, passed over the wick in the middle of the lamp, took out a wisp of white flame, and then shot it directly into the back of the heart.

A scream came from He Weiming's mouth, but it was obviously the cry of two people.Qian Lingzi's old wailing voice cried miserably: "It's Lihuo Sanjue's Burning God True Flame. If you continue like this, both of us will be burnt physically and spiritually by this flame, and there will be no chance of rebirth."

And although He Weiming was also howling for a while, there was a hint of joy and relief mixed in his voice, and he said angrily: "I can't get rid of your influence by all means. It's better to die than to be swallowed by you. I'm begging you, Qian Lingzi's clone must be wiped out."

The voices of the words became smaller and smaller, and finally the voices of the two people were gradually covered by the burning sound of the Burning God True Flame.A wisp of white flame from Shaoqing burned He Weiming's avatar completely, leaving only an empty shell of an innate spirit body standing there motionless, his eyes were full of blankness, but the soul in the shell had disappeared.

The mighty Qianlingzi from the upper realm was burned to death by his own burning gods and true flames, and He Weiming, who came with him, was also buried with him.After Yi Tian's eyes swept over, a look of helplessness appeared on his face, but he sighed in his mouth: "You Daoist He has gone well all the way, your last wish will definitely be fulfilled for you with all my strength."

Just as he was talking, he didn't expect another cloud of gray-white chaotic light to fly out of Qian Lingzi's main body.The target of this gray light was floating towards Yi Tian's body, needless to say, it must be Luo Que's remnant soul who wanted to seize Yi Tian's body after exhausting all his strength.

At this time, Yi Tian realized that he was unable to mobilize a sliver of spiritual power to fight against him, and he had already exhausted the spiritual power in his body by performing two consecutive moves of Lihuo and Sanjue just now.The current self is almost no different from a mortal.

(End of this chapter)

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