
Chapter 813

Chapter 813
In the Jedi Cave, Yi Tian and He Weiming worked together to completely eradicate Qian Lingzi after several twists and turns.For this reason, He Weiming took his life and died together with him, while Yi Tian forcibly used Lihuo Sanjue twice to empty out all his physical and spiritual power.

Originally, he thought that this matter would finally come to an end, but he didn't expect that a cloud of gray chaotic spiritual power would fly out of Qian Lingzi's body and fly towards him rapidly.

Luo Que's Nascent Soul loomed in this gray mass of spiritual power, his three-headed and six-armed Asura Dharma Body Nascent Soul, no one would admit it wrong even if they looked at it carefully.

Yi Tian's body was sore at this time, and his spiritual overdraft directly affected his own state. Now even if he wanted to raise his hand, it was very difficult.After trying a little bit, he didn't even have the strength to lift the hand seal, and the spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, so he couldn't mobilize even half of it.

In this way, he could only watch Luo Que's Nascent Soul fly directly above his head, and then circled from the forehead between the brows directly into the Niwan Palace.

With Yi Tian's body shaking, the bottom of the grotto fell into a silent environment again.

At this time, Yi Tian took a look and saw Luo Que's Nascent Soul effortlessly broke through his Niwan Palace and rushed in like a robber.In Niwan Palace, Yi Tian's Nascent Soul's spiritual power flow was almost exhausted, and the whole Nascent Soul showed a sluggish and unhealthy look.

Although the six hands held many spiritual weapons, they were dead objects without any spiritual force and could not function at all.

Luo Que's Nascent Soul stepped into the Niwan Palace and saw Yi Tian sitting cross-legged in the center with a smug smile on his face, and then stretched out his finger and said: "Boy, you have learned the skills of this seat, so you can be regarded as mine in the first place." It's a successor. It's a pity that your luck is not good, if it's not that my body has exhausted its potential after ten thousand years in this world, maybe I might not have to make such a plan to take you away."

"Ten thousand years?" After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned on Yuanying's small face, and glanced at Luo Que in front of him. Much stronger.At a glance, it can be seen that its gaze is stronger than Qian Lingzi's Nascent Soul, so it can be seen that its real strength must be higher than Qian Lingzi's.

A monk in the distracted stage came to take him away, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, it was definitely a good thing, and in such a weak situation, Yi Tian felt completely hopeless at this moment, and unexpectedly, he finally picked one up for Luo Que. off the shelf.

Although he felt that there was no hope at all, he said with a serious expression on his face: "Senior, you are wrong, it has only been 3000 years since you and Qian Lingzi disappeared on Tianlan Continent. , how can there be nearly ten thousand years?"

Luo Que was taken aback when he heard this, and then he said with a sneer: "Boy, don't delay the time with your mouth, I still know how to keep time, I and Qian Lingzi came here more than 1 years ago, if it wasn't for After a long period of time when the physical body has not been nourished by enough spiritual energy, the functions of the body have gradually shrunk, and I will not make such a foolish plan to seize the Qianlingzi first."

"If neither of us is wrong, then the problem lies in this, the passage of time in this space is three to four times that of the outside world," Yi Tian then replied: "My cultivation base is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul It looks like your lifespan is at most a thousand years old, so even if you seized the house, you would not be able to find a way out."

A trace of sneer appeared on Luo Que's face and he said: "You are still racking your brains trying to persuade me not to take it away from you, hey, your calculations are empty, I don't trust anyone in this world, I can only rely on myself , if you have anything to say, let’s talk about it in the next life. Since you have learned my skills, I won’t devour your Nascent Soul, as long as you leave on your own and escape into reincarnation, this is my biggest concession.”

Up to now, Yi Tian has nothing to do, even if it is delayed for a while, it can't be delayed for a lifetime, but now he has nothing to do when people come to the door to ask the dove to occupy the magpie's nest.Then with a wry smile on his face, the Nascent Soul Spirit Body slowly stood up and was about to try to escape from the body.

In any case, since Luo Que didn't intend to devour his own Nascent Soul, it was a blessing in misfortune, so let's figure out what to do next.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the mud ball was born together, the palace shook violently, and the surrounding palace walls were automatically closed, sealing the Nascent Soul of the two people inside.

When Yi Tian saw it, he was shocked and was checking what went wrong. Suddenly, Luo Que's Nascent Soul in the distance showed anger and rushed over angrily, and sternly shouted: "Boy, what the hell are you doing? Do you want to struggle to your death? If that's the case, I won't be too polite."

After speaking, he saw his Nascent Soul spirit body stretch out six hands to form seals in twos, and once again sacrificed the spell of King Ming's hand attack.

Faced with Luo Que's overbearing Yi Tian, ​​there was nothing he could do. To be honest, he wanted to retreat just now, but as soon as Yuan Ying stood up, he realized that there was a change in the Niwan Palace.But after checking for the next four weeks, nothing abnormal was found.

Just as he was thinking, a burst of purple spiritual power suddenly flowed from top to bottom to Yuanying's body, making up for the excessively consumed spiritual power before.Moreover, Yi Tian actually found out that this purple spiritual power was not cultivated by himself, but its source was actually flowing down from the seal on the top of his head.

In this way, with a thought, the Nascent Soul immediately returned to its original position, and the seal on its head calmed down a little.At this time, Yi Tian was also feeling uneasy, wondering whether this seal could successfully keep his counterattack.

Look at the menacing Luo Que, who decided to take a gamble in the face of change. This seal has been hanging above his head, but after Luo Que came in, he didn't notice its existence. It will be a turning point.

And Luo Que saw Yi Tian's Nascent Soul sitting down again with a sneer on his face, without saying a word, he rushed forward and sacrificed the spell in his hand to swallow Yi Tian directly.

Suddenly, when Luo Que was about to fly in front of Yi Tian Yuanying, a ray of purple light fell from the sky and passed directly over his Yuanying spirit body, Luo Que's figure was instantly frozen, and at the same time, a terrified expression appeared on his face.

He raised his head to see the objects in the purple light, and then he kept trembling and shouted: "Feixianyin, it's Feixianyin. How could this thing be in your body? Could it be that you are his real master? That's the guy."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a purple true flame flashing above the seal, surrounding Luo Que's Nascent Soul.A scream came from his mouth.Yi Tian could barely hear a vague howl: "This is Tushi Ziyan, you are indeed the reincarnation of that person."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was alive and refined into a chaotic spiritual power by this Zi Yan, and then Zi Yan absorbed [-]% of the chaotic spiritual power and absorbed it back into the seal.Yi Tian could see that the seal immediately became radiant after being replenished with spiritual power, and four large characters appeared on the seal surface. Upon closer inspection, it was neither the spirit world script nor the magic spirit script, but A text that I have never seen before.

A little later, infinite conjectures arose in his heart, and Luo Que revealed the origin of this purple flame.Originally, I thought this seal was called 'Flying Ascension Order', but who knew there was another name called 'Feixianyin'.

As for the "Doushi Ziyan" is the real fire that comes with this seal, its power is hundreds of times stronger than his own Nanming Lihuo.If one day it can be refined into that kind of true flame, it is estimated that it will be able to dominate the real spirit world.

Returning to God, Yi Tian swept away the remaining [-]% of the gray chaotic spiritual power, just now "Doushi Ziyan" took away [-]% after refining Luo Que's Nascent Soul.Needless to say, the remaining [-]% must be reserved for himself, so it seems that since he used this seal to build a nest in his body, he helped him for the first time.

You must know that this seal used to come out to join in the fun every time I crossed the catastrophe, and it made me suffer inhuman treatment several times when I crossed the catastrophe.

I have helped it bear so many crimes, this time it can be regarded as asking for some interest. Thinking of this, Yi Tian is not polite and directly points to the cloud of chaotic spiritual power to control it and slowly suck it into his mouth.After the cold chaotic spiritual power entered, it turned into nectar and directly replenished the overdrawn spiritual power.

After a while, these spiritual powers were circulated for a few weeks, and gradually refined and used for his own use. Yi Tian then found that his Nascent Soul Spirit Body could not completely digest this [-]% spiritual power.

In other words, one tenth of Luo Que's Nascent Soul's spiritual power could explode his own Nascent Soul.There was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead at the moment, and if he went on like this, he would die because he couldn't control his spiritual power and exploded.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and tried hard to suppress the violent chaotic spiritual power in his body, but at the same time quickly refined him into the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and quickly poured it into Zhou Tian to run.

For a while in the Niwan Palace, Yi Tian's Nascent Soul seemed to swell up and become a plump figure, but outside, the whole figure appeared unusually burly, with soaring muscles and protruding meridians on the arms. The inner spiritual power flows rapidly.

This painful feeling is worse than washing the marrow. After a few hours of the entire refining process, the violent chaotic spiritual power in the body was finally refined by the coefficient.

At the same time, it was also the first time that Yi Tian felt overworked and fell asleep directly after closing his eyes.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian's body to feel a little bit. He stretched out his hand to prop himself up gently and found that there was no one else around except himself.Recalling the previous experience, Qian Lingzi and He Weiming died together, and Luo Que was directly refined by the seal's Ziyan after he gave up himself.

After a while, Yi Tian checked his body and was surprised to find that his cultivation had already stepped into the late stage of Nascent Soul.Unexpectedly, absorbing and refining one-tenth of Luo Que Yuanying's spiritual power would have such an effect. If I get another one, I'm afraid it will be able to raise my cultivation level to the peak in the later stage.

However, I still remember the refining process just now, and the pain is definitely not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.Moreover, Yi Tian didn't know whether his body could hold it even if he came to a portion of this spiritual power. It would be better to die than explode.

Moreover, under the nourishment of the chaotic spiritual power, the hidden diseases that forcibly overdrawed the spiritual power before were also eliminated.

Stretching out his hand and quickly forming seals on his chest, he used the Asura Transformation technique again, and Yi Tian found that this time, there seemed to be a slight change in the body image.

The three-headed and six-armed form interacted with each other to perform spells more smoothly than before, but he didn't know whether it was because of his improvement in cultivation or absorbed the influence of Luo Que's chaotic spiritual power.

After putting away the Dharma Body Statue, his spiritual thoughts swept around. He Weiming's belongings fell all over the place after his death. His storage ring and animal control bag fell on the ground, so they were preserved intact.

Yi Tianyi reached out to pick up the two things, erased the marks respectively, and then stretched his spiritual sense in to check.The storage ring contained a large amount of supplies and elixirs.These things are useful to me now, especially the recovery pills.He took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, chewed them, and then swallowed them into his stomach. After three breaths, the spiritual power that melted and flowed out from the pills was absorbed by Yi Tianyun Gong again.

An hour later, the spiritual power in his body consciously recovered seven or eighty-eight, so Yi Tian searched He Weiming's storage ring again and found that the spirit purification bottle was also placed in it.

This thing was originally exchanged with He Weiming for the Zixiao lamp of his own family. To be honest, I didn’t know the usefulness of this treasure before. When I really learned about it, I didn’t have the thing in my hand. Looking at it, I felt itchy and wanted to use it for a long time. It's been a while.

This kind of auxiliary spirit treasure is hard to come by, as long as it is used properly, it is more effective than offensive spirit treasure.

After erasing the mark on the Jingling bottle, he put his unique mark on it again, and then took it back to the hands of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace. Only by putting this thing in the hands of his own Nascent Soul can he be completely at ease.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian opened the beast-controlling sac, stretched his divine sense into it, and found that the treasure-hunting mouse had been awakened by himself.At this moment, the little thing opened his eyes and looked at him in panic.

After quickly looking up the characteristics of the treasure hunting mouse in his mind, he discovered that this little thing is naturally timid and afraid of light, likes to live in the dark, and has an innate sensitivity to innate treasures and crises.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and released the treasure-hunting mouse with a shake, and then held it in his palm to observe carefully, and saw that this little thing seemed to be very afraid of him.

The original owner, He Weiming, was dead, and the blood contract on the treasure hunting mouse was automatically released.Now this treasure hunting mouse can be regarded as a free body, if he hadn't already signed two soul pets, he really wouldn't let it go.

After thinking about it, he said comfortingly: "Your master is dead, and I can no longer sign a blood contract with you. After I get out, I will let you go back to the Soul Eater Mouse King freely."

The little thing seemed to understand Yi Tian's words, and then nodded frequently.Suddenly, the treasure hunter saw the portrait on the huge stone wall in front of him, and his whole body became restless, and his mouth kept screaming, as if he felt some crisis.

Yi Tian was taken aback after sweeping his eyes, but in view of the previous experience of the treasure hunting mouse leading the way, he immediately re-examined the mural in front of him, and secretly said in his heart: "There are weird things here, so you have to be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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